Status: Done! Finito! :)

Keith and I.

one out of one!

Today is my first day of pottery and ceramics class. Yes. That's where you make things out of clay and paint dishes and cups; that is exactly what I'm talking about. I am really into pottery and ceramics and I think it is a good idea, to help improve my skills. I am now going to be attending private classes. Why private? Well I feel it's going to be better, if it's just a teacher and I alone, i twill make things a little less complicated. Also it will improve my skill even more; because those hours that I spend will be all one on one, so it'll make it better.

Oh jeez it always takes me a long time to get ready before I go to a place; for the first time. I think I have to think about my outfit a week ahead of time. I mean this outfit took me like two hours to get ready. Yes I know, seems quite girlie, but I'm gay so shush. Oh, are you honestly that shocked that I'm gay?! Well don't be, it's who I am and I won't change for a soul.

Anyhow back to the subject of today. I am super excited about these lessons. I love this kind of stuff; making things with clay and painting. It's one of my passions; without a doubt. So this is going to be a super exciting day!

"Jonathan, are you ready to get going?" My mom asks.

"Yes, I'll be down in a minute." I say.

"Okay," She says

I get into the car and she begins to drive. I love my mom so much; she is so great! It it isn't for her, I don't think I would be going to the classes today. You she uh, kind of paid them for me.

"Mom," I say.

"Yea?" She asks.

"How much did the courses cost?"

"Oh they were just about three hundred and fifty dollars." She says.

Crap now I feel bad. Why did she pay them for me? Damn my mother sometimes. Oh no wait, I take that back, I adore her.

"Mom why did you pay for them? I could of paid them you know." I say.

"Yea maybe in like two years. Honestly Jonathan you don't even have a job yet. And besides I really want to do this for you. You're my only son, and this is your passion." She says.

Oh curse my mother for the way she speaks to me. I now have tears that are forming in my eyes. Why does she do this to me?

"Jonathan don't tear up, you know I don't have to do it. I want to do it." She says

"I know mom, I know." I say.

She smiles and I drift off into my own thoughts.

Jeez I am so nervous for this. I am freaking out internally because I'm worried. What if I don't like my teacher? Then I'm stuck with him or her for almost an entire year. What if my teacher doesn't like me? Then he or she is the one who gets stuck with me. Uh-oh, this maybe isn't a great idea after all.

"Jonathan what are you thinking about? I know you've got your 'what if' face on." She says.

Jeez does she ever know me so well, sometimes I freak out.

"Well mom I'm just in a worried state of mind." I say.

"Oh Jonathan you've got nothing to worry about." She says.

"Thanks mom." I say.

"We're here," She says.

"Okay mom." I say.

I give her two kisses; one on each cheek and I get out of the car.

I walk in through the room/studio doors and there is someone sitting at the desk. I begin to walk closer to the person. Oh it's a man that is sitting there; I can tell just by the hands. Hm, they look like the hands of a very hot guy.

"Hello, uh may I help you?" He asks as he raises his head

"Yes you may. I'm Jonathan Renolds and I'm here for my private pottery and ceramics lesson." I say.

"Oh then I'm your teacher." He says.

Oh sweet, I get a fucking babe for a teacher.

"Oh hi," I say.

"I'm Mr. Keith, but you can drop the Mr." He says.

"Keith," I repeat softly.

"Yes that's my name." He says in a raspy and sexy voice.

Crap I didn't want him to hear me, and he did. Shit! Great start eh?

As I keep looking at him even more closely,I being to realize that this man is just gorgeous. He is tall at least an entire head taller than me. He has such beautiful green eyes and a set of full pink lips. Lips that I would die for; just to get one little kiss. Oh, he must be a good kisser too.

"So Jonathan, why did you sign up for this class?" He asks.

"I love pottery and ceramics and I think that private lessons would be ideal." I say.

"Why private and not the public courses?" He questions.

"Well I figure if I'm here for an hour or two, that will be one on one time. It will make me better because there aren't other people that need to be dealt with." I say.

"Very educated I see." He says.

"Thanks sir," I say.

"Jonathan, just call me Keith." He says.

"Oh right, right." I say.

He smiles at me. What a nice smile he has.

"So what would you like to do today?" He asks.

"I don't know, you're the teacher." I say.

