Status: finished! suquel will be out soon enough(:

To Go Outside Is to Take a Chance

Chapter Two.

Over the past few days Andrew has been coming over a lot to hang out. Yesterday Justin was sick,but Andy still came over. He told me all about how he still goes to high school,about the cliques,the teachers,the students and everything really. Sometimes,i wish i wasn't Justin Biebers twin sister,so i could live a normal life..
"So how are you guys getting along with the song?"i asked them both. We were sitting in the lounge room waiting for Usher to pick Andy up.
"Um-well we've got the whole idea picked out and stuff. We haven't actually gotten to write the song yet." said Andy.
"Oh cool. well,when you do finish it,let me know!#2 i shouted as i was walking away.

I walked to the games room,but felt too tired to play anything.
I walked to the music room,but didn't feel the urge to play.
I walked to the various lounges,livings rooms,dining rooms,guest bedrooms,and any other rooms in the first and second half of the house.
But in every room,i felt just like any other object.
Maybe my parents didn't want me out for a reason?
Maybe they wanted to shield me? From what? Justin got to be famous.
I just want a normal life now. And i was going to get one.

"Mom,dad,bro, can you guys listen up?" i asked them before they left the dinner table.
"Yes darling?" asked my mother.
"Okay i'm just going to say this straight out,because theres no way i know to break it easily to you. I want to go to high school. Like-a public high school." i said to them.
I saw shocked faces,and Justin looked,well,relieved. He must of thought i did something bad,but was relieved that i was just trying to convince my parents for the first time to leave this stinking mansion.
"Honey...are you sure?Are you going to go by Aaliyah Bieber?" my father asked.
"Hey! If shes going to high school,i get a say in this! I want Aaliyah to keep her second name as it is." interupted Justin.
"Yes,i agree. Honey,if you want to lead a part-normal life,you must go with the name."said my mother.
I sighed,this meant i would definetly be noticed to be Justins twin. It's bad enough i look the spit of him in girl form,i have to use my name! Well,i wanted this badly,and i wanted to see what Andy was talking about in person.
"Okay" i replied.

"Andy guess what?!" i shouted at him once he arrived,half an hour later.
"What!?" he shouted back laughing.
"I'm going to your high school,starting this monday!" i shouted back at him. Today was Saterday,so i had tomorrow to prepare myself because Andy and Justin were going to a recording studio or something like that.
"Cool! Justin how do you feel bout it?" he asked.
"Well,it will certainly start the media up again. But i'll live with it. It isn't fair shes been hiding in this house for,4 years nearly."he said.
"4 Years?! woah thats a longggg time." said Andy.
"Yup! and now i need your help."i told Andy.
"With what?"he asked,
"Clothes"i stated.,"i need to know what to wear.What do you wear?" i asked.
"Well, i normally wear skinny jeans or whatever and a hoodie. Just wear something that makes you feel you and is comfy."
"Well i enrolled you in the school, although they only took you in on such short notice for the family name." said my mom Sunday morning.
"Cool. i have my outfit planned out,school bag packed,car is ready to drive...what else?" i asked.
"You need good luck honey. And remember,call me at any time during the day if things get too much,ok?"she said and hugged me.
"Okay mom."i said,with a secret roll of the eyes.
After breakfast,i decided to chill in the games room,since Justin and Andy were out. At 2pm i had my lunch cuz i was getting hungry. At about 3pm i started to get bored again. I didn't need to get a shower and go to bed until 9pm,since i wanted to be up early and fresh.Not tired. After about half an hour of pondering on what to do,i decided to go to the inside pool and the inside slides,that occupied me until 6pm. Then i had my dinner,accompinied by Justin and the Fam.
"Night guys" i said to them at 8:30. I needed to get a shower and wash my hair.
I fell asleep quickley,wondering what events would take place tomorrow.
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Likey?No likey?
I know it's not good,but i'm planning on keeping this story up,because i know that i mostly only rwead storys with alot of chapters.