When in Love, Forced to Part

Aiden Webbs

Consistent beeping. Beeping was all that I heard. My head was on fire and I wanted the beeping to go away. I finally groaned and opened my eyes. White was all around. I began to panic, thinking I was still out near the ditch. I pushed myself up, and looked around. No, I was not on the road but our county hospital. I attempted to suppress a groan and rubbed my head.

I hated hospitals. Death always lurked there, stealing into women, children, and old peoples hearts as easy as a movement of your hand. Misery was all that came from this place. This place spelled death in front of me, and I wanted out.

I rubbed my head, and looked at my left thigh. I pulled the hospital gown up carefully to reveal stitches. I would gander that they were a day old. A whole day I spent in this hospital. I have been in here to long. My dad will surely kill me for this. I looked around quickly for the sign of his fatass body, but in relief there was only another bed across from me, with an old wrinkly women in it. She was giving me a small smile, and a curious glance.

"Er...hey there..." I said giving a small wave, causing me to look at some tubes in my hand. I frowned, thinking of how they got in. I moved to rip them out and the old lady stopped me.

"I wouldn't do that if I was you," she said chuckling.

"Why?" I asked removing my hand quickly; afraid I was caught being naughty and would be sentenced to stay here longer.

"Because then you won't be able to visit that friend of yours. The nicer you act the more lenience they give you, young man." She sat up with a little difficulty, and I frowned. I could imagine death's claw like frozen hands trying to grab her already. I closed my eyes for a moment and reopened them to her smiling face.

"Oh, thank you. My friend you say, was she around my age, dark hair?" I asked quickly, worried for her well being then my own.

"Your girlfriend? Yes, she is in another room, I heard she was fine. However, you two gave them quite a scare. You were said to have quite a lot of blood loss, and her ankle was broken." I sighed knowing she was safe. She thought Chrissy was my girlfriend. No, Chrissy would never be more then a best friend. She was like my sister. I just smiled though, and prepared to get up.

"Ahh, Mr.Webbs how are you? Finally awake I see," A nurse came in giving the smile she always had to. I angrily lie back down, and let her check my stitches. "It looks as if your stitches are healing quite nicely. Would you like any food brought here?

"Er, no thanks. I'd like to visit the patient who came in with me, though," I said nicely, giving her a shy smile.

"Well the doctors said you should eat first and rest more. You’re being discharged tomorrow morning anyways." She was about to leave and I felt my temper flare up.

"I'd like to fucking see her now. If he wants me to fucking eat I will eat with her then come back and rest. I think I have rested enough already anyways. I feel fine, and I want to fucking go to her right fucking now.... please," I said adding the last piece. The old lady began to chuckle, which surprised me. The nurse gave me a cold-hearted glance, and walked out.

Another nurse came in holding back laughter as she got me ready to go. I had to go in a wheel chair though I resisted. The old lady gave me a wave then turned on the television. I decided I liked the old lady and hoped Chrissy's roommate was equally as old and nice. The hallways were crowded, loud, and depressing. They were so white and formal too. I could never work in a place like this. Then I remembered my guitar.

Maybe I would have to do this. Music probably was not another option. My guitar is gone, and I do not have enough time to buy a new one. The appointment Chrissy made is a life-changing event. Now it is ruined.

We made it to her room, and I quickly put that thought away, wanting to give her all smiles. The nurse opened the door and rolled me next to her bed. Chrissy was awake and smiled one of those I could never resist.

"Aiden, your alright. I am so sorry for everything. You called through. I am so happy-"

"Shush yourself. Your all good right?" I asked cutting her off. Her eyes brightened and she nodded. I looked over to see her roommate, but they were not there. Oh well. "Did your family visit?"

"Yeah, and my stupid brother is coming back again later on. He wants to see you too, so be prepared."

"Baha, oh he loves you a lot. I have no idea if my dad has come. Hopefully he doesn't." I began to look depressed, and Chrissy became nervous.

