Status: finished! suquel will be out soon enough(:

To Go Outside Is to Take a Chance

Chapter One.

Hey! I'm Aaliyah Natalia Bieber.
Just Aaliyah thank you very much.
And i'm Justin Biebers twin sister.
Only family know about me.I guess my little friends back before Justin became famous know about me too. I only had 3 friends then anyway. They would never spill.
I have hair the exact colour of Justin's and we have the same eyes.
My face is very like Justins. Except when i wear my favourite make-up,eyeliner.
The reason the press don't know me?
I'm home-school by the very best, take karate and dance classes in our mansion,never leave home [for the obvious reason of my look alike to Justin].
Our house is ... well, huge. It needs to be,seeing as i never leave the premises. It has a park bit with a big pond,wild life,woods [which i love!], swimming pools with awesome slides,and pretty much alot more.
So you can guess,where rich. And no,not because of Justin. My parents would never take his money. He earned it, right?
Now,enough about me. Let's get on with the story.
I awoke by being shaken.
I opened my eyes only to see Justin there.
"What do you want?!"i shouted. He woke me up at...6 AM!!??
"Chill! We've got guests. Usher and a few others are coming over at 10."he said to me.
I was sitting up in my king sized bed. Hey-if you 've got money,why not spend it on a lovely bed ike mine!
"And your waking me up at 6 am because..?" i asked him,yawning.
"Well breakfasts at 9 with the whole fam,get into your swimming suit now and we can go to the water until 8,then you can get all dolled up. Cuz' Ushers bringing a younger friend,who just happens to be 17." he said to me.
Hmmm...? A boy,17. Obviously talented,for he knows Usher. I may not have much experience for i've been locked in this house [i'm not gonna blame my parents,it was for my own good] since....well since Justin's debut single 'One Time' went worldwide.
"Kay i'll be down there in 10 mins"i said,then he left so i could change.

After me and Justin were done playin down at the water slides i went to get dressed.
I got into a pair of ripped vintage jeans,a white tank top,and a checkered light blue and white top to go over it. I didn't bother to button it up.
I decided to go against make-up,seeing as i was probably gonna hit the water later on. Or sweat it off while dancing.

"Hey Mom,Dad!"i said to them once i got to the dining room for breakfast,we have a more fancier one dinner.
"Hey honey! Usher is going to be bringing a boy called Andrew.He's going to be releasing a song with Justin soon,and maybe more than one." said my mother.
I smiled and then sat down.
I glanced at my father. Well,step father. My real dad [and justins] left before we were born. But i call my father dad,cause he's been with my mom since abour 3 months before we were born. So really,he is our dad.
After breakfast me and Justin went into the living room and chilled waiting for Usher and his guest. I grabbed my acoustic guitar and started strumming.
About 10 minutes later i was full in song and justin was singing. It was an old song we made up last year.

"Wow" said Usher. I did't know he was here. Eeek! That means 'Andrew' and Usher heard me play!
"Hey dude!"i said getting up and hugging him.
"This is Andrew Mayhem." he said.
i turned and looked at a boy,my age [well a year older],with black hair,cut like justin's only longer,and bright blue eyes.
"Hey! I'm Aaliyah Bieber." i said to him.
"I didn't know Justin had a sister"he said.
"I'm his twin." i said.
"Cool! I'm guessing this is a secret?" he asked.
"Yup! And you better now tell anyone! Or i'll kick your ass!"i said to him. I was obviously flirting. Come on! It's not often a hot guy is talking to me. I'm on the premises the whole time! And i have NO neighbours! He flirted back saying, "It would probably hurt right? But if it was a beautiful lady like you doing it,i wouldn't mind"
"Dude,don't flirt with my twin sister,especially when i'm right here"interupted Justin.
I blushed and the guys all laughed.
"So,what you guys gonna do?" i asked them.
"Well,me and Justin are gonna get to know each other today really.So,hang out" said Andrew.
"Usher you staying?" i asked him
"Nah,i'm going now. See ya Leeyah"he sais,then left.
"Can i hang with you guys?"i asked,
"Sure sis!" said Justin,
"Good! cuz you woke me up at 6 am!"
we laughed.

"We should go to the dance studio,see Aaliyah dance." said Justin all of a sudden.
"Jay,please no!" i said.
"Awww pwease can i see?" said Andrew pouting.
i didn't answer just entered the dance studio,put on my shoes while justin cranked up some r&b song.
I quickley did a routine i made up by myself.
"You like?"i asked Andrew.
"Your amazing!" he said,
"Kay guys, lets go to the tree house and embarrass Aaliyah!" said Justin.
I sighed. He was gonna do this just to get Andrew away from me.
Sometimes, i hated my brother.
♠ ♠ ♠
ok-so in this story were gonna pretend Justin's been famous for about...4 years now ok? Pleaseeee just go along,cuz then it'll be mor believable that Aaliyah's sick of staying at home all the time!
Hope ya'll like the first chapter. If you do, then i'll continue!