Towtrucks and Handcuffs

First and Last

“Maggie!” Someone screamed. “Maggie, get out here now!” Screamed Cassandra, one your weird friends. She was in the car waiting for you to get outside your house.

“Gott, Cass, shut up. I had to find my eyeliner!” You exclaimed loudly.

“Oh, so you could look emo? All we are doing is going with my brother, Ryan, so he can tow some broken down tour bus in the middle of nowhere.” You looked glum.

“Hmph.” You pouted.

“But maybe the people are really hot-looking.” Cass said.

“Promise you think so?”

“Defiantly.” You rolled her eyes. Cass laughed.

“There it is.” Ryan said. He pointed to a long bus on the side of a dirt road.

“OMG…” Cass said slowly.

“T-That’s…” You began.

“CINEMA BIZARRE’S TOUR BUS!!!” You and Cass screamed together.

Before the truck officially stopped, you and Cass took off running toward the tour bus.

“KIRRRRRRRRRRRROOOOOOOO!!!” You screamed. “KIRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRROOOOOOOOO!!!” Someone with short blonde hair and a boyish face walked out of the tour bus.

“Someone called my name?” He asked.

Out of nowhere, you ran up and bear-hugged him. “Kiro. Kiro. Kiro. Kiro. Kiro.” You kept repeating.

“Gott. That scared me.” Kiro started petting your head. “Okay, time to get off now.”

“Nein. You’re mine now.” You said stubbornly.

“STRIFY! SHIN! YU! ROMEO! TAKE PITY ON ME!!! HELP!!!” Kiro yelled. You laughed.

Four boys sleepily walked out of the broken down tour bus. “What?” One of them asked.

“I innocently walked out side and was arrested. Help.” Kiro said.

“Cass, toss me your handcuffs.” You said.

“Wait! WTF?! Why does she have handcuffs?!” One of the boys screamed. Shin, defiantly.

“Here.” Cass said. You caught the cuffs in one hand. You locked yourself left in the cuff and Kiro’s right arm was in the cuff.

“Forever. Not never.” You said. “Cass where’s the key?” You asked.

“Uh…my other brother…Brendon, yeah, he ate it.” Kiro’s jaw dropped.

“Good. We are stuck together then.” You said to Kiro. Ryan finally got the tour bus fixed, but another problem was brewing.

“…Wait, ate it?” Kiro asked.

“Can’t you hear, stupid. Ate it. A-T-E I-T!!” Shin said impatiently.

“Might as well get on with the story then.” Maggie said. You kissed Kiro and wouldn’t let go, he kissed you back.

And the rest was history.