Status: slowly active(:

Two Months

Doncha Wanna?

“I-I thought you were your mom.” I mumbled, crossing my arms and looking down.

“And I thought you said you burned that sweatshirt.” I giggled softly.

“Yeah well I was always a better liar than you.”

We stood in awkward silence for a few moments. I missed Kody so much. All I wanted to do was throw myself into his arms and never let go. But I didn’t have that option any longer. I had to let go, whether I was ready to or not. I sighed and took off the sweatshirt. I looked up, holding it out for him.

“No. You should keep it. It was always your favorite.” He gave me a crooked smile.

And I couldn’t do it. I couldn’t shut him out anymore. I needed him. It was selfish and petty of me, but I couldn’t help myself. I pulled the sweatshirt back over my head and stood to the side.

“Wanna come in?”


I bit my lip, smiling, before turning and heading into the kitchen. Kody followed behind, his hands behind his back. I stopped, not grabbing anything to eat, and hoisted myself onto the counter. Kody automatically went to the fridge and grabbed two Grape Fantas.

“Doncha wanna?” We chorused as he tossed one towards me.

I allowed myself to giggle as I caught our signature drink. He came over and stood in front of me. I noticed a package out of the corner of my eye that hadn’t been there earlier. I reached over and opened it only to find my Dad’s sweatpants. I glanced at Kody.

“Oh, yeah. I figured you’d want them back.”

He hadn’t washed them. Now they smelled like my two favorite boys. I reached deeper into the bag, but I couldn’t find my shirt.

“Thanks, Kody. But my shirt isn’t in here.”

I watched silently as a deep blush colored his face, creeping all the way to his ears. This was gonna be good.

“Uhmm, yeah, well…” He trailed off, looking down and scratching the back of his neck.

“Old habits die hard, huh?”

He smiled, the blush dying slightly.

We sat in an awkward silence for a few moments. I could tell he had listened to what I said last night. I could always tell when things were wrong with Kody…

Back when I was Kody’s girl, we were never without each other. He walked me to each class and waited outside to pick me up. He drove and picked me up from school as soon as he got his license. I would even sit and watch his swim team practices. It was like I couldn’t get enough of him. And he definitely couldn’t get enough of me. In the hallways during passing period, in his car during lunch, in my room while my mom worked cases downtown. Connected at the hip began to take on an entirely different meaning. If he had been a girl we would have gotten our periods together. I knew his moods like I knew my own. He had an aura of defeat about him. He was finally giving up after all of the time he spent fighting for me. He was finally done…

I dropped my head to hide the sudden mist clouding my vision. I hadn’t expected Kody to ever give up. But I knew now he was done. He was going to move on.

“Look my mom is expecting me home soon so…” He trailed off as I met his eyes.

I didn’t care that I was going to die. I didn’t care that I was selfish. I didn’t care that this was going to kill him. I reached forward and pulled Kody to me by his collar. I gave him five seconds to back away. Instead he let his hands fall to my waist. They fit just like I knew they would. And then I kissed him.
♠ ♠ ♠
I know! I'm sorry about the cliffhangers I keep giving you guys! But I do really love all of my commenters. And I love this story even if I sometimes forget about it. I'll do my best to update more regularly.(:

P.S. You should click here and check out my new story. But, be warned, it is a lot darker than this one.