

I completely despise change, and all that comes with it. I loath waking up figuring everything will be just as it always is, only to open the doors to my kingdom and realize that no, everything isn’t as it should be. That there is a new somebody standing within my corridors just lurking about without any warning to me, or my many followers. What gives him the right to barge right in without warning? A day, that’s all I ask for, but no! He just waltzes into the pictures, mixing up the balance of things.
If things go my way, he’ll be an outsider; always looking in, but never a part of the crowd.
I move forward, continually glaring at the back of his head -wishing him a slow painful death because of the unexpected (and even more unwanted) change he has cast upon my school; my kingdom. As if feeling my glares, he abruptly turns his head, eyes darting around the halls in a means of searching for something (someone?). Not long after our eyes lock, and a feeling bubbles within me. Just by looking into his eyes (even from across the corridor) I can tell that he knows it was I who had been glaring at him. With a quick roll of his eyes, he turned, walking away from me -farther into the throng of people.
“Who was that?” Jacob asked, startling me slightly. My eyes narrowed, looking off in the direction the newcomer had just been. With a quick shrug of my shoulders and a shake of my head, I turned and walked off in the opposite direction. Jacob fallowed me with narrow eyes and a look of confusion adorning his handsome features. “Where would he have come from?” I know Jacob was asking himself, not expecting an answer, but I had given him one anyway.
“I have no idea, but I plan on finding out.”
“He saw you, though, Max.” I slammed to a stop, turning my head to look at him almost robotically.
“What are you getting at?”
“I don’t think he’s about to open up to you after the look you were giving him.”
Jacob sighed, clearly fed up with me not understanding him. “I’ll get to know him; make him believe we’re friends or whatever. It’ll get you answers, but he’ll never know it’s you.”
“What if he saw us together?” I asked, slowly processing everything; running over ever detail in my mind. It could actually work, as long as he hadn’t seen Jacob and I together this morning. If what Jacob had been insisting earlier is true, then he isn’t going to want anything to do with anyone I associate with, right? Right, so we can only hope that Jacob wasn’t seen.
“I wasn’t next to you when this all went down, Max.”
“How did I not notice that!? You’re always next to me!” Jacob shrugged around a quick chuckle.
“I guess you’re just used to it?” I laughed as well, figuring him to be right. It is, after all, a plausible answer.
“I don’t know, probably.” The bell sounded suddenly, signaling the beginning of first hour. “I don’t feel like going, I’ll catch ya’ later.” Jacob nodded, walking off in the direction of his first period while I continued walking toward the back, abandoned section of the school.

Letting a quiet, content sigh slip past my lips, I took a seat in the school’s old darkroom; a room they had closed off once the photography programs had been cut do to lack of money in the arts budget. The darkroom still smells of the old film chemicals, and still has random strips of developed film lying around. Stacks of old photo paper set underneath the bench holding the enlargers, and bottles of chemicals resting in the old cabinets. I come here when I need time to think; time to myself without anyone knowing or able to bother me. This is my place, and I’m the only one who has figured out how to enter the closed off room.
I sat down in the center of the room, and pulled out my iPod. Putting Led Zeppelin on, and letting it blast in my ears while leafing through the old photographs that have been discarded over the ears; left to be shredded and ruined by weather and time.
One of these days I hope to get the darkroom running again, even as my own personal place to develop my film. It’ll keep me away from home longer, and it’ll keep me sane. Hopefully I won’t be waiting much longer because with this new addition to the student body, I swear I’m going insane.
♠ ♠ ♠
This took a bit longer to get out than I hoped. I apologize.
I know the last section seems random and not a part of the story, but I promise it holds importance.
Thank you for reading, and thank you, x.situations.x, for commenting.