"Okay, but I'm the type of teacher that likes to do fun things. So sometimes I'll allow you to choose what you'd like to do. Seeing as today is the first time we meet, I'll say we start with theory and basic course outline." He says.

"Well that's cool. And All right, so when do we start?" I ask.

"We start right about now, follow me."He says.

Oh his voice, how I am loving it so much. It's just so raspy, tough and just delicious.

"Here you are, take a seat. Do you have a pen and paper?" He asks.

I take a seat and smile up at him. He smiles back at me.

"Oh, no I uh, I don't have. I'm sorry." I say.

"Don't be sorry, it's totally my fault. I'm the teacher, and it's your first class. I don't think you expected to be writing anything did you?" He asks.

"No I didn't honestly," I say.

"That's all right, I've got pen and paper here, so nothing to worry about." He says.

I smile.

"Just wait a second, I'll be right back with your supplies." He purrs.

Oh, that purr to his voice. Jeez why is it so fucking sexy?

"Here you go." He says.

As I take it from him, our fingertips brush against each other. Oh it sends a rush throughout my body. I honestly can't believe that his voice and finger tips are is doing this to me.

"Okay so I shall begin with the general outline." he says.

"All right that works out nicely." I say.

"First off how many days a week are you available?" He asks.

"Well I am pretty much available from Wednesday to Saturday." I say.

"Oh that's great. How about we meet, Wednesday, Thursday and Saturday?" He asks.

"That sounds great. Oh and every second week I'm free on Tuesday." I add.

"Okay so every second week add a class on Tuesday. Sound good?" He asks.

"Sounds great." I say.

"Oh and what hours are you available?" He asks.

"Well Wednesday after three pm, can't go passed eleven. Thursday after three also can't go past eleven thirty and Saturday all day." I say.

"Okay so, Wednesday five to eight, Thursday six to ten and Saturday ten to five thirty. How do you like that?" He asks.

"I think that might work our nicely!" I say.

"Perfect. So now since that's covered we'll move on." He says.

"Okay," I agree.

"Well first off I want to let you know that the course lasts about forty weeks." He says.

"Oh, that's really cool. So it lasts about nine months?" I say.

"Yes that's pretty much about right." He says.

"Awesome!" I say.

"I am very excited about this." He says.

"Oh me too!" I yell and jump.

Could I be anymore flamboyant?

"Okay so we will have about these next forty weeks together, I want to get through a whole lot of stuff. Hopefully you'll be able to even entrt a competition." He offers.

"A competition?" I ask.

"Yes about two-three weeks after our courses end, there is a competition. In order to get in you have to the best of the best." He says.

"Oh well won't it be hard to make me the best of the best?" I ask.

"It all depends how hard you try and if you like the way I teach." He says.

"Oh that's cool. Have you ever competed?" I ask.

"Yes, I have competed. Actually four years in a row Placed 3rd the first year, 2nd the next two years and then on my final one I ranked 1st." He smiles.

"Wow that's amazing. How come you didn't continue?" I ask.

"Well, I thought that maybe, instead of competing, I could teach." He says.

"Oh that's awesome! I know this is totally off topic, but how old are you?" I ask.

"I'm twenty-three and you are?"

"I'm eighteen," I respond.

"Oh so that means you're touchable." He whispers.

What did he mean by that? What the fuck does 'touchable' mean? Well what does it mean to him?


Fuck I can't believe what I just said. I just fucking called him touchable didn't I? I honestly hope that he doesn't mind that comment. I mean it's okay that I said that, right? He won't say anything to anyone? He'll still come to my courses, won't he?

I sure hope that he does. Oh did I mention that Jonathan is extremely amazing, and so fucking hot. I know that he is my student but I don't really care. I can't help what my eyes like. And with Jonathan I like what I see.

"Touchable eh?" He asks with a smirk.

I send him a wink and smile back at him. He looks to the floor and blushes. Holy fuck he's
blushing! That's a good thing right?

"How about we continue with the information I was giving you?" I offer.

"Okay," He says.

He looks down and his pen and paper; waiting for me to say something. I don't just yet. I look right in his eyes. He flashes me a breathtaking grin. I know that I am going to have fun with him.


