Long Shot

For x-believer-x! :)

“So... tell me why you’re doing this again?” My friend, Kimberly, asked me. I raised an eyebrow at her, then I continued to rifle through my closet, trying to find something I haven’t worn too much and that would be suitable for my audition.

“What do you mean by ‘this’?” I asked her, even using the air quotes.

This,” she stated again, gesturing at what I was doing. When I still didn’t get what she meant, she finally said, “The audition. Like, what are the odds you’ll actually make it anyhow?”

“Way to be supportive, Kim,” I said, rolling my eyes. “And hm... I’d have to say the odds are one in a million, or zero to none. But why not do the audition? This is my only chance, Kim, and you know that.”

The audition that we were currently talking about was to be an opening act on the Jonas Brothers’ new tour. This year, they decided to give the chance to someone who wasn’t that famous in order to give them a chance at a record deal. At the rate I was going right now, I needed it. I was living on my own right now, living with Kimberly in her apartment since I dropped out of college. I dropped out because I couldn’t decide what I actually wanted to major in. I’ve kind of always wanted to be a singer, so I decided to pursue that instead. Ergo, my current living situation. Kimberly offered to help me find another major, but when I disagreed, she took me in for the time being to help me find another job. She thought it was next to impossible for an average girl like me to obtain a record deal, and that’s why she was being such a Negative Nelly about this.

“Why can’t you be at least a little supportive?” I asked her, when she didn’t say anything. “Please Kim, you’re the only one that I have right now. My parents have made it clear they don’t want to be involved ever since I told them the idea of dropping out of college. Please... I would appreciate any support you give me.”

“Alright, fine,” she said agreeing, before giving me a small smile. “I didn’t think about it Zoe, I’m sorry. Here, let me help you find something to wear.”

I smiled as she got up off the bed where she was sitting to help me find something.


When we got to the building where they held the audition, there were a lot of people. Some were bands, while others were solo like me. I wasn’t surprised that all of these people were here. There were many people who were just wishing to be discovered like I was.

Turned out, the auditions went in alphabetical order; using your first name or first word in the name of your band.

“Well, it looks like we’re going to be here a while,” Kim said, while going to the only open space along the one wall to sit down.

Great, I thought as I sat down next to her. Why in the heck did they go by first name, and not last?

Because now, seeing as my first name started with a Z, I would be one of the last people to audition.


Correction: I was the last person to audition. We ended up waiting three hours. After that amount of time, they finally called my name. And when I walked into the audition room, the Jonas Brothers and their band looked just about fed up or ready to pass out; tired of having to watch so many auditions. As soon as I was standing in front of them, the middle one, Joe, spoke first.

“So, Zoe...” he trailed off, having a bored tone of voice seeing as I was probably the hundredth person he has talked to today. “Why do you feel we should pick you as our opening act?”

“I would tell you because I need this to launch off my career, but that’s probably what the majority of everyone else who auditioned said,” I stated honestly, causing them to either raise an eyebrow at me or look at me questioningly. The only one who didn’t was Nick; he just looked at me thoughtfully. “It’s true, I guess. But the thing is, I haven’t always pictured being a singer. I was originally supposed to go to college, graduate, get a well paying job, and then eventually live the American Dream, basically. As you can see, though, that obviously didn’t happen, since I’m standing before you right now. So, right now, my life is suffering unpredictability. This, going on tour with you guys and being an opening act, is a long shot. But I figured, why not try? My life couldn’t be any worse if I didn’t make it. But I know if I just ignored this opportunity and said forget it, I would eventually, if not right away, regret it. The likely chance is that I won’t make it, but if I don’t take the chance of trying at all, there won’t be any chance. This is the best thing I have going for me right now, but even if I don’t make it, it’s not the end of the world for me.”

Once I finished my answer, Joe then told me, with a look of approval, to begin. I sang an original song, seeing as the beginning of getting a recording deal for me would be to sing my own stuff. If I happen to make it, I want to be able to sing songs that I wrote, and not just do covers.