"Hungry?" She asked, pushing the nurse call button. I could tell she liked having power to tell people what she wanted. Me, I could care less.

"Sure. You know I cussed out the nurse to get here because she wanted me to eat and rest first. So now, I want to watch TV. My room partner is a nice old lady but I doubt she will want to watch Nickelodeon." Chrissy handed it over as I flipped through channels. Our food came, and we were laughing it off.

"Look Aiden, Jell-O cups." She said picking hers up. Hers was blue and mine was red. I frowned

"Gimme yours, bitch," I said trying to grab hers. Jell-O was my favorite thing to eat, and she knew that. Blue was my ultimate favorite also.

"Don't be a whore, Aiden. No, you eat your red."

"Chrissy, you like red. You know Blue is my favorite." On the television, Squidward was yelling at Spongebob and I began to imitate his facial expressions, begging her to give it to me. So much over one Jell-O, people would say.

I felt another presence in the room, as I bowed down to Chrissy chanting about blue Jell-O. A Doctor walked in with her roommate, and I froze dropping my arms to my side.

"Aiden Webbs you ever see that grungy boy again I will kill you. You hear me, boy!?" My dad asked as he dragged me away from the park where I had just been. It began to rain, mixing in with my tears of pain and fear. My wrist was hurting from his grip and my face stung more then a thousand bees could.

"I don't understand, Dad. Why can I not? What did he do? What did I do? Stop dragging me, it hurts," I whined as I fell to the ground and he kept dragging me. My arms and legs held scratches as he dragged me further. I looked back at the park, watching the swings swing from the heavy wind.

"Why don't you shut your fucking mouth you little bitch? I have seen the way you have been looking at guys lately. You are too close and there is no way my son will be a fatass fucking fugly fag," he seethed dragging me into the woods of the golf course. He slammed me down onto the ground, leaning against a thick tree.

"Why does it matter? He is my best friend!" I yelled trying to get up He began to pummel me in the face, stomach, legs, and more.

"NO. YOU WILL LIKE GIRLS!" He kept screaming it, repeating it as he pummeled me into pulp. The roar of the mighty thunder drowned out any sound he or I made. My screams of pain and his screams of anguish made no sound compared to the mighty storm. He eventually heard me screaming 'I will like girls' repeatedly, and stopped. Lightening flashed over his contorted devil like face. Blood from my nose and mouth had sprayed over his face and knuckles. The rain quickly washed it away, as if it had never happened.

He told me to come home in ten minutes and say Allyn did it to me to my mother. Ten minutes later from when he told me, I dragged myself home. My mother covered me in hugs and kisses, cleaning me up. When she asked who did this, the glance of my furious father made me speak one word. That word was, Allyn. My father convinced her we should not press charges, but move on the opposite side of town. That fearful day caused the rest of my days to be continuously beaten, and eventually raped. Raped because I could not fulfill the words I screamed in the woods that day. ‘I will like girls.' That day eventually led to the problem my mother contracted. Alcohol took over her depression of my beatings, when she found out it was him. Every time I saw Allyn's face from that day, I winced in pain and became scared. Scared of what my father would do.

As I stared at him, now sixteen, I felt that piercing sting to the face. Heard those screams, and saw that look of anger on my fathers face. All words were caught in my throat, and I felt as if I would suffocate from all the pressure.

Chrissy knew I did not like Allyn, but not why. No, no one knew about that day but me and my dad... and Allyn. Not even my mother knew it was he that stormy frightful day.

His features were golden, and he looked just as shocked as I did. He was frail, beat up, and it made me want to cry. I finally tore my gaze away when Chrissy shook me. She gave me a look, and held out the blue Jell-O.

"Er, no. You can have it, Chrissy," I mumbled prepared to wheel myself out of the room. It was too much. Not even Chrissy's presence could keep me in there.