Today is Thursday; it is now my fourth class with him. This was the week where Jonathan had a free Tuesday; so it adds up to four. I really like him so far. He's a great student to have. I enjoy his company. Sure I'm getting paid and this is a job, but I don't treat Jonathan like I treat my other students. Yes I guess you can say Jonathan is a special student.
Jonathan is also extremely talented and knows how to work with clay amazingly. I enjoy seeing what he produces. We haven't yet done anything too challenging. Eventually we will. We do have still about thirty-nine weeks left. Also it's good that we meet up so often because it will improve his skill a lot better.

To be honest I wish that I would be to see Jonathan everyday and not just three four times a week. If you haven't yet noticed it, I have a major crush on Jonathan. I mean in the four days that he's been coming here, I'm beginning to like him very, very much. He's just everything I want in a partner. I mean, I don't know everything about him. Yet. I am going to find out, I know I will.

I here the bells chime, he's here. I feel my heart race and my face go red. Oh he gives me butterflies. I know I totally sound like a girl right now, but I don't care.

Jonathan. That's just a name that will always stick by me. He's just so amazing.

"Hi Jonathan." I say brightly.

"Hey Keith," He says with a big smile.

Is he just as happy to see me as I am to see him? I sure hope so! He seems to be happy that I'm around! So today is another day that we get to spend alone. Sometimes there are other classes going on, not today. Aren't we lucky?

I look into Jonathan's eyes and I give him a once over. I honestly can't believe what I'm faced with. He's tall, built -not overly or anything-. He has sexy black hair, gray eyes that are so big and beautiful. I mean it's crazy on how amazing one man can be. I can't believe that he's only eighteen. I mean so young yet so old according to the law.

"So, how are you today?" I ask politely.

"I'm not bad and you sir?" He asks.

Again, he calls me sir again. Why the fuck does he do this to me?

"I'm fine thank you. Jonathan please call me Keith." I say.

"Okay, sorry it's just habit." He says.

"Don't worry about it." I say.

"Okay, I'm very sorry though." He says with a little pout.

"I promise it's okay." I say.

He smiles and my body goes a little crazy. I went under a complete tingly sensation everywhere.

"Well are you ready for today's lesson?" I ask.

"Yes of course I am Keith." He says.

"Well, today I want you to start my making a flat plate." I say.

"Oh okay, but how do I do that?" He asks.

"Okay well it's pretty simple to be honest. Oh and this is with ceramics not pottery." I add.

"Oh, all right." He says.

So I watch as Jonathan makes the flat dish. He works with such great precision and focus. I really like that in a student. He has the potential to be able to qualify for the contest. I will do anything in my power to have him there.

"All right see you later Jonathan." I say as he leaves.

"Bye Keith." He says with a wink.

Oh today has been one hell of a day. The flirting that was going on today was crazy. I know that there must be some sort of connection between the two of us, there must be one. I mean he and I would just work. Well I if anything is going to happen.


It's now week four of Jonathan and I's classes together. Today is a Saturday and I am really happy that he's coming here all the time. I have to say that I have hopes for us getting together one day. Well that is if he's gay.

I hear the door chime and I know he's here. No one else is allowed in here when Jonathan is over for his lessons. Yea I made the change. If they're private lessons it should mean only he and I, no one else. Yes, call me bad I don't care; I just have my own set of rules.

"Keith!" He yells.

"Hey Jonathan," I say.

"How are you?" He asks.

"Well I'm doing pretty great actually and you?" I ask.

"I'm doing all right, not amazing but all right." He says sadly.

"Oh well umm are you sure you can work?" I ask.

"Yes, yes of course I can Keith, I love it." He says.

"How about this, since you're not in a great mood, we'll do something a little more simple?"
I offer.

"Sure that sounds good. Once again you're the teacher." He says.

There's something so naughty about the way he calls me the teacher. A title that makes what I want with him just so wrong; and I don't care.

"Okay so today, I want you to try and make a small bowl." I say.

"Well how small?" He asks.

"I'm thinking that it would be meant for nuts to go in." I say.

"What kind of nuts Keith?" he asks with a purr to his voice.

"Aha, wow Jonathan nice one." I say.

I am practically on the floor dying of laughter. Who knew that Jonathan was so funny?


"I'm done Keith," He say.

"Oh that's great, now we've got to let it dry." I say.

"Yup, that seems correct sir." He says with a smirk.

Again with the smirk. Oh fuck no, my jeans are suddenly getting a little uncomfortable. Why is he the one who does this to me? Oh and it's not the first time this happens either.

He smiles at me and I don't know what I'm suppose to do.

