A Killer In Me Is A Killer In You

Le Cauchemar Devient Réalité

“I have to show you a couple of things,” Frank told Gerard, as he motioned him to follow. He walks onto the street and Gerard just followed him.

Frank’s eyes darken again, like they had when he confessed him best friend that he was a serial killer.
“I’ve told you before, and I’ll tell you again. Keep this a secret.” Gerard quickly nods, as Frank is back in his heartless mode. He wouldn’t want Frank to do something unsuspected towards him.

After a while of walking in silence, Frank stops Gerard and looks into an alley. He nods and walks into it. Gerard follows him, and gags at the smell of the alley. It reeks of rape, blood, torture and death.

Gerard anxiously looks at his best friend. Sweat slowly trickles down Frank’s face, while he scans the place for possible homeless people or prostitutes. As he doesn’t see anyone, he confesses something else to Gerard.

“I dreamt about this last night, in your point of view. Even the goddamned traffic was, exactly the same, so I know how you’ll feel, how you’ll react and such.”
He walks further into the alleyway and pulls something out of a hole in a wall. He silently grunts as he tugs at something seemingly heavy. The stench worsens with more of the bag revealing.

Gerard approaches his friend, when he’s done pulling the bag out. The smell makes his stomach clench, but he swallows hard, not wanting to throw up.
Frank opens the bag, revealing a body, already rotting. The stench almost chokes him now, so Gerard turns away, putting his hand to a wall as his latest meal stains the bricks. After a while, he turns back to the bag, ready to face the horror lying in it. As if his stomach hasn’t suffered enough yet, Gerard gags again.

The body isn’t very recognisable, but he knows who this woman is anyway, recognizing the necklace around a chunk of flesh, once called her neck, now skinned. Her breasts were ripped from her body, placed somewhere between her legs. A hole in her chest, leaving a red darkness where her heart was supposed to be. Subconsciously looking for it, Gerard’s eyes scan the body. The organ was put in her mouth, the skin of her cheeks cut over, her jawbone broken, so the heart would fit in. Her insides were entangled in once beautiful blonde hair, now turned into blood red strings.

Not wanting to see more, Gerard squeezes his eyes shut. He already knows it won’t be long ‘till he looks like Frank, a zombie-like drug-addict.
Hearing the bag being zipped up again and dragged back into the wall, he cannot help but say, “No wonder you look like that. T-that’s so…” Gerard swallows back his words, as he opens his eyes and sees Frank shrug. His best friend turned back into the short, helpless sweetheart, buried with such a sin.
“I-I’m sorry,” Gerard sighs, feeling guilty about saying that.

“It’s okay. It is, after all.” Frank shrugs again, starting to walk out of the alley. “But there’s more I want to show you. The reason why it’s been so long since I’ve invited you over.”

A couple of blocks later, he comes to a halt again. He fishes his key out of the pocket, walking up the stairs. As he puts the key on the lock, he turns to Gerard.

“Be prepared, alright?”