Running The Bases

First Inning

Chapter 6
I glanced down at myself. How I got myself into this, I have no idea. It’s been a long time since I’ve worn an actual baseball uniform, and it felt weird basically having no hair considering it was tucked away in my hat. I looked over to the dugout as I stood on the pitcher’s mound. Dana, and Audrey were in the dugout, both giving me a thumbs up.
How did I get myself into this?
It all started this morning; a few hours before the game was suppose to start. Dana and I were gathering up materials for the game when Audrey came by to give us some interesting news.
“Brett hurt his hand.” she said flatly.
“What?!” I asked. “But today’s the first game of the tournament!”
“I know, and he’s sorry.” said Audrey. “But he can’t pitch the doctor told him.”
By then most of the team had gather around us all in shock.
“Should we just forfeit then? We have no backup pitchers really, do we?” Dana said. I shook my head.
“I don’t know what else we can do.” I said. Somewhere deep inside of me I wanted to praise Brett for skipping out on the game today.
“I have an idea.” Andrei cut through the crowd and stood next to me. He rested a hand on my shoulder and looked down at me.
And that’s how I got up here, on this pitcher’s mound wearing the Batavia uniform. Hair tucked away so I could look like a guy considering that girl’s aren’t allowed to play in any official games.
Andrei ran up to me on the pitcher’s mound, as he was all geared up and ready to go. I looked at the infield and outfield. They all smiled at me.
God, my team is horrible. We’re so going to get disqualified if anyone finds out. All I hope for is that no one on Geneva recognizes me.
“Alright, you ready to kick these guy’s asses?” Andrei asked.
“Uh, sure.” I said sliding my hat down even farther on my head.
“You remember the signs right?” he asked, lifting his mask up.
“Of course.” I said. “Now can we just get this game over with?”
“Someone’s impatient.” Andrei laughed. He slid his catcher’s mask down and pounded his mitt. “Alright! Let’s go!” He ran back to the catcher’s box and and crouched down signaling the umpire to tell everyone the game was starting.
I held the ball in my hands thinking what a fool I was. If only mom was here…
“Begin!” I heard the umpire call. I sigh and lean forward waiting for Andrei to tell me what to throw. The first batter was small, and he seemed quick. Typical starter.
Screwball, top left? But wouldn’t that go straight to the middle then?! I shook my head on the first pitch, it felt awkward.
Andrei threw me another sign and I shook my head again. He did the first sign once again.
Fine, whatever. I followed his orders and threw my arm to let the ball go. It headed straight towards Andrei’s mitt.
The batter swung and I tightened up thinking he was going to hit it. I closed my eyes for one second to to suddenly hear the sound I love so much. I opened my eyes to see that the batter had missed completely.
First strike.
“STRIKE!” the umpire called out. Yes! Don’t get too excited…don’t want to show it either. Alright Andrei what’s the next pitch?
Grounder to third.
I took a deep breath of relief. Next batter…he stepped up to the plate and swung once, swung twice and stretched. I knew that routine…Alex?
Andrei signaled for me to do a low fastball. I shook my head. Didn’t he do any research? Alex liked them low.
He signaled for another low ball. I shook my head once again. I tilted my head a little up hoping Alex wouldn’t notice.
Up and in the right? I nodded and threw it.
“Damn.” I muttered. I threw it in the same and Alex swung.
“STRIKE!” he always swung on the second pitch no matter what it was. Two more.
“STRIKE!” Alex looked from under his helmet and stared at me. He grinned at me and made a hmph noise. I stood up straight and rested a hand on my hip. Someone hasn’t changed I see.
Alex left the batter box and walked back to his dugout. He turned away from me and whispered to some of his teammates. Sooner or later, all eyes were on me. Shit. Alex couldn’t have figured out it was me? Did he? I held onto the bill of my Batavia hat and held it there covering my eyes. One more out. Third batter stepped up.
Hit a pop up to second. Robert caught it with one hand.
“THREE OUTS CHANGE!” I walked to the dugout with a sigh of relief once again.
“It’s only the first inning.” Joey slapped me on the back.
“Hey you’re doing great!” Michael and Nick said as they entered the dugout.
“Thanks.” I said. I rolled my shoulder feeling the pressure just like in little league.
“You’re doing great!” Andrei planted one of huge hands on my head.
“Yeah.” I said. “Eight more innings to go, twenty-four more outs.” I sighed.
“It’ll go great.” said Andrei. He began to take off his catching gear.
“When do you bat?” I asked.
“Third.” he said.
“Lucky, I bat ninth. No fun there.” I muttered. Andrei shrugged and threw his gear to the side. I walked over to the benches and sat down. The bench was made of cold metal, which caused my ass to shiver for a moment.
I watched from the sidelines as the leadoff hitter stepped into the batter’s box. Robert huh? I thought. He was fast enough to be a leadoff hitter.
“STRIKE!” the umpire called out.
I kept my eyes on the pitcher. His hat was covering his eyes and hair, hard for me to recognize him. The pitcher, whoever he was, began to his windup he raised his head for me to catch a glimpse of his face.
“J-Ja-“I couldn’t spit out the name as I was trying to figure out if it was him or not. I heard shouts from both dugouts as Robert slid to first base and was safe. I stood up from the bench and walked over to the low wall that divided the dugout from the field.
I didn’t pay attention to the next batter and had totally forgotten that Andrei was on-deck. I leaned against the rail focusing all of my attention on the pitcher. I shook my head as it drooped down.
The sound of the ball making contact with the bat rang through my ears. Andrei scored a single like everyone else. Good, bases loaded and it’s only the first inning. I glanced over at Coach as she was giving signs to the cleanup hitter Joey to swing away.
“With pleasure.” I heard Joey say to himself.
I had confident in our cleanup hitter, I mean he was supposed to ‘cleanup’ the bases, but I knew how Jack got when the cleanup had his turn at the plate.
One strike, two balls. Hit it! How I wish Joey would just get a home run.
“Oh!” I watched as the pitcher held the ball in his glove, and took his throwing arm and did this odd thing with his fingers. “Fastball.” I said leaning more over the ledge.
And of course, he threw a fastball , a little off to the side but close enough for Joey to make contact and get to center field.
“Yes!” our dugout shouted as Joey batted in two runs.
“We’re in the lead!” Nick and Michael shouted together, giving each other high fives. I smirked and rested my elbow on the ledge. I gave out a half laugh.
I hate to admit it, but right now we are sure to lose.