"No, Aiden. Here. You know I do not like it. Please stay Dave is almost here. We can watch Spongebob," I gave her a look, and she looked at Allyn. She pieced it together and set the Jell-O down, giving a small smile. I smiled at her and groaned at the wheel chair. I needed out and the stupid thing would not move.

"They put the break thingy on it," Chrissy said frowning. I groaned and stood up. "What are you doing, no stop it. Aiden you cannot be walking. You just had a huge piece of glass in your leg, and you could rip your stitches out and bleed all over me," Chrissy said in a voice of worry and near the end laughter.

"Who gives a fuck? I have to get out of here. I'm...er... tired." I said hobbling over to the door. I could feel his eyes on me and began to walk faster. "Love you Chrissy. Tell Dave I said hi and sorry for getting you in trouble. Late-" I cut off screaming in pain as I fell to floor, clutching my leg.

"Aiden," two voices screamed. I heard nurses’ rush over, yelling random words.

"What are you doing walking, we gave you a wheel chair for a reason," the one bitchy nurse from before said to me. Through clenched teeth, I began to yell.

"Not my fucking fault, you bitch. My wheelchair was put on some fucking shitty ass child break thing, and I wanted to rest like your shitty ass doctor told me to. So why don’t you stop fucking scolding me for your dumbass problems and do your fucking job, god dammit!" I heard voices of laughter all around, even from rushing nurses.

"He's just in pain, Delilah. He doesn't mean... a word of it," A nurse said who was putting me on a stretcher, holding back laughter. Obviously, no one else liked her either.

"No I think he meant all of it, Delilah. I know him pretty damn well, and that was all the truth. Maybe you shouldn't piss him off," Chrissy hollered causing more laughter. I chuckled at her statement and let the nurse remove my hand.

I was now in a different room and the nurses went to stitch them back up. I remembered then being brought back to my bed and falling asleep. I woke up a few hours later, and watched as the old lady coughed. It sounded terrible.

"Oh I'm sorry deary, did I wake you?" She asked through her last coughs.

"No, just a bad dream," I responded truthfully. It had everyone I knew in it, and everyone ended up dieing, except my father. As I said, death clung everywhere. Even in your dreams.

"Oh, what always helped me with bad dreams was some music my late husband would play. Boy was it comforting. He would play Hallelujah every time I woke up in the middle of the night," she said smiling sadly. I began to feel for her, and called a nurse in five minutes later. The old woman was drifting off to sleep slowly, so I told the nurse to get me something.

Three minutes later, the nurse brought me a guitar from the child ward. Their guitarist would play merry tunes for the sick kids while they played and waited. I asked to borrow it for a few minutes, and they obliged. Thank the lord Delilah was not the one who came in.

I tuned it quickly, and began to play the song the old lady's husband use to play. I sang quietly with it, letting the room fill with its joyous notes. I saw her open her eyes, letting tears escape and a smile that could make anyone's heart stop with joy. Her tears ran down her wrinkled face before she fell asleep to the sound of Hallelujah.

It felt good to play the guitar again, but even better to know I made a difference in her life, at least this night. A nurse walked in smiling, and took the guitar from me, as I went to go to bed.

"You did her god there. She was always humming that song. Saying her old Bruce use to play it for her, and how she wished she could hear it again. That was better then the C.d. we got for her with it on there," the nurse whispered setting the C.d. on the stand next to me. I fell asleep with peaceful dreams that night. Death now blocked out from me, and finally I was happy. I was peaceful that night, just like my roommate whose name I did not know.
♠ ♠ ♠
Date- August 1rst, 2010
Word Count- 2,384 :]
Music- Fiction- Avenged Sevenfold <3
Took- A few hours, but I had this chapter planned out before hand.
Message: sorry for the long wait again. Like it? Read, comment, subscribe, advertise!!?? it would mean a lot, :] Any questions?
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Sorry for all the mistakes..... :/
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