"So Keith what do we do now?" He asks.

"Do you think you can stay a little?" I ask.

"Oh yea sure I can, I've got nowhere else to be." He says.

I smile. This is going to be fucking great.

"What would you like to do?" I ask.

"Anything, I like to sit and talk sometimes." He says.

Hmm, I like that.

"Talk about what?" I ask.

"Anything, do you think I can talk about why I was sad earlier?" He asks.

"Oh yes, yes of course." I say.

This makes me feel good inside. He wants to share stuff with me; I am really happy right now.

"So what is it?" I ask.

"You promise you won't laugh?" He asks.

I see the pain in his eyes and I could swear there are tears in them too. Oh all I want to do right now is hold him, and wipe away the tears that fall from his eyes. Sorry if that's creepy but it's how I see us in the future.

"Of course I won't laugh. I'd never do such a thing." I say.

"Let me start off with saying I hate life." He says.

"Why would you possibly hate life?" I ask.

"Life is tough for me." He says.

"Really? You're eighteen how can it be so tough?" I ask.

How could a guy like Jonathan have a tough time? He's got everything going for him.

"Uhh,'s tough because I'm gay." He says.

Did I hear right? Did he just say he was gay?! Holy fuck he's gay?! Now I have a giant smile on my face.

"Wait you're gay?" I ask.

"Yea, I guess you want me to leave now don't you?" He asks.

This is the best news ever! He's gay so this means that I do have a chance.


"Wait you're gay?" He asks.

Great, this is going to happen all over again, he's not gonna wanna be my teacher anymore.

"Yea, I guess you want me to leave now don't you?" I ask with a hint of disappointment to my voice.

"Oh no, no of course not, I would never ask you to leave. In fact I think that I should share something too." He says.

"What is it Keith?" I ask.

"Jonathan I just happen to be gay as well." He says with a smile.

Now I'm actually happy that I got this off my chest. I have nothing to worry about seeing as he'll accept me because he's gay also.

"You're gay Keith?" I ask.

"Yes I am. I never thought you were." He says.

"Same," I agree.

"I mean men are just so amazing." He says.

"Yes they are. Keith have you ever uh..." I pause.

What the fuck I am doing, asking him if he's ever slept with men! How dumb could I possibly be. He's my teacher. Sure this past month has been amazing but still, he's my teacher. I can get into so much trouble for asking him that.

"What is it Jonathan?" He asks.

"It's nothing Keith." I say.

"Don't lie, and tell me." He purrs into my ear.

I shiver under him. Jeez he's so hot.

"Have you ever been with guys?" I ask.

"Yea, I've had boyfriends sure." He says.

"I- Uh mean as in like with them." I say.

"Oh yes, I have-once- have you?" He asks.

"N-no," I say.

"Well do you want to?" He asks.

"Yes I do when I meet the right man." I say.

"Could I be the right man?" He whispers.

"I uh, I uh would like you to be him, but you can't be." I say.

"Who says I can't be?" He asks.

"The law," I say simply.

"Fuck the law. I like you Jonathan." He says.

"I like you too." I whisper softly.

"So then nothing should stop us right?" He asks.

"But Kieth you're my teacher, you can get into so much trouble." I say.

"I don't care. It can be our little secret." He says.

"But does that make only a one time thing?" I ask.

"Jonathan this is way more then a one time thing. I'm falling deeply for you." He says.

"I'm falling deeply for you too Keith." I say.

He leans in and he kisses me. He has such soft lips. I love them, they're so tasty. He is such a great kisser too. I do hope we can go all the way today. The question is where?

"Keith where is this going to happen?" I ask.

"It's going to happen right here, in this building." He says.

"What if we get caught?" I ask in a worried tone.

"Don't worry we won't get caught baby. You're the only one scheduled for today. No one's got the key but me." He says.

That makes me smile but makes me a little nervous too.

"Oh," I moan.

"Yes," He says and nibbles on my left ear.

I shiver again, he's just so good. He turns me around so now I'm facing him. He kisses me again. Why does he kiss so amazingly? I kiss back with a lot of force and passion. He is just too great with me. He pulls me closer to his body, I like being this close to him.

"Keith, I want you."

"Jonathan I need you." He says in a seductive tone.

He puts my legs around his waist, and begins to carry me up the stairs.

"Keith where are we going?" I ask.

"To my room, upstairs." He says.

