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Amongst the Waves

Caving In

The first thing I felt was the heat. It spread through my body, and it was becoming apart of me. Then, I began to suffocate. I was losing breath. Tears sprung to my eyes as I clung to my throat.

This can't be happening. I thought.

I can't be dying.

I ran, looking for any way to escape; these flames would not claim me. They licked at the soles of my feet in hues of bright oranges and deep reds. They were slowly devouring the house and me allow with it.

I remember falling through the stairwell as it crumbled beneath me. I remember beams falling. I remember darkness.

Then, I opened my eyes. The most vivid image however was that of my home, consumed by the vicious, unforgiving fire. It burned so brightly and roared as it took my house down.

And me with it..

I woke up in a pool of sweat; the dreams had come back to haunt me again. I often wondered why I would always burn alive in that dream. It was a curiosity that would never be discovered. We all survived the fire, and my family and I moved on. After the fire, we lived the lives of nomads. We had no home. We would never be the same.

I took a deep breath. I wouldn't think of that now.

I turned over, meeting a pair of concerned eyes. "Ez, you okay?"



"Get out of my bed."

He stuck out his bottom lip. "But, I don't wanna..."

I groaned. It was already bad enough I had slept with him. "Please...."

"Alright, alright, I'm up." He rolled out of the bed and grabbed his boxers off of the lampshade. Gosh, this was so stupid and fucked up.

I got up and wrapped the blankets around me. I was pushing him towards the door as soon as he got his jeans on.

"Hey, wait a minute." His voice cooed. He gently cupped my face in his palms, and kissed along my chin and my neck. For a moment, I'd forgotten why I was upset.Then, he brushed my hair back and kissed my shoulder. "Can I see you tomorrow? Tonight?"

Just like that, the spell was broken. I sighed and tore away from him. "I don't know, okay. I'll call you."

"Okay. Oh! Wait! My number. Here." He grabbed a pen from my island and wrote it down in a nearly ineligible scrawl. Then, he kissed my cheek and ran out the door, slamming it behind him. I watched over to the couch and plopped down. The couch sunk below me; I've never used it so much. I was drained. Sanchez hopped onto my lap.

"Hey, there boy....mama's life has turned to shit." His head cocked to the side in confusion. I was lucky I had enough to feed him everyday. I need to get a job to get away from all this crap. I need to be productive. I can do anything if I try my best. Yeah right; even I didn't believe that crap.

My phone began to vibrate on the island. I jumped up and got it, checking the caller ID. I hit 'accept'.

"Hey, mom, I'm feeling kinda of nauseous right now, can you-"

"Stuart, honey, how far away are you from the Stop & Shop?"

"What do you mean, mom?"

"Well, I was going to suprise you, but, I got a little lost along the way."

My heart skipped a beat. "What?"

"You know, don't worry about it, Stu, I'll just ask someone. Love ya, kid."

All I was left with was the sound of a dial tone, which at that moment, crypticly reminded me of a patient flatlining.

I wish I had seen a sign sooner. I could've brought a bucket list. I was going to die tonight.
♠ ♠ ♠
Sanchez(If your interested.)

Kind of a short chapter, but exciting no? What the hell is going to happen to Stuart now? =o
Thank to those who commented on the last chapter, I really appreciated it.
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