Running The Bases

Exactly Four Years Ago...

Chapter 9
After we celebrated our loss, Andrei had walked me home, and I entered the house feeling my hand tingle from when Andrei had held it.
I entered the kitchen to grab water before heading up to bed. I ran into my mother, who was once again drinking wine over the counter.
“Where were you? You know it’s late.” she slurred.
“I was at a baseball game.” I stated. My mother gave me the strangest look ever.
“You, at a baseball game?” she asked me.
“Yeah, I was actually pitching.” I said slamming the fridge door closed.
“W-Why?” mom asked.
“Because I just was. Good night.” I said waving to her as I exited the kitchen. I stomped up the stairs and ran to my room, hoping to make as much noise as possible. Nothing could stop me. I heard my mom walking around downstairs yet she never bothered to come upstairs for the whole night.
I chugged down my water, and crawled into bed from how exhausted I was. Right before I could actually fall asleep, my phone buzzed. I found my phone with my hand in the dark and put it right to my face.
One new message. It blinked. I checked my messages to see one new message from Jack.
Jack- Good night pitcher(:
I smiled at that, and didn’t reply. I put my phone away and slid the covers over my head, taking it all in, and falling asleep like a baby.
It was two weeks later, around seven in the morning where I was awoken very violently by a certain someone.
“WHAT THE FUCK?” I asked still somewhat half asleep as I rubbed my eyes and pulled the covers away from me.
“You are late.”
“For practice. Andrei called me to come and get you since Audrey and Dana are already there.” I stood up slowly, stretched.
“Buhissafurbay.” I mumbled the words to Mariah and patted her on the head as I walked over to my closet.
“Huh?” Mariah asked raising an eyebrow at me. “How late were you up?”
“Fah.” I said rubbing my eyes as I tore through the pile of clothes that laid at the bottom of my closet.
“What were you doing?!” Mariah asked me picking up a dirty t-shirt off the ground. She took a sniff and cringed.
“Animeandmanga.” I said pulling a somewhat clean shirt over my head. My best friend shook her head at me and threw me a pair of pants that was under my bed.
“You never change.” she muttered, pulling me out of my room and leading me downstairs.
“Onemurhar.” I said trying to break free from Mariah’s grasp.
“I don’t think so.” she said dragging me now down the sidewalk. “Apparently Brett’s back.”
“Already?” I asked, gaining a little conscious back as we slowed down the walk. Mariah nodded and shrugged all at the same time. What a weird combination. I tugged at the hem of my shirt and pulled my pants up. “I’m tired.” I stated. Mariah tilted her head towards me and gave a look. I couldn’t describe this look, but it wasn’t good. That’s all I could say.
We reach the diamond as I heard Michael calling my name.
“There you are!” he said jogging over to greet us. “…and you look like a mess.”
“Three hours of sleep my friend.” I said holding up three fingers and shoving them into his face. He had his mitt on his head again, like always. He didn’t bother to say anything. I walked over to the dugout almost crashing into the whole team, from the lack of sleep, and food. I planted my ass on the bench and fell forward into my hands.
“You,” someone had pushed their finger against my forehead, pushing it upward to lift my head, so I could see their face. “Look horrible.”
“Thanks.” I sleepily smiled and removed Andrei’s finger from my forehead. “It’s your fault.”
“What? How is it my fault?” Andrei asked, kneeling down to get to eye level.
“You told Mariah to come and pick me up. I was hoping I could sleep in.” I said.
“Well, I’m sorry that I didn’t know you only got three hours of sleep.” Andrei grinned.
“Shut up.” I muttered into my hands.
“You shouldn’t stay up late watching anime anyway. You’ve got other stuff to do. Like manage your team.” Andrei patted me on the head.
“Er, yeah.” I said. I hated lying. Especially to all of my friends, but wouldn’t I have to explain to them why I was up so late and couldn’t get to sleep? I was up for many things actually. But most of all it was because of you.
Four years ago you gave your life away in an accident. Exactly four years ago, I told you to hurry so you could see me pitch in my first game of middle school. I knew you ran, and ran…and then…
I lifted my head with a quick snap to make I wouldn’t go any further with my thoughts.
“Dude.” I looked up wondering how I didn’t notice a whole group of boys surrounding me. “Are you okay?” Andrei asked me.
“Oh yeah.” I said standing up then, too quickly though. “Fine.”
“Maybe she should go home.” I heard Nick whisper.
