Status: New and Active


Without Another Thought

My shaking fingers first went to the buttons on my blouse, undoing each one in turn slowly; my eyes never leaving his face. Somewhere in the back of my mind, I wondered why he still wore those sunglasses, but I unconsciously pushed that thought away.

The buttons undone, I slipped my blouse off my shoulders and let it drop to the floor, doing the same with my bra. My hands moved slowly downward and made quick work of the zipper on the back of my skirt, allowing it to pool on the floor, alongside its discarded brethren.

I stood in my bathroom, frozen, out of actual cold, or plain old fear, I didn't really know, allowing myself to get naked in front of a strange man who knew far too much about me for comfort, and yet, I couldn't bring myself to care at that very moment.

"Your underwear too." he snapped, and I did as I was told.

His ice cold hands went to my hips again, grabbing them tightly and pulling me to him. He inhaled deeply once more, and I could hear a low growl building in his chest.

"Perfect. Absolutely marvelous." he cooed in my ear, sending another wave of shivers down my spine. "Exactly what I pictured, Faith."

He wrapped one hand around the back of my neck while the other splayed out across my lower back, and trailed upwards, following the path of my shivers.

"Turn around," he ordered, and forcefully turned my body towards the sink, pushing me into it and causing me to cry out.

"Spread your legs."

I paused and looked up at him in the mirror, still unable to find my voice. Before I knew what had happened, I heard a loud slap and my inner thigh burned painfully.

"I said spread your legs. I don't like repeating myself." I winced and did as he said. I briefly wondered why I was allowing this to happen. Some part of me knew this was wrong, knew I should call out for help, or fight back, or run. Part of me knew this man was dangerous. But soon, that part of me was long gone.

My ears vaguely registered the sound of a zipper, but all coherent thought was lost as his lips met my back. I was forced forward into the sink again as he thrust violently into me, causing me to call out.

His free hand snaked up my naked back, leaving gooseflesh in its wake, and wound into my hair, pulling hard and snapping my head up, forcing me to watch his face in the mirror as he assaulted my body, pounding into me harder and harder with each thrust.

He leaned his head down into my neck as he finished, gently whispering into my ear, "That's right Faith, come for me. For me Faith. For me only."

As he lifted his head back up, his sunglasses tumbled from his eyes and it became very apparent why he felt the need to wear them. I looked into the mirror and came face to face with a pair of vicious, evil blood red eyes. My own brown eyes gaped at him in horror, and all other thoughts long forgotten, I found my voice and let forth a scream so loud, I thought I saw the mirror shake. Before I had even expelled all the air in my lungs, he clamped a hand tight around my mouth and sneered at me in the mirror. My horrified face only managed to egg him on further, it seemed, as he locked my eyes with his and began his assault anew, slamming into me with renewed force.

Tears streamed down my face from the confusion wracking my body and mind. I was terrified. I feared for my life. I knew there was something wrong with this man. He wasn't human, couldn't be. A human could not have eyes that color. But the sensations that flooded my entire being, from his touch, his smell, his voice, turned me into writhing, moaning putty in his icy hands. My mind screamed at me. Telling me he would surely kill me. I would not survive the night.

I finally closed my eyes and gave into the lust until at last, he growled once, low and feral, and let go inside me.

He pulled out, releasing me from his grasp and my knees wobbled. Feet giving out from under me, I tumbled to the cold tiled floor.

My body flushed and freezing at the same time, I clung to the floor as if I would suddenly fall off it. Away from it. Just fall. I seemed to be falling. I heard sounds in the distance, but surely they couldn't be as far away as they sounded. I was still in my bathroom. Wasn't I? The noises came to me in a muffled haze. A zipper. A cupboard door squeaking open, closing shut. Feet shuffling. Then I was wrapped in fluffy warmth and really was falling. No, not falling. Flying. Flying? I opened my eyes just enough to see through my long lashes and realized I was neither falling nor flying. Johnathan had lifted me into his arms.

He carried me to my bedroom and laid me, naked and spent, on my bed. I clung to his neck, briefly, not wanting to let the monster go while he was still near me. He chuckled and released himself from my grasp, covering my naked frame in the large, goose-down comforter splayed across my bed.

"Sleep now, Faith," he whispered in my ear, cold fingers tracing my jaw line. "Fear not, my queen, we shall meet again soon." I couldn't decide whether to take that as a threat or a promise, and at that moment, I didn't want to.

I was asleep without another thought.
♠ ♠ ♠
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Anywho, I'm off to change the story rating lol