I'm Not Part of Your Elite, I'm Just Alright

Layla and Billie Joe have lived near each other for almost their entire lives. But neither of them have ever talked to one another because they're complete opposites. Layla is the girl who dresses nice every day and always has her hand raised in class. Her grades are perfect, she is perfect...her life is perfect...according to her mother. Billie Joe, on the other hand, is the punk rocker who hangs out behind the school to smoke pot. But when the two collide their personalities mesh and instantly there's a little spark of romance.
  1. Him.
    oh...billie boy.
  2. The Beast
    mommy dearest
  3. Grey Chuck Taylors
    second encounter
  4. He's Not Perfect Either.
    a night in the life of billie joe
  5. An Impossible Date
    billie joe asks her out?
  6. Have a Nice Effing DAY.
  7. I'll Kick His Skinny Ass
    A new friend
  8. He Actually Came
    he's not so bad.
  9. A Savior...for a little while
    oh yeah...the dad!
  10. You Have Serious Paranoia Issues.
  11. Friends.
    new friendships.
  12. Will You Take Me Home?
  13. Did he Just Call Me Gorgeous?
  14. Freedom.
  15. No One's Perfect
  16. You're Perfect.
  17. Big Mistake
    billie pisses off layla
  18. What Just Happened
    a close call
  19. Finally.
    what we've been waiting for.
  20. Good News or Bad News