Sunshine Of Your Love

Chapter 018.

"Yeah. We'll both go." He said, not sure why he wanted this woman, whom he didn't know, riding with along with him.

They got into the ambulance and sat on either side of Janis' stretcher. The ambulance then jolted into motion and sped off into the night. "So...why did you want to come along? None of this has to do with you..." Alice asked, looking at her quizically. Her eyes wandered from Janis' body to his own eyes. Alice noticed that one of her eyes, the left one, moved slower and awkwardly, though he made none of it. "Well...she did black out in My club and I sort of figured you could use some company..." She said, smiling weakly. "Um...thank you. I'm A-" He started, but was interrupted by the girl. "I know who you are. You're Alice Cooper, of course." She said. "I'm Lavern, nice to finally meet you...even if the timing isn't the best..." They chatted quietly the rest of the way towards the hospital.

When the ambulance finally came to a halt in front of the busy hospital, the medics opened the two large back doors and rished Janis to the emergency room. Alice and Lavern quietly made their way into the over-crowded waiting room. They sat on lumpy chairs and waited for news about Janis. The waiting room was small and the smell of antiseptics, cleaning products and body odor lingered nautiously in the air. Babies wailed, children complained, some people moaned and weeped and others spoke to each other, the noise was irritating Alice, who sat silently, with his hands clasped firmly together; his eyes surveying the clock on the wall. After an hour or so of waiting, a man wearing aqua-green scrubs and a doctor's overcoat walked in, with a clipboard in one hand, walked in. He looked around the room quizically and called out. "Those who are here for Mrs. Janis Stalin, please follow me."