Status: finished! suquel will be out soon enough(:

To Go Outside Is to Take a Chance

Chapter Sixteen.

I turned to look at my best friend,Aaliyah. She was laughing at something Jake was saying. I don't know what he said,my mind was somewhere else.
When Justin opened the door and saw me along with the guys there,he was to say,at least,shocked.
I was the girl he nearly ran over,right?
My mind was wondering about Justin. How his face scrunched up when he smiled,how when he was shocked,his eyebrows went up involuntarily[sp?].
I barely knew him,yet i felt i was being pulled towards him.
I felt the need to know him.

"Here you go,ham with grilled cheese and sweet chili for you."said Justin,handing me my sandwhich.
"Thanks."I replied,giving him a small smile. He smiled back at me,and stayed there,until we both realised we were staring at each other for too long.
I turned me head to the right,and he stepped away,giving Jake his food.
I glanced over at Justin to see he was looking at me too. Both our cheeks heated up,and we looked away. I sighed and got back to my food.

"Do you wanna stay over tonight Lex?" Aaliyah asked me.
"Uhm, i wouldn't want to be a burden,and my sister needs some keeping after. You know,since the doctors." I said to her.
"Oh,right.And you wouldn't be a burden ever hun. Come over tomorrow though,okay?Ryan and Jake are staying over.We'll text!" she said,shouting the last sentence because I was already out the door.

I was sitting in my room,my big sister fast asleep on my bed. I was writing in my journal,the journal my therapist made me write in.She never read them though. I wrote how I felt. After writing about Justin,I read over the pages i had filled in. Reading over the latest entry though, i figured something out.
I figured out I,Alexa West, the girl who has had trouble connecting with people,have made a best friend,and,possibly,a future boyfriend? But,for now,he was just a crush.
♠ ♠ ♠
I hope this chapter isn't filled with grammar mistakes.
So now,i must leave on you,my readers, bad news.
For 2 weeks there will be no chapters.
I am going to a camp tomorrow morning,and there is no internet.
Farewell my readers,