Status: finished! suquel will be out soon enough(:

To Go Outside Is to Take a Chance

Chapter Twenty-Three

"Hey, Ryan. What time will you be able to pick me up?" I asked the phone.Well,not literally.
"Um..How about 5?I'll pick you up at the gate if that's okay." he replied.
"That's fine for me. You still in on my plan?" I asked.
"Yeah. When exactly do you have in mind this 'plan' of yours?" he asked/agreed.
"I was thinking next Thursday,so 6 days. They told me I would be able to start on Friday,so that should be enough time. Then I get the weekend to sort everything out."
"About me coming..."Ryan started.
"Ryan,look, we've been together long?Over 3 weeks. I've liked you alot longer than that."
"Same here."he interupted me.
"So, whether you want to come or not is up to you. I won't be that far away. You could always visit, and we could try the long-distance thing. Or,we could take some time off. Although we don't need it." I told him.
It hurt inside to say that truth. That we might have to break up over what I was doing. But it had to be done. I had to do what I wanted,and even though I was 16, 17 next month, it wasn't as selfish as it seemed.

"Hey Sammy.How are you?" I asked the second caller of my day.
"Hey Aaliyah! I'm doing fine,can't wait till Thursday to see you! I've sent the papers in the mail for your parents, only one needs to sign though."
"Okay,that's cool. I have the ticket reserved for me to get there." I told her.
"Ticket?Is Ryan not coming?" she asked.
I sighed,but hesitantly replied.
"He's not coming,Sam. It's just me. I still have to break the news to Justin. And Mom, of course. I don't know how they'll take it. I mean, i;ve graduated school, and have a great enough grade to pass as an A student from college. I dance,it's not that hard to guess what I want to do with my life. But, I think I know what else I want to do before I come back here." I told Sammy,my manager.
"Okay,hun. Well,you hold on tight until Thursday morning,and we'll talk before then." she said,then hung up.


I threw the remainder of my clothes into another suitcase,making it 2 large suitcases, 1 small suitcase, a carry on bag,and my purse. I still had 6 days, but I needed to be prepared. I closed the doors to my walk in closet, and straightened out my outfit for mine and Ryan's, most likely last, date.
♠ ♠ ♠
This story is coming to and end. I don't really like it,so i'm deciding to end it short. There most likely WILL be a sequel. I don't know when,but I know there will be. I have some other stories to work on,delete,and write! So, tune in for the next 1-2 chapters(: