Status: Just begining.

December Underground


I had to get out of here. All of these rooms for the past one hundred years were begining to bore me. I looked at my family. Could I possibly leave them? I was 16, and Davi got to leave. I begged him to take me, but I as only eleven. I needed this. To venture into something I didn't know. Something that only Davi was alowed to know.

"Father?" My eyes are closed but I hear him shift.

"Yes, December?" I can tell he already doesn't want to know what I'm going to ask him.

"Now that I am sixteen, can I go up?" I open my eyes to see his responsive face. I could se pain forming in his face, but I was breaking through to him.

"If you think that you are ready. The choice is yours, I can't make if for you." his face was hard, as if he was trying to fight back tears. I walked over to the chaor he was sitiing in, and hugged him. "You are my only daughter. You hold your place in this family too well for us to loose you. You had better be careful."

"Thank you. I promise I will be careful." I hugged him tightly before turning to go to the ladder. I climb carefully to the top, and unscrew the wheel. The light startles me for a moment. It's brighter then what I had remembered. I keep my eys shut as I slide out into the new world I vaugely remembered.