Hotel Rooms...

First and Last

You woke to a dimly lit room. The only light from the room came from the half-closed blinds that were on the right side of the room. This was no doubt a hotel room, the pink lace, fresh towels, and sparkling clean kitchen made it obvious. You stretched out your arms. You hit something rock hard. The impact made your arms ache. You hit the object again. The rock thing started to move. “If you wanted me up, all you had to do was ask.” It grumbled. Kadaj! Now you remember, you and Kadaj had hit the city with his two older brothers, Loz and Yazoo the night before.

“Oh Kadaj! Heh, I forgot you were in here. Sorry!” You giggled. You literally rolled out of bed and grabbed your day clothes. Tight leather everything. Everything you wore was leather.

“Mhmmm.” Kadaj’s voice was muffled by the lacy pillows.

“I’m gonna take a shower.” You looked at Kadaj as if you needed approval. He threw a thumbs-up sign at you. You and Kadaj have been friends since elementary school, ever since then you two have been inseparable. It was no big secret you loved Kadaj. He just didn’t love you back. His answer was always maybe. Totally maybe. That was the hope you always possessed. Hopefully, hopefully one day, after this Mother business was all taken care of, you two would love each other to the fullest. You felt no remorse by his lack of feeling.

You hummed on your way to the bathroom. You looked in the mirror, your hair was sticking straight up, it looked like you stuck your hand in an electrical socket. It looked almost as if someone had put hairspray in it. In the process of running your hands through your hair, you came to find it really was hairspray. Oh, that Kadaj was so in trouble.

“Kadaj! Did you do this?!” You screeched. A sheepish smile covered his face, he tried to play it off by hiding in the pillows. You knew Kadaj to well. You hopped on the bed.

“Maybe…” He turned to where he could face you. You crawled on top of him. This was the time to get him good. He absolutely hated this. Sleeping with his shirt off, Kadaj was helpless as you sat on top of him. You twirled your fingers on his chest. He tried to through you off of him.

“What’s the matter Kadaj, can’t handle me…?” You asked, flirting with him. It was all fun-and-games. You brought your head down to his throat; you began to kiss is throat. You couldn’t help but smile. Next, as always, was the fun part. You through the covers off him and ran your fingers down his stomach to his pelvic bone. His muscles tightened. With his head turned to the left, it gave you the perfect opportunity to nibble his ear. After the games were over, you reluctantly crawled off of Kadaj, and went to the bathroom to finally fix your hair.

“You in the shower?” Kadaj asked. He knocked on the door. It really didn’t matter if he knocked or anything, you silently begged to let him see you naked. But that was just a wish.

“Yup.” The hotel shampoo was always the best part of the hotel stay. Kadaj opened up the door. Good thing there was an actual curtain. Kadaj was mad that you played your games with him. He always was.

“You do know,” Kadaj said messing around with things on the bathroom counter, “that I will have to punish you for your naughty behavior.” He had never said this before.

“Oh, do you?” A smile spread over your face. What’s the worst that can happen? You being stuck with Loz for entire journey? Hah, as if.

Ever so slowly, the curtain slid back. Kadaj stepped in. “Yes, yes I do.” You were grinning ear-to-ear. He kissed you. You kissed him back. This was the best punishment you could ever get.

When you finally broke away you said, “Maybe I should be naughty more often.” He laughed.

“That you will be.”

“But I thought you didn’t love me?” You asked stupidly.

“Things can change, right?” He kissed you again…this time you didn’t break away……………………………….........................................