

“Jane, Jane!” I shouted into the telephone, “Listen to me!”

“I don't have time for this Dee,” She said, “I'm on my way to Sydney Beach,”

“Okay, so you don't have time for me to tell you that Mum and Dad are dead?” I shouted, again.

I knew it wasn't the right way to tell her, but she was pissing me off.

“What?” she asked, her breathing spiked.

“They're gone,” I replied, “They – they...

“You better not be joking Da-

“You think this is a joke?” I yelled, “It's twelve o'clock in the friken morning! Do you think I would make this up?”

“Calm down,”

“The bloody officer just left the house,” I said, “Goddamn it, they're dead, you selfish bitch!”

“No, no they're not,” She whimpered, “You're kidding, you're joking. You're lying; this isn't happening. This can't be happening; it's not. I don't believe you. I refuse to,”

“Believe me or not Jane, they're dead,” I said grimly.

She started to sob.

“No. Stop it. You were always a liar. Why should I believe you now?” She blubbered.

“They are dead,” My voice did not have the hint of a quiver.