Status: slowly active(:

Two Months

Huntington’s disease:
A rare hereditary condition that causes progressive chorea (jerky muscle movements) and mental deterioration that ends in dementia. Huntington's symptoms usually appear in patients in their 40s. There is no effective treatment.

I am going to die. In two months my life will be over. Two months, eight weeks, sixty-one days, any way you put it I am going to die. I have Huntington’s disease. Worse than that, I have juvenile Huntington’s disease. I won’t live to see adulthood. I won’t ever be old enough to drink legally. I probably won’t even make it to my Sweet Sixteen. Two months, that’s all I have left. Let the fun begin.
  1. Introduction.
  2. American Honey.
    Title Credit: Lady Antebellum
  3. What Sarah Said.
    Title Credit: Death Cab for Cutie
  4. Boys Suck.
  5. Doncha Wanna?
  6. Fidelity.
    Title Credit: Regina Spektor