
Chapter 1

‘’Get up! NOW!’’ My sister Sasha screamed as she walked into my room, turning the lights on and pulling open my curtains. ‘’It’s eleven-thirty on a Saturday and you’re still sleeping? You should be out and about! Why don’t you go to the pool?’’

I stumbled out of bed and over to my chest of drawers.

‘’Ugh…’’ I sighed, looking into the mirror. ‘’Maybe because if I tried to get my bathing suit in, it’d rip? I haven’t worn that thing in forever!’’

She sighed and walked into her room across the hall.

‘’Here, take this,’’ she said, throwing a blue bikini across to land on my floor. ‘’It’s my old one, but it should just about fit you.’’

I picked it up and threw it onto my bed. Looking at it more closely, I had to admit, it was very ugly. The blue was an ugly shade, and the orange details didn’t compliment it at all. I could see why Sasha had been so eager to grow out of it.

‘’Umm, thanks, but no thanks. I think I’ll go for a jog instead,’’ I said, grabbing my towel and brush, and heading for the shower.

‘’Fine, suit yourself. You won’t meet any hot swimmers out jogging, you know!’’

She was really stupid, that girl. I brushed my hair and before fully closing the door, shouted,

‘’Sasha, SHUT UP!’’

I showered as quickly as possible, wanting to get out of the house as soon as I could. Sasha had been acting like she knew what was best for me since I was born, but since Mom and Dad split, Sasha was acting like my mother. We lived with our dad, so I guess someone had to fill that role. I went back to my room and put on my tank top and running shorts and went downstairs to find my sneakers.

‘’Dad, have you seen my running shoes?’’ I asked when I walked into the kitchen.

‘’I think they’re in the foyer, Sydney,’’ he replied, pouring himself a cup of coffee.

I found my shoes and laced them up, taking my Ipod off the table by the front door.

‘’I’ll be back later Dad, I’m going for a jog!’’ I didn’t wait for a reply, but instead closed the front door and took off at a steady pace towards my neighborhoods park.