Status: So sorry to not be updating!!! I'm away for a week, but I'll try to get some up when I get back!


Black Out

The car slowed to a stop and a boy stepped out. I glanced around, looking somewhat blindly around for alternate escapes. I either couldn’t see them, or they weren’t there.

Black splotches obscured my vision. I only had a few moments to go before I knocked out cold. I blinked my eyes hard, trying to get a focus on the boy. He was running toward me, his arm held out. That’s when I noticed I was swaying extremely noticeably.

And then I was on the ground. Where did the ground come from? The boy was holding me up gently his back to the building, begging me to stay awake, but I was so tired!

My eyes fluttered, catching glimpses of the boy’s ice blue eyes staring into mine. They faded slowly darker and darker. Hmm, that’s weird, I thought distantly.


“She’s waking up!” A voice exclaimed, interrupting my blissfully dreamless sleep. I groaned, and upon trying to roll over, found my left leg in a one of those leg slings, like in hospitals.

My eyes snapped open, and regretted it immediately. My eyes were blinded by the lightness of the room. I squinted painfully, my right eyebrow stinging. I saw a makeshift leg sling, and tried to pull my leg out of it.

“Whoa whoa whoa, don’t move your leg,” a voice said from my right. I turned my head toward it, and saw a familiar looking boy in ragged jeans and a white t-shirt that stretched tightly over some really attractive biceps and black hair.

I stared, trying to figure out where I’d seen him. Attractive overall, normal clothing, ice blue eyes. His eyes!!! The last few times I was conscious rushed back to mind.

“You— you were there,” I whispered like an idiot from Kansas. “You ran from your car and caught me.” He smiled and nodded. “What—happened?”
♠ ♠ ♠
Comments please :D