Consumed By Her

shocked from time

"Cut it out, Shell!" We were snuggling and laughing all while lying on my highly uncomfortable futon. Well, according to Shell it was perfectly comfortable but honestly I don't know where that idea came from.

"So, I heard her again today. I saw her again, too." I think it was odd how I chose a girl who looked almost like the one I knew wasn't really there. But what could I say? Shell looked unique in a gorgeous way, and I would never have left her for Naomi. Yes, I named her. Mistake? Maybe. I'll put that on my list.

Shell frowned and sat up. Out of nowhere her head was in her hands, then a flash appeared and she was on top of me, kissing me, rubbing my vagina with her silk fingers. I moaned and made out and felt my heart starting to mix with hers. I stuck my fingers into her sweatpants and off I went, down the bunny trail into the lair of the goddess.

Oral sex was fun, really. Her vag didn't taste bad at all, not like some others I've tasted. Not at all. And she was moving up and down with it, playing around. Then she surprised me with her tongue in my mouth and her hands on top of my breasts. It was beautiful.

We continued for hours on end. Shell was a fantastic lover, and the best part was that we were lesbians. No kids, no problems.

It was perfect.