Status: finished! suquel will be out soon enough(:

To Go Outside Is to Take a Chance

Chapter Twenty-One.

Thats guy thats meant to be my 'father' has something coming for him.
He showed up at 12pm [ istayed in bed until 11:30,then got a shower] with 2 suitcases behind him. When i asked him what the hell he thought he ws doing here he claimed he was moving in.
Me,my 16 year old figure,and my ipod ran out of the house,knocking over one of his suitcases at this news.
I ran to the nearest bus stop that could take me to Alexa's house.5 minutes later the bus came and i hopped in,paying my fare. I took a seat in the back beside a window,counting thestops. When it got to the 5th one i got ready to get off for the sixth stop.
Alexa's house is just a few minutes from the bus stop,so that was very convenient.
Once i reached her house i rang the doorbell expecting her to asnwer the door,but her sister did.



I have come to the conclusion that my sister hates me. It's either my parents,or my sister,who has been ordering me around for so long now,i had to do it.
I called my parents,who were to arrive in 20 minutes. They haven't been home in a while,but what's it to them? Coming home to their pregnant daughter and fucked up adopted kid?
This isn't the first time my sister got pregnant. Second,actually. She got an abortion,it was a little over last year. I can still remember the face on the boy whose heart she broke,killing his kid that was inside of her. He moved away with his parents to New York,though.
She told me the canditates. No one major though,except for Kevin MacDonagh,who moved from Ireland and his dad became some important doctor or something like that,so he was known and rich. But,that's better,right?For the baby.
The other two were John Kill and Brad Knightly.Both jocks. You could tell how stupid they were to have unprotected sex. I secretly hoped it was Kevin,as i knew he would be a good father and take care of the baby.His sister got pregnant at 17 last year,and his parents were happy,only a little dissapointed that it was this early. They took the baby in,and now she's 18,they bought her an apartment for her,the baby,and the father.
My sister is 17 now,so hopefully she will follow in Kevin's sisters steps.Someone ringing the doorbell interupted my thoughts. I could hear Aaliyah asking if i was home. "Yeah,shes in her room."said my sister.
"Thanks,Grace.I'm don't think we've metyet. I'm Aaliyah Bieber." i could hear her say.
"J-justins sister?" she asked.
"Yeah.I'm going up to Alex now."
I could here something was wrong with her voice. Had she been crying?Was she upset?Did something happen?
Maybe she was here to tell me,to vent it out. God,how i yearned so,as hearing other peoples problems and helping them deal with it,helped me forget about my problems.
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Hey! I didn't write a 3rd update last nigh,and i'm sorry!
I wanted to thank all my readers,subscribers,and commentors!Over the last 2,3 days,i've gotten a few new comments and i'm soo happy!
Remember guys,your the ones who make or break this story,so PLEASE tell me what you think i could improve or some cool ideas. Maybe a new character?Maybe you'd like to play a part in the story,with writing a bit,or your name or something?
Oh,yes. I wanted to make a banner for the story,so if anyones interested,comment on my page,or here!
See you guys later,