Status: New and Active


Don't Run

I couldn't move. Couldn't breath. Couldn't think. I was frozen. His voice floated to me from further back in the alley, and I begged my body to move, but it wouldn't.

In a moment, I felt his breath on my neck, and my body kicked into action.

"Don't run." His voice surrounded me.

But I ran.

I ran as fast as I could. But where to go? Can't go home. He had keys.

I ran in the direction I had come, back towards the middle of town. Maybe if I could find someone, anyone. But the streets were deserted. I found myself in the midst of a ghost town.

But still I ran.

I could hear him behind me. Laughing. Always laughing. And the wind laughed with him. FaithFaithFaith, they chanted together.

And still I ran.

I moved to the right, to run down a main street, but then he was there, smiling, laughing. So I ran left. Past tall buildings and apartment complexes where there was no one. Past parks and fields and a highschool. And still no one existed. Had he killed them all? I wouldn't have doubted it.

Each time I wanted to turn one way, he would be there, forcing me to turn another, until I found myself running into the open garage doors of a warehouse.

More dark. Always dark. I ran until I hit a wall. I couldn't see anything. I blinked my eyes to ensure I had not involuntarily closed them. I hadn't.

Faint light poured in from the street, but it was centered around the doors, and I was far, far from them. And then they closed. And there was no more light. Only dark.

"Faaaiiittthhhhh," He sing-songed from the other side of the warehouse. "I've missed you, my love. I do hope you liked my gifts." More laughter.

"What do you want?" I screamed at him.

A light flickered on in the middle of the room, and I was finally able to see him in all his unholy splendor.

"Why you, of course. I thought that was obvious."

"But why?" I cried.

"Because we're meant to be together, Faith. Don't you see that yet?"

I scanned the room before me. Looking for something, anything I could use as a weapon. My hands groped the wall. I bent to my knees and felt along the floor.

"What are you doing, Faith? You wouldn't be looking for something to hurt me with, would you?"

"Pleaseā€¦" I begged.

"Please what, Faith. Please what?" He growled and took a few steps towards me.

"Please. Just leave me alone."

"Oh, but I can't. Don't you see that? I can't leave you alone."

"W-why not?"

"Because I love you. How could I leave the woman I love alone? Tell me that."

I fell silent and continued searching with my hands, my eyes never leaving his. I noticed he no longer wore his sunglasses. I guess he didn't need them anymore. I'd already seen his eyes.

'God, if you're listening, please, please help me,' I pleaded in my mind. And then I found it. Found something. My hands curled around the cool handle of a bright red canister of gasoline. I stood on shaky legs and brought myself up to full height, clinging for dear life to canister in my hand.

"And what do you plan to do with that?" he laughed throatily.

I clamped my free hand over the cap and twisted with every ounce of strength I had. It came loose and toppled to the floor.

He stepped closer. I gripped tighter.

He took another step, and I grabbed the container with both hands.

After two more steps, I lifted it to my chest.

One more, and he was within mere feet of me. I closed my eyes, prayed silently and splashed him with liquid. I hit my mark, and he was saturated in gas, spluttering angrily as it dripped down his hair, into his eyes and mouth. I took the opportunity to run again, past him and towards the doors.

So close, ten more feet. Five more. One more.

I reached my hand out to grab the handle, but was thrown to the ground, smashing my head against the concrete.

He rolled me over and glared into my eyes.

"That wasn't a smart move, Faith. You've made me angry. It's never good to make me angry."

He pinned my arms to my side and straddled me, nuzzling his nose in my hair and inhaling a deep, shuddering breath.

"I bet you taste even better than you smell." He purred and before I knew what was happening, he lifted a hand, brushed my hair from my neck, and sunk his teeth into the warm flesh of my throat.

I screamed out in shock, terror, pain, and flailed underneath him. I felt my blood pooling behind my shoulder and a fire burning in my throat. I struggled to push him away, but he overpowered me, his weight on my chest keeping me pinned as he lapped at the coppery life that seeped out of me.

I could almost feel my heart begin to slow as my breathing became ragged. With the ounce of strength I had left, I wriggled my hand into my coat pocket and fumbled with the small, pink lighter that was always there. Prying my hand from my pocket, I felt my eyes starting to slip closed as I flicked my finger against the thumb wheel.

In that moment, everything happened so fast. The lighter ignited close to Johnathan's jacket, dousing him in searing hot flames that quickly spread to his entire body. He leapt up and away from me, running around the warehouse in a vain attempt to quench the flames, as I too felt my body burning. Burning from the inside out. I closed my eyes and let the pain overcome me, until there was nothing but darkness.
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Should I bother asking for comments anymore? :\

Chapter four of Mine is now up.