My Chemical Romance

Coke Zero

All four of us went to Gerard’s house and talked about all the good times we each had with Mikey. I know Gerard took it the hardest so I comforted him in the best way I could. Coffee. I made him coffee and opened the fridge to get a coke for Frank and Ray. I saw a Coke Zero. That just reminded me of something funny about Mikey. How he used to say that Coke Zero turned him on. So I drank it. I left the guys to go to Mikey’s room. As I lay on his bed smelling his sheets, smelling his clothes, sulking, I was thinking of how different this world would be without him. I went back to Gerard and asked him if he had any movies. I wanted to get this off my mind. He pulled out numerous movies and the only one that caught my eye was Jaws. Mikey’s favorite movie. Why? Everything I look at, think about or smell, reminds me of Mikey. I just told them that I was going to take a nap.
I guess eventually everybody took a nap because when I woke up, we were all crammed on the couch. When I answered the phone Gerard’s mother called the phone crying because she had heard the news. I talked to her for at least an hour starting to comfort her. She said thank you and she hoped that everything would get back to normal. Her voice was scratchy and I know she said that because she didn’t know what to say. I told her that I loved Mikey so much and she said that she did too. I already missed the soft voice of hers after I hung up, and Frank woke up and asked me who it was. So I had to tell him who it was and I asked him if he and I could go to Mikey’s room to talk.
We sat on his bed talking for a while and then after an awkward silence, we kissed. I pulled away once I realized what was happening and he apologized. I didn’t know what to do so I apologized too and walked out. He followed me. Luckily no one else was up to ask what just happened. I decided to go home. I hugged Frank goodbye and told him to tell the other two that I loved them and I would talk to them later. I had to go home and sort things out.