Crimson Darkness

Dylan Crescent

He spilled out more blood from his mouth. He couldn't take it anymore, but the person embracing him made him still stay in this world... this Godforsaken world.

"Please, son... Le-let me go now... I-I cant t-take..." was all he could say. To think that he still has the energy left in him. Actually, he's already cheating death... just for his son's sake. The family loved ones were crying out to let him go and rest, but his only son couldn't agree to that ludicrous idea.

"No, father! I won't let you. We could still save you. There are lots of hospitals around here and--"

"No! Where will you find the money for their fee? A-and be-besides..."

"Damn those people, Dad! I'll be fine. We could always use the money for my school! We could al--"

"D-don't even...b-bother stopping classes..." Cough. "I don't want you to do that..." And followed by drips of blood.

"Bloody hell... I don't want you to go! You're all that I have left... And...And.." The young teen couldn't hold back and was crying the hell out of himself. "I don't care if I have to stop school, father." Was his answer.

"My son, I... have done many things in my life and have been happy. You, on the other hand, have just started. I-I can't take it seeing you desperately trying to have money for my surgeries, and...," He whispered, "Just.. live a happy life. I would want that. That's the.. only... thing le-left for me to say." His hand was on the fluid-filled floor. He drew his last suffering breath and gave the faintest smile.

"I will be by your side, my...s-son."

"Dad... Dad!!"

"" And all was done for the father.

"Dad! Nooo!!" The teenage boy shouted,screamed, and hell couldn't even tie with this chaos.

"And here lies dearly beloved, Jack Crescent, finally resting in peace. He lived a happy, fulfilled life. We will always remember the days that...that we s-shared and e-enjoyed. Y-you'll be in our hearts..f-for..forever." Young Dylan Crescent cried painfully after his speech. he ran out of the flower-filled corridors which made him feel dizzy. He rushed out of the silent church and into the pouring rain. Dylan loved the rain. Not now, the handsome boy thought to himself, Why do I always have to be the one to suffer and not anyone else? The people I hold dear are slowly fading away in a flash. Why me? Why my dad?

" Fuck. them. ALL." The auburn-haired teen cursed, not as loud as a whisper. He walked mourningly for shade. He sat down and frustratedly hit his head on the broad tree over him. "Stupid sorry-asses. Fuck. how am I going to live now?" The young boy cried even more. "I don't want to go to fucking school. It's no u--" Damn. How could I forget? My dad just fuckin' died. So much pressure was in him, he wanted to cut himself with a knife.

Tomorrow's school time is when? Psh. I don't care anyway. Dylan thought as he plopped out of his bed. "Another crappy day in this house." Dylan exclaimed.

He now lives with his aunt and cousin, nothings wrong with the relatives anyway. He just doesn't feel comfortable albeit he said he appreciates the hospitality. Dylan Crescent never spoke a word at home (or so-called his "new home") only when it's not a yes-or-no question, which he only nods. Wonderful relatives the lad has. The relatives understand him anyWay.

He went out of his room and got down so quietly, not one of the unbusy relatives notice him sitting down at the end of the fluffy couch.

"Mother, why is Dylan so cold? I mean, he acts like an emotionless soul!" Exclaimed the teenage young girl with honey locks, whose practically hysterical about her cousin. In fact, she was too hysterical about it, she began fumbling and fiddling with anything she sees.

"Don't talk such things, Katie. I know you may think he's odd and rude, but don't you see his eyes? Can you feel what Dylan's emotion is?" Asked the loving mother.

''Mom, how am I supposed to look at his eyes? He only either closes it or covers it with his messy hair! ---"


"--- What? It's true!---"


"I may never have the chance to see his face! I may not even hear his voice! I ---"

" Ka-the-rine. "


Finally. The mother sighed. " If you do ever see him, his eyes..."

"What about his closed eyes?"

"Alright, Alright!" She exclaimed, waving her hands high. "Is listening now."

"His eyes are hurt."

"HIS EYES HAVE FEELINGS??!" She gasped, practically opening her mouth, forming an 'O' shape.

"Katherine, that's enough philosophy for you." the mother scolded.
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There! My first story's first chapter. Hope you like it. :]