Status: I'm still writing this story. However, since I have hardly any readers, no comments, and no subscribers, I am going to take a break from posting until more people are interested.

Dear Diary,

Entry Two

Dear Diary,
Ha. There I go with that again. I’m just sitting here in my room. I’m in the chair by my window. There’s a storm happening right now. Ah, how I love the rain. The rain makes me happy. It calms me. The lightening, the thunder, all of it. I love to talk it all in. I love to lay out on our picnic table, to get soaking wet. When there is a lot on my mind, I pray for the rain.

Right now I’m just looking. Looking at the water droplets fall from the sky. Looking into the distance. What would life be like out there? I’m here in this small, dinky town. Oh, you know, one of those cliché towns where everyone knows everyone else’s business. I loathe these types of towns. At eighteen, I’m moving to Chicago. Big city, big life, big dreams.

Well, until next time.
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