"You've got a room?" I ask.

"It's somewhat like an office, you'll see." He says with a girn.

"Ohh, I'm going to have sex in an office!" I yell.

Okay now I want to just crawl under a rock. How embarrassing is that?

"Shh, Jonathan just let it happen." He says.

We are now in the room and I couldn't be happier. He looks so hot while he's removing his shirt. He's got amazing hands and it looks so sexy just watching him. His shirt gently falls to the floor and I'm in heaven. His chest is so beautiful and toned. He's got such rich and perfect looking skin. He's got the body of a male model.

He grabs my hands and places them on his chest. I freeze in place, because his body is so soft. He places his hands over mine and moves them over his erect nipples. Oh I can tell that this is going to be quite good. I being to rub his chest slowly and we kiss. This kiss is so passionate. He seductively begins to unbutton my shirt. He removes it teasingly and I smile. I can't believe I'm like this with my teacher.

I am now shirtless in front of Keith and he licks his lips lightly. I guess he's pleased with what he sees. I smile and kiss him lightly. He smirks and keeps on kissing me back.

"Jonathan you're so sexy," He says.

"Mm, Keith" I moan.

"Today Jonathan you become mine." He says sexily.

"Mhm." I agree.

He leans in and kiss my lips; with passion and fire. He places his hand with mine, and pulls me closer to his body. I smile and peck his lips. Keith has a giant smile on his face. I take my hand and unbutton his pants. He moans a little and I smile. I look down and I can tell he's really hard. My face flushes red.

"Jonathan, that's all because of you. I've never been this hard in my life."

I blush an even deeper red. I made him this hard?

"Oh," I whimper as he kisses my neck.

He bites my neck a little and I smile. This is going to be a great thing that will happen between he and I.


"Wow Keith that was just amazing." I whisper in his ear as he pulls me closer to his body.

Yes his office/room does have a very beautiful bed.

"Jonathan that was just crazy for your very first time." He says.

I smile and kiss him. He and I are just cuddling and enjoying each others company. Keith is the most exciting and great man to enter my life.

"So where do we go from here?" I question.

"We date from here on out that's what we do. Even if it needs to be done in secret." He says.

"Really?" I ask.

"Yes, there is no way that after that I'm giving you up." He says and gives me a peck.

I find that to be really sweet between he and I. Sure it's the very first time that we've done something like this, but he's always been super sweet to me. I can tell that Keith won't let this drop.

"So Keith, do I have to leave now?" I ask.

"Oh god no, not at all. I want you to stay. I'd like to take you out." He says.

"Really? Are you sure?" I ask.

"Oh yes, yes of course I'm sure, I'd love to take you out on a nice cute date." He says.

"That would be just wonderful." I say.

"Perfect," He says as he places a delicate kiss on my lips.


So he and I are now sitting down and this awesome restaurant. I can't believe he'd take me here on a first date. It's honestly and truly incredible that he is doing such a thing for me. I can see myself falling in love with him one day. I hope I get that chance though.

Keith is just so nice to me, right now he's looking into my eyes deeply. He's smiling at me and I'm blushing. We're waiting for our food and he keeps grabbing my hand and kissing it. It's just so cute. He kisses my cheek and my lips too.

I have to say that I am very worried right now. I get that we're here and that it's a super fun date. I love that part, it's just we're going to be dating in secret. Wouldn't that mean that we shouldn't be out like this -to the public, I might add- with it each other?

"Keith aren't we not suppose to be doing this?" I ask.

"Doing what Jonathan?"

"Being out together, you're my teacher and I'm your student. Doesn't this mean you can get caught?" I ask.

"Look forget the teacher and student boundary that we have. I want to forget that it exists. I honestly want to show you off to the world and that's the way it's going to stay. When I said 'our little secret' I just meant like from your mom and my other students. I never meant that I couldn't show you off to the world. You're amazing Jonathan and I can't risk losing you." He says.

I feel the tears well up in my eyes. That is the most beautiful thing anyone besides maybe my mom, has ever said to me. A tear streams down my cheek like a rain drop hitting the Earth's surface. Keith is quick to wipe it away and place a peck right there the tear fell. I can't help but smile because I'm so into this man in front of me.

"Jonathan I just want you to know something." He says.

"And that would be?" I ask.

"I just want to say that you might just be the very best thing that's happening to me." He speaks with a smile.