“No, no, I’ll stay. It’s alright.” I responded. “You guys need to practice after our loss.” I glanced around to look at the small object Andrei held in his hand. My mind quickly rushed back to four years ago.
I remember getting the phone call. I remember the shouts and screams. People blaming me, saying how it was all my fault…
“Julia.” I heard my name for about the thousandth time, yet for some reason I couldn’t answer.
“W-what?” I asked suddenly shaking my head back and forth looking around.
“You fell asleep.” Dana laughed as she looked over me. Her hair attacking my face as it trickled down back her face. I blinked a few times and asked what time it was. “Noon.”
I blinked again. Was it me or did time go by really? Then again I was asleep… I slowly sat from the bench and rubbed the back of my head. Note to self, never fall asleep on the bench ever again. It hurts like hell. I glanced around to see people wandering off, some heading to the locker room while others leaving the fence.
“You can go home and sleep some more if you want.” Dana said. She sat down next to me on the bench.
“Nah.” I said stretching my arms over my head. “I’m actually hungry.” I let my arms down and turned to her. My stomach growled. Dana laughed.
“Wanna go get something?” she asked me, tucking her hair behind her ears.
“Oh yeah!” I said. “Should I get the others-“
“Um-“ she paused. “Why don’t we have a manager’s lunch only today?” she smiled. “The boys were annoying today, I just don’t feel like being around them.”
“Understandable.” I said. “I get that feeling all the time.”
“Alright let’s go! My treat for today!” She stood up, full of energy then turned to me. She extended her arms towards me and I took her hand to help me up.
“So, uh where should we go?” Dana asked me once we left the fence.
“I know a place.” I said with a grin.
We stepped inside and immediately Marvin came rushing over saying hello.
“Oh, no Andrei today?” Marvin asked looking around.
“No, he’s back at practice.” I said. “But I brought along a different friend, this is Dana, she’s the other manager for the baseball team.”
“Very nice to meet you Dana!” Marvin said shaking her hand.
“Eh, nice to meet you too.” she said.
“Well, you know what to do. Everything’s on the house!” Marvin waved his hands as he walked off to the kitchen in the back, and began to yell at people.
“How do you know this place?” Dana asked behind me as I guided her towards the usual spot.
“Andrei showed it to me.” I said plopping my ass down in my normal spot. “I don’t know how he found it. He just comes here a lot.”
“You and Andrei…are close.” Dana said slowly sitting down across from me.
“I don’t know.” I said. “We’re just two people who enjoy baseball way to much.” I laughed.
“I don’t get that.” Dana confessed.
“You say you love baseball, yet…you always look like you hate it. I see you in the dugout and you watch it with bored eyes, and even when you’re on the mound you tend to not look happy.” said Dana.
I bit my lip, and told the waitress the usual order as she came by.
“I have my reason.” I said quietly.
“Then there’s that whole thing with little league that people always talk about.” Dana continued on. “And then there’s-“
“Shut up.” I said. Dana stopped. By then our food was seated in front of us. I kept my hands in my lap as they trembled. I tilted my head forward as my hair fell over my face.
“Julia…?” Dana asked quietly. She reached over the table to touch my arm, but I slapped her hand.
“D-Don’t touch me.” I said, feeling the tears clog up into my eyes. I stepped out of the booth the moment I felt a tear drop down my face and into my lap. I wiped my eyes and ran out of the building as more began to come out.
I’m such a wuss. I thought to myself as I ran down the street feeling like an ass right now. The tears went down my face and before I knew it I broke down in the middle of the sidewalk. I sobbed, and sobbed into my hands as I was on my knees. My knees began to ache same with my stomach and head, but I continued on crying. I couldn’t control, and I couldn’t stop it. My body was shaking and I began to feel cold all over. I stared into the darkness of my hands as they covered my face. I took deep breaths, and began to cry all over again.
Who knows how long I was on the sidewalk making a fool of myself, but I needed to cry I thought. I haven’t cried since that day, and now it’s all coming out.
I heard heavy footsteps behind me, and thought someone was going to kick me aside. The footsteps stopped and I felt a pair of arms wrap around me. My breathing slowed down, and I began to cry less as I felt comforted. I didn’t even know who was hugging me, but it felt nice and grateful that someone was there.
Once I became as calm as I could, I released my hands from my face and craned my head to see who was behind me.
“I think you have some explaining to do.” he said.