Status: In waiting for wishes...

Dream Shop

1st Wish

“Tell me what happened here again?” Jeanne demanded, as she flipped through the album of childhood pictures. Reid, her brother, leaned in for a closer look, and at the same time Jeanne turned her head to look at him. Her eyes widened as she caught her breath when she realized Reid’s face was only a few inches from her own. She knew he was handsome, but from such angle, his features seemed to glow brighter and sharper at the edges. How could she have missed it? A faint line trailed delicately from his temple down the side of his face, creating a permanent mark. Jeanne felt her heart ache. Without thinking, she raised her hand only to have it hung awkwardly on her side when Reid shifted his eyes to her.

She flinched away and averted her eyes, realizing how hot her face had become. She hoped Reid hadn’t noticed, but unfortunately, he did. His mouth curved up in a cruel smile. Jeanne caught it from the corner of her eyes and the embarrassment was immediately swept away by a rush of rage. Unknown to her, she had missed the shadow casted in his eyes which only lasted with Jeanne’s moment of hesitation.

“What?” he demanded with mockery. “Do you miss looking at your incredibly handsome brother?”

His narcissism made her blood boil. She closed the album, ignoring Reid whose hand still linger on one particular picture of Jeanne. He withdrew his hand before the pages could slam into it. Reid snickered in victory.

“Missed me,” he taunted.

“I can’t believe someone as obnoxious as you is my brother,” she huffed, tossing the album toward the pile of albums on the table.

Reid scoffed. “Yeah...I can’t believe it either.”

Her billionaire father had left this morning for a business trip, leaving Jeanne to deal with
Reid alone. Though she found him unbearable, she couldn’t deny that she was excitedly to be left alone with him. It wasn’t right, she thought. The feelings that danced inside her and caused her heart to race brought such pleasure and pain as well. Her mind might have forgotten, but her heart, with every beat, still remembered. Sometimes, when she looked at him in the first week back home, she found herself looking at a memory that she should never have forgotten, never have abandoned.

Unlike her, Reid noticed every move she made, including the slight sadness in her eyes.

“So what did you want to ask me?” he sounded serious now.

She peered at him suspiciously, pouting. Looking into his eyes, Jeanne found the frustration leaving her with a breathless sign. Those eyes of his were her weakness. She reached out, almost absently, and touched the scar along his face. Her fingertips brushed lightly down his jaw line and lingered on his cheek. His eyes never left her as she did so.

“What happened here?” she whispered.

Reid was perfectly still, but he lowered his gaze, his forehead slightly creased. He grasped the slender hand on his face and ripped away the warmth that it had given in that short moment, and positioned it on her lap. Jeanne felt a pang of bitterness and clenched it into fist, not believing what she had done.

Reid turned his head to stare past Jeanne, toward the window. She caught the faraway look in his eyes. “Do you want to find out?”

She nodded uneasily as he rose, heading for the door. Jeanne got up hastily and ran to catch up with his long strides. The doors swung open with a turn of Reid’s hand. The radiating sunlight fell upon her face, stabbing her eyes with its intense rays, making her squint. Reid led them out to the backyard, where a large pool lay in the middle of it all. Up ahead and on both sides, were enclosed by tall brick walls. The grass beneath her, tickled her bare feet, the morning dew clung to her skin.

Reid stopped short and stared. At first, she wasn’t sure what to expect, but then he said, “We’re here.”

Before them was a tree, thriving with life. Jeanne looked up at the umbrella of tangible leaves, their shadows danced across her face. A tinge of melancholy seeped through her body, a longing surged within her heart, yet her mind rejected to remember.
What did she see in that shade of greens? What have she left behind underneath that tree?
Through the breaches creates by the uneven leaves, sparkles of sun light illuminated like halo lights. Jeanne squinted. Pain broke through her head. Instead of darkness behind her closed lids, an image, bright as light itself, flashed into her vision: A pair of hazel eyes, staring up with nervousness. His smile once dazzling now faltered. A little girl, her smile no one else’s but her own. The girl perched on a branch of the tree, waving and laughing with excitement. Her mouth formed words, but Jeanne couldn’t translate them into audible sound. But somewhere, she understood what the little girl was shouting.

Reid. Come up here with me. It’s beautiful up here, Reid.

He hesitated, but touched the trunk and began climbing. Suddenly, the girl’s smile faded.
The branch snapped, separating from the trunk. She was falling, and falling, her hair sweeping back wildly. The boy screamed. As she was approaching, he released his grip and threw himself into the air. The force of her body crashing into him knocked the senses out of him, but he persisted and grabbed onto her with all his might.

His back pounded against the ground, the layer of soft grass did nothing to lessen the pain.
He huffed, his lungs strained to access air. The girl opened her eyes, her hands trembling with fear. She couldn’t feel any pain, strange enough. Instead she realized, the boy had covered for her, his small built was no bigger than hers, but he had protected her.

The consequence of his action only brought him harm. She gasped in horror, staring at his bloody face. Red liquid trickled down his face, his throat, staining his shirt. The cut engraved deeply into his skin on the side of his face, which was starting to lose color. Sweat beaded on his forehead as he coughed again and again, choking on his own blood.

A distance away, the broken debris of the brand laid, its tip coated in a fresh layer of red. She screamed his name through sobs. Salty tears streamed down her face like raging
rivers, and dripped down his face, mixing with his blood. He grunted and stirred weakly, opening his eyes with difficulty. The boy raised his hand, patting her head in reassurance.
And he said those words that she would never forget.

Don’t cry. As long as you’re not hurt, it’s okay. So don’t cry, Jeanne.

Jeanne opened her eyes wide and exhaled heavily. Until now, she hadn’t realized that she had forgotten to breathe. She stared down at her hands, which were still shaking with fear. The images of blood felt as real as that fear. Next to her, Reid grimaced, uneasiness bubbling in his chest.

What did she remember? Why is she in pain? What did that witch do to her?

He placed a hand on her shoulder. “Jeanne. You okay?”

She flinched and turned to stare at him, her gaze penetrating his. The guilt she felt only made it painful to look at him. “It was me,” she whispered. “I did it to you. It was my fault.”

Reid froze in shock. What he dreaded had come true. She remembered him. She knew who he was. It was over. What had the witch told him? Oh, yes. He was given only a small amount of time to spend with her. But now was the end of the line. A dead man should not linger in the livings’ world.

So be it then. The voice sent shiver down his spine. Your time is up.

No. His mind screamed despite his resolution. He shook his head, clearing his doubt. He must disappear for her to live on. That he must do.

He sighed and spoke, “Jeanne, do you remember what I told you?”

She bit her lips and sniffed. “I know what happened. You got hurt because of me.”

He shook his head. “That’s not all. It was because I chose to love you. I protected you because I loved you. That’s not a crime.”

“Love me? What…” Her words were cut off short as a wave of dizziness sheared through her. Her lids felt tired, her entire body ached with faintness. Her numb legs gave away, and she collapsed to the ground. Dark spots began to invade her vision, blinding her sight. Like a picture slowing burning out, his face, the tree, one by one faded as the curtain of black fell over them.

Before that, she could hear his voice, his final words.

Good bye, my love. Good bye.
♠ ♠ ♠
And that's how it ends...Nope, not really. Haha
I'm pretty sure this chapter is confusing. The next one will be the conclusion and it will explain the whole point of this story.
For now, I'll leave the guesses up to you.