Running The Bases

Celebrating Not For Victory

Chapter 8
I wanted this game to end quickly, and that’s what it pretty much did. Eighth inning, on the mound arguing with Andrei about what pitches I should throw to the cleanup. We finally decided onto start with a sinker considering he was a southpaw. Strike. Fastball. Ball. Screwball. Strike.
He hit it on the fourth pitch. It sailed over my head and past second, and center field. It hit the back wall signaling a home run for Geneva.
I sighed, and turned to face Andrei. His face was content, and serious. He showed no emotion but I knew deep down he was not happy. I should be feeling the worse considering I was the one who actually threw the baseball at him.
The score went back and forth between the two teams. We were winning, then losing, then winning, then losing again. It was 7 to 6 right now in top of the eighth inning. I decided in the sixth inning that I wanted to actually win this game. I wanted to win it for him.
I kept on trying my best, but it’s hard to go up against the team that made it all the way to the finals last year. Geneva’s score went up to 9 runs now. I threw my head back and glared at the sun that I was beginning to hate with a passion right now.
The scores kept on coming, now Geneva in the lead by five runs.
I don’t know how it happened but it did.
It was finally our turn to bat, and I was glad to rest my shoulder. While I was chugging down a water bottle I heard a shout come through the entrance from the locker rooms.
“JULIA!” I almost jumped from how Mariah’s voice randomly came out of nowhere.
“What. Did. I. Miss?” she asked walking over to me. I pointed to the scoreboard setting my water down.
“Oh...damn.” Mariah whispered. “Sorry I missed it all. I was on Twitter and I lose track of time-“
“You were on Twitter?” I asked raising an eyebrow and gaining a tone.
“S-sorry! I was talking to this guy named Sebastian and all-“
“Mariah.” I said.
“I have to pitch.” I said.
“But I will be back to knock you out dead later.” I said. Mariah blinked and pulled out her phone sending a text to Twitter.
I clenched my fist and grabbed my glove.
“One inning!” Andrei said to me as we walked to the field.
“Thank God.” I said. “It sucks we lost though.” Andrei looked down at the dirt.
“We’ll try for the next tournament then! Right?” he half grinned at me.
“Yeah.” I said. I stepped up onto the pitcher’s mound and kicked the dirt. I touched the rim of my hat and looked at the batter. It was Jack.
In little league, he was always the joker of the team. The one who lifted everyone’s spirit. I remember that clearly. He was probably my favorite of that team. Yet, he seemed different today…
I struck him out, along with the next two batters. I was getting tired of this game. I really was.
Back in the dugout I looked up to the ceiling and thought to myself ‘Can you see this game from where you are? You know who I’m up against right? Yeah them. Remember Alex, Jack, and Rian? I haven’t seen Zack today, maybe he quit? But we are going to lose; I wanted to win this for you. Too bad. I’m sorry.’
My train of thought was broken as I heard the umpire call “THREE STRIKES!” I didn’t want to listen anymore. I already knew who was going to win. I heard another strike out.
The final batter was Andrei.
“Just strikeout.” I said to myself. No point in actually trying. And that’s exactly what he did.
Andrei slowly walked back to the dugout, putting his helmet and bat away. No one said anything. Mariah was now sitting next to me.
“Julia?” she asked calmly. I took my hat off to let my hair go. It fell in front of my face, now hiding the small tears that were being held in the corner of my eyes. I stood up and turned to the rest of the team.
“GREAT JOB!” I said to them. They all turned to me and smiled. I smiled back and caught Andrei’s attention.
“You were great.” He said to me.
“Because I had a great catcher of course.” I said. He smiled.
“I think this calls for a group hug.” Mariah said bluntly staring out onto the field.
“Then lets!” Michael said pulling everyone together. I laughed and wrapped my arms around Andrei and Michael.
“We all did our best and that’s what matters.” Andrei as we were all huddled together.
“Now we know to try harder next time.” Coach Amy said. I pulled away and walked over to her.
“What’s our plan now?” I asked.
“Summer Tournament.” she said. I nodded. I then felt hands on my head, shoulder, and back. I turned my head to see Dana, Audrey, Mariah, and Andrei standing there. All touching me…
“Let’s go celebrate!” Mariah said.
“For our lost? Hell why not!” I said. I pumped my hands into the air, just to go along with it. I mean it did suck that we lost but hell, why not celebrate just for kicks?
The team changed out of their stinky and shitty looking uniforms and we stepped out of the locker room smelling horrible. But we didn’t care. Like we cared about anything...
“Hey pitcher!”
That saying and voice again. We were exiting the stadium as we heard Geneva calling us. I stopped and turned.
There they were the epic trio. Jack, Alex, and Rian, yet no Zack. I called out to the team to stop for a moment. I blinked a few times and casually walked over to them.
“Hey there.” Jack grinned.
“Hi…” I said.
“It’s been a long time.” Rian stated.
“Yeah it has.” I said.
“We’ve missed you.” Alex said nudging Jack and Rian.
“Oh I bet.” I said.
“We didn’t know that you were imposing as guy though.” said Jack.
“I had to fill in for our pitcher. He hurt his hand.” I stated.
“Ouch.” said Jack.
“Yeah.” I shrugged. “I was hoping you guys wouldn’t notice me.”
“Why not? Isn’t it great to see old teammates?!” asked Alex.
“No it’s great to see you guys…its just...” I paused.
“I know Jack is happy to see you.” Rian leaned in and whispered in my ear. I smacked him away playfully.
“Say you got yourself a phone?” Alex asked me.
“Duh.” I said.
“Great. Number?” he asked. “We’ll have to get together.”
“Sure thing.” I said. I gave all of the my number as I got theirs in return.
“Oh Julia! You almost done?” I felt someone ask behind.
“Oh this dude is the catcher!” said Rian.
“I’m Andrei.”
“Sup.” Alex said as his typical greeting to new people.
“Come on, everyone’s starving.” Andrei said grabbing my arm.
“Oh alright.” I said.
“I’ll call you!” I heard Jack yell out as Andrei dragged away.
“Little league friends?” Andrei asked me letting go of my arm as we came near the now walking away group.
“You could say.” I said. Andrei raised an eyebrow. “We were best friends or something.”
“Ah.” Andrei said walking a little faster. Damn those long legs of his.
“Who were they?” Dana asked me later on, as our group was heading out to eat.
“Old friends.” I smiled.
“Friends? Or friends friends?” Dana asked.
“Just friends.” I said. “Trust me, nothing happened with those guys.”
“Oh okay, whatever you say.” she grin. I put on a scowl.
“Now I gotta beat up you and Mariah huh?” I asked. She shrugged. I sighed and looked up at the sky. It was beginning to get dark, hopefully we would make it to wherever we were going before it became night.
I slowed down my pace to gaze at the surroundings.
“You are so damn slow.” I found Andrei saying as I looked in front of me. He stood in front of me. I looked down to realize I had stopped walking.
“I was just-“
“Just come on.” he said.
I couldn’t help but smile as he grabbed my hand.