Once I was done, it was silent. I knew they wouldn’t clap, seeing as that would give me hope that I would be the one they picked, and they didn’t want to do that in case I wasn’t the one.

Once I thought that, a moment after they were discussing something, they proved me wrong and started applauding. I smiled, and thanked them.

“Zoe,” Nick said, speaking for the first time, “what do you think about coming on tour with us?” I gasped, not believing what he just said.

“Really?” I asked, and when he nodded, I grinned, and agreed to the offer. Even though he said it wasn’t exactly confirmed yet, I couldn’t help but to be ecstatic. I also couldn’t help but to walk over and thank each one with a hug. Nick’s, I couldn’t help but notice, being the longest.

I went to open the door, and when I did, Kim was outside of it, practically falling on me since she was leaning against it, which meant she was listening in. She gained her balance, though, and then turned to look at all of them.

“You won’t regret this, I swear,” she said to them, being 100% supportive now, while hugging me. “She’s amazing, and won’t let you down-”

“Yeah, yeah. Let’s go,” I said, interrupting her as everyone laughed.

We then made our way back to the apartment, neither of us believing that I made it.


As we finished up the show that marked the middle of the tour, I still couldn’t believe I was picked to be the opening act.

Of course, I brought Kim along with me, who over the course of the tour became close with Joe. Who knew that would happen? And I became close with Nick.

After the show, when we were walking back to the tour buses, he asked me if I wanted to go on a date sometime.

“Hm... I don’t know,” I said, kind of lying to him, when I knew my answer was yes. Or at least, I think it was, judging by my heart beating erratically. “Isn’t it kind of a long shot? I mean, have you seen the likelihood of stars staying together these days?”

“Since when do you not take risks?” he asked sarcastically, smiling. I shrugged, seeing his point. “Think of it this way: the chances may not be too high that we’ll last, but if we don’t go for it, there won’t be any chance at all. I don’t know about you, but if we don’t, I’ll regret it.”

“What are you, quoting me now?” I asked jokingly, seeing as he was pretty much rewording the answer I gave that got me here in the first place. He laughed. “You know what? Since you put it that way, I changed my mind. I’ll take this long shot and yes, I’ll go out with you Nick.” I then bravely grabbed his hand and twined our fingers together. At first I thought he was going to let go, but then he smiled and squeezed my hand in return. He also gave me a kiss on the cheek.

Whether this was intentional or not, I don’t think either of us saw it coming, or at least I didn’t.

But oh well. He had no idea what he would have to deal with, but he took the chance. I didn’t think I knew either.

One thing we can both agree on?

That we never saw me coming to this point.

My heart beat beats me senselessly,
Why’s everything got to be so intense with me?
I’m trying to handle all this unpredictability,
In all probability,
It’s a long shot, but I say why not?
If I say forget it, I know that I’ll regret it,
It’s a long shot, just to beat these odds,
The chance is we won’t make it,
But I know if I don’t take it, there’s no chance,
‘Cause you’re the best I got,
So take a long shot...
Oh I waited for fact to come of fiction,
And you fit my description,
I never saw you coming,
But we’ll make it,
It’s a long shot, but I say why not?
If I say forget it, I know that I’ll regret it,
It’s a long shot, just to beat these odds,
The chance is we won’t make it,
But I know if I don’t take it, there’s no chance,
‘Cause you’re the best I got,
So take a long shot...
There’s no chance, there’s no chance,
‘Cause you’re the best I got,
It’s a long shot but I say why not?
If I say forget it, I know that I’ll regret it,
It’s a long shot, just to beat these odds,
The chance is we won’t make it,
But I know if I don’t take it,
It’s a long shot but I say why not?
Oh, you never saw me coming...
♠ ♠ ♠
Song: 'Long Shot' by Kelly Clarkson, from her 'All I Ever Wanted' Album. Word count: 1748 words... I think that's all I need to include. :) I hope you enjoyed it x-believer-x! :) Let me know what you think! :)