Status: finished! suquel will be out soon enough(:

To Go Outside Is to Take a Chance

Chapter Eleven.

So, i have this little obsession with my brothers best friend. Suprisingly,i've never met him before.Wierd right?
But, i have him all googled. And he's really cute too.
I guess you could say that Justin kinda caught me googling him and printing out pictures of him...
So,your probably wondering which best friend i'm talking about right?
Well,here's a clue.
He's in one Justins music videos.
'He' as in, Ryan Butler.
So,when i walked into Ushers living room,running for the xbox controller,you could guess that once i put on Halo and sat down getting comfy,i was pretty shocked once i saw who it was.
Of course,Justin had his signature smirk on.
"Um...hi?"i said,more like asked Ryan.
"H-hey.I'm ryan."he said,then smiled.
I was oblivious that Justin told Usher or my obsession with his friend.
They were both smirking.....
"Uh,Aaliyah Bieber. Wanna play Halo?" i asked him,adding a smile at the end.
"Sure!"he said,then grabbed a controller.
----------------third person point of view----------------------
"JB, why did you get them together? You know they're falling for each other right?" asked Usher.
"I know. and i prefer Aaliyah with Ryan than Andy." said Justin.
So,if someone was listening in on the conversation the 2 sensations,one older, were having,one would certainly know that something is going on,a grudge maybe, between Justin and Andy.
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Short i know,but,its a kinda filler...