Status: If you've ever read "Blade",and no not the vampire hunter, you'll see alot of similarities. Literally just thought this up and did it on impulse, no planning will go into it,im just going to type without really thinking...dear god...

Piss Off!

When "PIND" is just a young kid, his mother ran off to go far away with some man she barely know; hasn't heard from her since. His father was there up until he was 14, then left him homeless and used his daughter's to push PIND away. Now he is a self-titled orpah, and is just trying to make it to 17. He was always tired of staying in one spot and has moved enough that he nows more languages than most teenagers, knows how to cook better than most mothers, and can improvise anyway out of danger. Is that all he needs to make it to 17, or is everyone doomed to only hear him say "Piss Off!" before the boy dies.
  1. what's a PIND?
    We find out what a PIND is...