Sequel: Mockingbird.

Not So Jasey Rae.


Wednesday, April 8th, 2009

When Jack, Zack, and Skylar finally got out of the maze, they were greeted by the other three, waiting impatiently. Jack looked at his watch. “Guys! It’s seven-forty eight! Time to go-o!” He yelled, grabbing Alex and Skylar’s hands, running towards the exit. He had dubbed Skylar and Alex his two best friends the day before, so this happened often. Finally, when they reached the exit, he decided to drop their hands, and just run to the hotel as fast as he could. Alex received a text from Rian.

U guys go. Amy got sick in bathroom. Gonna b a while.

He turned to Skylar and showed her the text. She sighed, and began walking. “Wanna piggy-back ride?” Alex offered.

Sky raised an eyebrow, “What are you gonna do?”

He smirked, “Absolutely nothing. If I try or do anything, you can slap me, and tell Amelia.” He sounded sincere, so when he bent down, she cautiously jumped on. He started walking, putting his hands under her thighs to support her, but not nearly as high as he could of. He was keeping true to his word.

About twenty or so steps in, he starting spinning around, slowly at first, then faster, and he stopped walking just to spin. She hid her head in his shoulder, both of them laughing as he spun. Suddenly, he stopped spinning, and began running. But that didn’t work for long, because he was wobbling so. She knew if she didn’t get off, they would both topple over. She attempted to jump off, but ended up falling strait on her ass. Alex turned around when he realized that the weight had been taken off his back, and when he saw her, he rushed over to help, but laughed, “How come you always end up on the ground?” He helped brush off her back. She had to admit, she liked his smile. It was real. It wasn’t a smirk, for once.

“I’m just clumsy, I guess.”

He shot her a look, “Well, I’ve known that since I first saw you in the crowd. You almost tripped on your way to merch, like, seven times.”

“You saw me?”



“Yeah, and we should probably get going. You want back on, or do you wanna walk?”

“Are you sure you can handle it this time?” She challenged.

“Pfft, yeah! Hop on!” He bent down, and she climbed on. He started walking at a semi-fast pace.

“So, I have a question.” Alex probed.

“And what would that be?”

“Okay, so, if you could choose any person in the whole, wide, world to eat one dinner with, fake or real, alive or dead… what would you eat?” He asked seriously.

She started laughing hard, hiding her face in his shoulder again. “Um… I would eat pizza, pepperoni. And for desert, those little cube shaped brownies with powder sugar on them. Zack makes the best.”

He moaned, “I know. You don’t know how many times I’ve paid him to make those for me. He can’t cook anything else for shit, though. Another question, what’s your favorite song?”


“Ever, ever.”

“Probably Drops of Jupiter by Train. I’ve loved that song since I was like, ten, when it first came out. That’s how long it’s been my favorite. I have other favorites, but that will always have a special place in my heart. Do you know it?”

“But tell me, did you sail across the sun? Did you make it to the Milky Way, to see the lights all faded;
and that heaven is overrated?”
He sang softly. She sang the next part with him.

“Tell me, did you fall for a shooting star? One without a permanent scar, and did you miss me while you were looking for yourself out there?”

“Ha! You can sing! Amelia was right! Sky, you have a great voice.”

She blushed, “Thanks, eh. I like to sing, but I’d never put it to good use.”

“You could if you wanted. You could-”

“Alex! You gave Sky a piggy bag ride, but not me?” Jack whined.

“You ran off. Remember? And why aren’t you inside?” Alex yelled back from across the lot.

“I have the keys.” Rian’s voice came from behind Alex and Sky. Alex turned around to see Rian swinging keys around, Zack messing with his iPod, and a mad, glaring Amy. Sky tried jumping down, so Alex helped.

“Don’t want you falling again, huh?” He laughed, balancing her. It was then that Amelia strutted up and got in between them, pulling Alex’s face down to hers, kissing him roughly. He immediately kissed back, pulling her closer.

Skylar turned towards where the boys were, and made a face that said it all: “That may be the most disgusting thing I’ve ever seen… or heard.”

She walked over to Zack and looked at what he was listening to, for he hadn’t looked up from his iPod. She knew the song, and he looked up, smiling widely, as if just realizing she had been there. “Hey,”

“Hi. We going in?” She gestured to the open door.

“Oh, yeah.” They followed behind everyone else, including Alex and Amy, who were now holding hands.

“Time to part-ay!” Jack yelled when they got into the room.

Let the games begin.


Amelia was DD. It had been a vote. Rian, Zack, and Jack had voted for her, but Alex had wanted his girlfriend to get wasted, and Skylar, well, she just wanted a reason not to get drunk. But she didn’t have one, and Jack just wouldn’t let it go. So, he got her drunk. And when Skylar gets drunk, it’s not good. She was all over the bartender, first. And she’s not one of those ditzy drunks, either. She was a hot mess. When Jack pulled her away from the bartender, she immediately wanted to dance, so she pulled Jack out. Soon they were grinding to the beat, when a wasted Zack came up, sandwiching her. They danced for a while before she ran back for more drinks. When it hit midnight, Jack was tipsy enough not to be able to drive, but knew it was time to head back. He ran to Alex, whose girlfriend had made him stay sober, and told him to help him get Rian, Zack, and Skylar. Jack was able to get Rian, and then decided to stay in the car. Amelia was trying to get Skylar, but she kept on dancing. By then, Alex had gotten Zack to the car, who had thrown up outside and passed out as soon as he was in the van. Alex went back to help Amelia. He rolled his eyes, walking over to his girlfriend and her bestie. Alex looked to Skylar and bent down, “Piggy-back ride?”

She giggled before jumping on. He began walking out of the club, Amelia following behind. “Will you spin me, Alli?”

He cracked a smile before spinning once. “Wee!” She yelled, hiccupping out another giggle. Amelia rolled her eyes at her friend.

Alex gently set Skylar down in the rental van, gasping as his hand accidentally touched her inner thigh, high up where the dress that she was wearing rode up. She giggled again, moving her head back against the seat. He buckled her in before checking to make sure everyone else was to. If nothing, he was thorough.

Skylar took one look at the sleeping Zack beside her before cuddling up to his side and falling asleep.

My friends are a different breed, my friends are everything…
♠ ♠ ♠

This seriously is my favorite song, but since I was seven. Give it a chance if you've never heard it.

And, for the comments, I only got one last time... again.
So, this one goes out to heyJAYhey, for being amazing.

I have the next one written, so if I get enough comments, maybe I'll post it today?
I normally only post one a day.

And, I've mapped out up to chapter forty-nine. I don't know where to go from there, because as you can see, she kinda has two guys there, and I don't know who I want her to end up anymore.
And if you subscribed when the second chapter came out, or anythime before that, then you know that it originally was supposed to be and Alex story, but I found a new love for Zack, and I changed it, I really have no clue, now.

So who do you want her to be with?

[Note: sorry this chapter sucks, I wrote it a four in the morning.]