It's All Love And Lust Till Someone Gets Rough

Free Pass

We finally arrive, our destination being Houston, Texas. The weather is next to un-bearable and my shirt is sticking to my frail form. I’m hot and sticky; I can really use a shower right now. Knowing that I am on tour, showers are the rare beauties in this life style, if you got to shower at least 3 times a week you’d be hella lucky and I’d be hella jealous!

To shower or to set up merch? To shower or to set up merch? To shower or to set up merch? To showe.....
“Jasey! Go set up merch!” I hear Jack scream, snapping me out of my thoughts and deciding for me.
“Sometimes I wonder why I even volunteer to come on tour!” I growled in a jokingly manner. Obviously I knew this answer very well.
“To be with me of course.” Alex nibbled my ear and smirked into my neck. And there was my answer. He pulls me in, closer to him and I smile being in his embrace.
“mmmhmmm.” The words left my mouth of effortlessly. Feeling his lips trace my jaw line, I immediately close my eyes, taking in as much as I can.
“JASE!” I jump as Jack tugs my arm, pulling me away from Alex’s embrace.
“I’m coming! Hold up a sec.” I said to Jack as I made my way back into Alex’s arms.
“I’m going to set up merch for you.” I sung into Alex’s ear.
“Let me set you up first.” Alex sung back with a devilish smirk.
“Har har har.” I lift up my knee and knee his crotch lightly. I began to walk toward the merch booth. I turn around and see my poor baby bending over with his hands over his crotch.
“I love youuuu!” I sung giving him a sympathetic smile. I turn around and make my way toward the merch booth.
Many hours had passed without too many customers. I’d been able to handle the few fans that came by the merch booth to purchase a shirt and/or CD.
All Time Low’s set had now ended and along joined Vinny in our merch tent. The line was piling up and I was currently sweating my ass off; how attractive right?
Alex had finished of the set with my favourite song ‘Weightless’ giving me the biggest smile you could imagine.
“Jasey!” I hear an unfamiliar voice call, I turn around to see whom it was; a young girl wearing the biggest smile of all, almost as big as mine.
“Hey! How did you like the show?” I decide to get to know the girl; she’s the first person to actually acknowledge me tonight. It was nice knowing that one of Alex’s fans knew who I was.
“It was great!” she exclaimed.
“Aren’t they always?” I giggled.
“I’m Alice, it’s nice to finally meet you. Can we get a photo?” She’s kind and genuine; of course I’ll have a photo with her.
“Yes please, I’ve been working all night and a photo would be nice.” I answered as I lean forward, smiling for the camera. I suddenly feel those arms snake around my waist.
“Of course you had to sneak into the picture Mr. Gaskarth.” I laugh into his chest as he spun me around for a tight hug.
“Hey baby.” He whispered, colliding his mouth with my ear. I smile at his words.
“Alex! This is Alice, Alice this is Alex!” I introduced the two. The look on Alice’s face was adorable.
“Hey Alice!” Alex greeted her, pulling her into a tight hug.
“Don’t you think we should give her a back-stage pass hun?” I figured she deserves a little gift for being a kind fan. I look at Alice and see her eyes sparkle.
“Sure!” Alex yelled and handed her a backstage pass.
“Thanks!” She almost screamed as she gave Alex and I a hug before running off to her friends. I giggle as she disappears into the venue.
“I think you’re done for today my dear. Vinny’s got this.” Alex raised his voice as his sentence came to an end, making sure that Vinny heard his words; he ‘accidentally’ bumped into him.
“Yeah, yeah I got it.” Vinny replied with a smile on his face. By now the huge line wasn’t so huge.
“Hmm, I don’t think I’m done yet, Vinny needs help packing up. Right?” I decide to leave Alex hanging for a bit.
“Right!” Vinny replied joining in on the act, Alex rolled his eyes and looks at me. I try to hide my smile as he looks into my eyes and pulls me into him.
“Pleeeeeease.” Alex whined extending the ‘e’ in ‘please.’
“I came her to work not fool around with you every second of everyday.” I whispered testing him a little.
“Fine.” He simply replies and walks away.
♠ ♠ ♠
It's a long chapter-ish.
hehe, i hope you like it!
i shall be updating more,
and you shall be commenting more k?
hehe, thanks for the comments and the subscriptions!
they bring the biggest smile to my face n________n