"Oh," I say and put my head down.

"Hey, hey no hiding that face with me now." He says.


"Are you ready to leave?" He asks.

"No I'm not ready at all." I say sadly.

"Awe Jonathan." He says.

I just put my head down and smile a little. I really don't want to leave this guy ever. In this past month that I've known him, I've felt the most whole now then ever. I can't believe that he's twenty-three and that he's my teacher and I am falling for him like this.

"Bye Jonathan," He says as he leaves me on my door step.

"Bye Keith,"

He gives me a quick kiss and then gets into his car.


It's now been over five months since Jonathan and I have been together. He's the best. We're a strong couple and it turns out, we have a lot more in common then I ever would've thought.

Today just happens to be Jonathan's nineteenth birthday and I'm excited. I have this entire thing planned out for him. It took me an entire week to plan it. He's very special to me. The studio here is completely and utterly decorated with birthday stuff and things he loves. I notice that there is a lot of purple. What can I do? Jonathan adores the color. I also have an entire buffet set up for him at home. My brother is over there right now cooking and preparing everything for he and I. My brother and his girlfriend will be joining us. Oh yea Jonathan loves my brother and his girlfriend so it's going to be a really fun idea. I also want to have his mom there; it's just I don't know if that's a very good idea. Yet. Also today him and I aren't going to have a lesson. I put together a slide show of his and I's moments together. I think that it's a really cute video. I really hope that he likes what I did for him and I'm doing for him after class.

Oh he should be here soon, our class usually starts in about five minutes. Speaking of which I have to put the final touches on this place. I want and need it to be perfect for Jonathan.

He's here, he's here! I can't wait to see his reaction.

"Hey Ke-" He pauses.

"Hey Jonathan." I say with a grin.

"Oh my wow!" He yells.

"Happy birthday." I say.

"You remembered." He says happily.

"How could I forget the birthday of my amazing boyfriend?" I say with a smirk.

He leaps into my arms and kisses me passionately. Oh how I can never get enough of his kisses.

"This is beautiful." He says.

"Wait until you see what else I've done." I say.

"Oh boy..."

Jonathan and I have just finished eating dinner with my brother and his girlfriend. The night had been so fun and now they are getting ready to leave.

"Thanks Keith for everything." He says.

"Not a problem." I say.

"Well I guess I'm going with your brother." He says.

"Oh no, no I don't think so. You're staying here tonight." I say.

He smirks he knows what's happening tonight. Frankly I can't imagine myself with anyone but Jonathan.


Today is the day of the competition and I have to say I'm really nervous. Sure Keith has taught me great things. With and without pottery. It's just that I don't know how amazing the rest of the contestants are. Keith tells me that I've got nothing to worry about; but maybe he's just being sweet. After all I am his boyfriend.

"Jonathan stop being so worried, it's going to go fine." He whispers to me.

"Keith it's only normal though it's my first time." I say

"Yes I'll give you that. Just know some of these people think they're better and they never win." He says.

"Thanks," I say.

"All right will all contestants please take their places." The announcer says.

"Okay, good luck." Says Keith.

I walk over to my station and start prepping my clay and ceramic making sure it's at a usable consistency.

"Okay everyone in the audience please return to your seats; the contest will being in five minutes. "

I see Keith going to sit down in the first row and he smiles at me. I give him a weak smile back and he gives me a thumbs up. I really want to make him proud and I hope I do a good job.

"Okay so for round one, the contestants must create the basic pot." The announcer says.

The crowd begins to clap and the announcer gets ready with the second part of his speech.

"Contestants will have forty minutes."

And I begin with the first round.


It's now down to the final four and three of us will place. They're about to annouce the winners.

"Okay in the third place with one hundred and eight points we have, Risa Bianci. In second place with one hundred and eighty-six points we have, Jonathan Renolds."

The second I hear my name I run into Keith's arms and he kisses me. I can't believe that I just placed second. It's my first year. I mean my points are so high it's crazy.

"You see I knew it." Keith says.

I smile and he kisses me again. He holds me so close to his body. I can't believe he's kissing me in front of the crowd. In the end it doesn't matter, no one has to know that he's my teacher. Even if someone finds out who cares? I'm nineteen and Keith doesn't even care if he loses his job. He tells me that I'm the most important thing to him. So in the end all that matters is Keith and I.
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I hope you liked it! :) Comments please? <3