Status: I'm still writing this story. However, since I have hardly any readers, no comments, and no subscribers, I am going to take a break from posting until more people are interested.

Dear Diary,

Entry Four

Dear Diary,
Remember when I said I don’t really trust people? Well, I trusted one person before. My cousin. Her name is Haley. We were born twenty-seven minutes apart. I’m older. Growing up, we were inseparable! We rarely slept at separate houses. We shared lockers. We shared gossip. We talked about boys. We did each other’s hair and make-up. We were more like sisters. We were best friends.

Ah, shoot. I’m going t be late! I’ve got to go pick up a pint of mint chocolate chip ice cream. Yum! That was our favorite. I’m going to go eat it with her and catch her up on everything that’s happened in the past year. But the grave yard creeps me out after dark, so I’d better get going.

Rest in Peace, Haley. You are missed!
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