Status: Active.

Live Fast, Die Young


Being able to move away from that depleting building gave Sid a rush of energy, it was as if the cold stone walls were dragging him down into the earth along with the towering structure. Sooner or later that place was going down and Sid wanted to be the cause of it's fall.

Destruction was Sid's most prised obsession. His normal day to day life, that consisted of drugs, music and woman, was far less interesting than the sensation he got when he was the cause of some destruction. By destroying something beautiful he felt alive because he could let out all his anger, anger was what drove him through his pathetic life at home, anger is what brought him safely to the doors of Josef.

Josef had suggested that they all go out, Sid knew this was just a decoy to allow Josef to get his next fix of women. By the look on Ronnie's face he knew that this was an excuse for Sid to dive head first into the world of substances. When one went out with Josef one could never not try something new, Sid knew from experience that people would go crazy at Josef's arrival, throwing gifts at him as if he was some sort of British demi-god while he downed his drinks faster than humanly possible.

Alexis lagged behind everyone as Josef led the pack, bringing them towards his favourite bar in all of town. Sid moved sluggishly behind his room mate while Ronnie dragged his feet alongside him, Sid always thought that Ronnie wasn't one for the extensive partying that Josef was into. He took their mother's words to account, even if she was a junkie just like Sid. Looking around the buzzing streets Sid felt an exhilarating feeling overpower him. The night life was where all the action happened, it was where he could truly let loose all his angst and anger. This was only because people either didn't care or were too inebriated to even notice his acts of violence.

In Detroit anything could happen, and that was how Sid liked it.

Josef turned into a beat up side road as a short cut, giving them a little peace and quiet before the onslaught of partying. Sid smiled fiendishly to himself as he saw a parked car up ahead, he always loved messing with people's cars. Before the others could stop him Sid ran towards it, grabbing whatever means of weapon he could find in order to beat up the damn thing. The adrenaline was pumping through his brains, he needed something to keep him on his high for a little longer, this would do just the trick.

Sid heard Alexis in the murky background of the street lights, the others were calling too but their voices blurred into static noise. Sid breathed raggedly as he gritted his teeth, taking the object he had picked up previously and bringing it down on the car. Immediately the sirens went off and the screeching noise sent a satisfactory shiver up Sid's spine, he continued to throw himself at the car in order to feel the sensation over and over again.

Ronnie pulled him off the car once it was beaten up for Sid's liking, he grinned manically at the others around him and Alexis gave him a disappointed look. Josef smiled knowingly at his room-mate and walked in the direction of the bar, his nerves agitated by lack of sex Sid thought. The thought of it made Sid laugh as he followed the man, moving quickly to the next high that awaited him.
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