Status: I'm still writing this story. However, since I have hardly any readers, no comments, and no subscribers, I am going to take a break from posting until more people are interested.

Dear Diary,

Entry Five

Dear Diary,
Wow, it’s late. I just got back from the grave yard. Apparently I had way more to tell Haley than I thought, because it’s been dark for a few hours now. Honestly, I wasn’t very creeped out. Haley was there to protect me. Sometimes I wish it was me that died that night. It’s not one of those “It should have been me, its my fault” stories. She was sick for a while before she passed away. But I still wish it was me, instead of her. She was an amazing person, she was going places. Me? I’m not going places. I’m not good enough.

I have school tomorrow, so I really shouldn’t talk long. Eight o’clock in the morning is just too early. I’m not a morning person. In fact, I absolutely hate mornings. Sometimes, I wake up, put my hair into a messy ponytail without even trying to keep the strays down, and go to school in my pajamas. Luckily, though, I’m rarely late. It doesn’t really matter though. Mrs. Henslick, my first period teacher, is never on time to class. She usually strolls in about five minutes after the bell.

Anyway, Haley and I had a good conversation. Obviously, though, I did most of the talking. I still talked about boys - or rather, a boy. (I’ll tell you about him later). I told her much school sucks. One more year to go after this, though. I’m excited, and I know she’s excited for me. I told her that I don’t know what to do after graduation. I probably won’t do anything. Like I said, I’m not going places. In the first entry of this diary, I told you that I’m going to Chicago. Somehow, though, I doubt that it will happen. I don’t have the money. I don’t have a plan. Oh well. I’ll live here in this town until the day I day - lonely, childless, by myself. Who cares though? Not me! Anyway, back to my conversation with Haley. I told her that my parents haven’t changed any. She knows how they are. She remembers. They never cared if I left to hang out with Haley. Not because I was with Haley, but because they didn’t care that I was gone. In fact, at one point, I quit asking to leave the house. I’d just tell Haley’s parents that Mom said it was okay and they’d come pick me up. My parents and hers didn’t, and still do not talk. I gave Haley some ice cream, but most of it was mine. I’ll always love mint chocolate chip. Haley would too, if she were here. Hey! We even talked about you. I told her how I write to you. She knows that I told you about her. I’m sure she smiled. I’m sure she’s happy that I still remember her. I’ll never forget her. How could I? She was my first and only best friend.

Ahh, it’s past eleven now. I better get to bed. I’m going to be so wiped in the morning. Goodnight.
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