Status: Should be done sooner than I think, but I'll let you know when it is, of course.

A Dirty Firefly

My Sexy Time

I wait patiently for Todd to show up at my house, and maybe I wait by the window hoping to see him drive up with a decked out mercedes but that'll never happen. As I said before, he's a drop-dead loser. He makes the girl he's quote, "staying with", pay the bills and for some reason and she doesn't get the hint that he doesn't want anything from her except free living. He's usually him calling me, but I made an exception because I'm actually quite lonely tonight. I see him pull up and the heat between my legs starts to burn so I hop up as quick as I can and meet him at the door.

An hour later, the burn has disappeared and I'm left lying face down with my heart going ninety to nothing.
"Impressive, huh?", he asks me with full arrogance in his words.
"Yeah, pretty good. It's why I call you when my vibrator stops working and I don't have the money to buy a new one."
"Ha, yeah, um, question?" he asks.
"Answer." I reply with full sarcasm.
"Ha that's not funny. Seriously, I have a serious question to ask you. Would you ever be my girlfriend?"
Oh fuck, I thought to myself. After I bad mouthed him, I feel like shit because I don't know what to say. Maybe I just give a short, one-word answer and he'll leave it at that.
"Maybe." I reply because it's the only thing I could come up with.
"Maybe? Really? No definite yes or no, just maybe?"
"Well.." I really couldn't come up with anything to say so I just shrug my shoulders and walk out of the room.
He walks passed me to the door, "maybe I would be if you changed your lifestyle a little bit." Now that was the honest yet simplest answer I could give him.
"I understand" and he said that with so much pain I wanted to cry for him.
There was nothing wrong with Todd, he was so handsome and intelligent. Actually he was so smart, he made me look like a third grader against a PhD. But I couldn't be with a man that was a scrub, it just doesn't work that way with me. He came to give me what I wanted and I gave him an orgasm, so why was he acting like a girl?