Status: Gettin' There

When Angels And Demons Meet On Earth, What Will You Do?

The Sightseeing.

“aah, how can this place be soo big?!” I complained.
“MyLady, we are almost done with the ‘sightseeing’ so please endure a bit more.”
“Ahh, fine.” ‘I wonder what’s wrong. I mean Satan said that he was going to hurry but it’s been several hours now. Did something happen to my mom?!’
‘No, everything is fine. She is just bugging me with questions and we’ve been invaded by White spiders in the cellar so I need to fix it first. It may take a while. I’ll see you soon, my love.’ And then his velvet voice disappeared from my head.
“MyLady Catherine! Are you listening to me?”
“Ah, Of course.” I said, not having a clue what she had said.
“Then what did I say?”
“Well, that this is the dining room where me, Satan and the most important persons are eating.” I said with confidence.
“You are very sharp. I know that Satan contacted you so there is no way you could have heard what I said but still you said it like I just told you what to say.” She looked very surprised yet happy.
“What? I was right? How did that come?” I was the one who was really surprised.
“I do not know. You are really sharp. I guess you know exactly how many demons there are in this building.”
“24 357 demons and …. One half angel?”
“Wow, I was right! You even counted the ones who came in for a few minutes ago, right?” she giggled.
“Yeah, but half angel half demon? How does that come?” I asked really curiously.
“Well, it’s a witch who died a while ago. She can do both Black and white magic. And besides she is the great angel Michaels little sister and he convinced god that she should be able to at least enter heaven once in awhile.”
“Oh. That explains it. Hey! Can’t you show me the basement? Please!”
“Ah but MyLady, Lord Satan is working there right now, it would be bad if we disturbed him wouldn’t it?”
“But I really wanna see the basement. I promise I’ll just look. I’ll be really quiet and it will be as if I didn’t exist.” I really wanted to see those spiders and especially Satan.
“Fine if you promise that you won’t bother him in his work.” She finally agreed.
“ ‘Kay!” we hurried downstairs. We went through many tunnels and finally we reached the room where Satan was. He stood in the middle and the blood red moon shined brightly upon him as he looked out through the window. He really looked great.
“Did you miss me so much that you had to make poor Chrystal show you the way to me? and disturb me while I’m working?” he said and smiled to me as he turned around and looked at me.
“Ah no, I just wanted to see mom and I thought she was with you. I never meant to disturb you-..”
“Enough. You wanted to meet me, well here I am. What are you waiting for?” he held out his arms to me and as a reflex I ran into his embrace.
“I missed you… too much.” I said while he held me under the moonlight.
“I know you did, stupid girl. I know you did.” He bent down and his lips touched mine slightly. Really teasing me.
“Hey, where’s mom?” I asked.
“..She is being taken care of. Well, she has a disease. She sees white spiders but our greatest psychologist is taking care of her right now. In a few hours she will be cured. And after that she needs to sleep.” He said, touching my hair.
“Okay, can I go and see her when she wakes up?”
“Of course.” He said, smiling to me.
‘Hey, don’t lie to my dearest Catherine. You know that my little friends won’t go away unless you kill her. She will be haunted for all eternity, even if she’s being reborn. ‘ it was Michaels horrible voice inside my head.
‘The one I am going to kill is you! Don’t you know that you are hurting Catherine way more than I do?! You know what? You’re just jealous. You have always wanted me to get you and bring you with me down to hell so you could stop pretending to be something you’ll never be. But that will never happen, God won’t let me take her right hand because then she won’t have anything left. She cares too much about you, she doesn’t want you to leave her the way I did. The only way to end your suffer is to take suicide.’
‘You know that I can’t do that. Angels can’t kill themselves.’
‘You can make someone else kill you. Someone who knows your deepest secrets and wishes, The Angel who truly loves you. That person is the only one who can kill you.’
‘And who might that be?’
‘Go find out yourself and leave us alone.’ And with that the voices in my head disappeared.
“Ah, he said something about my mom?! She’s being haunted by his spiders?!”
“Yes, and they will go away if I kill her soul and burn the body. Or if Michael dies.” He said hugging me tightly.”
“Then someone must kill Michael. And that someone must be Him, right?” I asked.
“Yes. I’m sorry.”
♠ ♠ ♠
Soo, another chapter.., Please tell me what you think.;)