Status: finished! suquel will be out soon enough(:

To Go Outside Is to Take a Chance

Chapter Seven.

The next morning i woke up 30 minutes earlier than normal,so i could avoid Justin.
I was humiliated and embarresed as well as releived i got all that shit off my chest.

I dressed into black leggings with spider web designs,a yellow neon tutu,a dino tee that said 'Rawrrr!' and a black Escape The Fate hoodie. My eyeliner was on,not too much though cuz it WAS school. I applied a little mascara. I picked out my red converse that went up to just under my knee. My hair was in it's normal do [because i ran out of time] except it had a cute black bow slid in to it.

I beeped the horn to my black ferrari 458 italia once i was at Alexa's house. She quickley jumped into the passenger side.
"Hey,whats up?" sh asked me,pulling on her seat-belt.
"Not much. Well,except this" i said,gesturing to my outfit.
"Cool! Now,we need to get your hair done too!" she exclaimed.
i loved how cool she was about me wearing randomly coloured clothes,and her having to walk around with me.
" i know! but,i'm going to wait till this weekend. Wanna stay over after school Friday night and we can chill,shop,and get our hair done?!"i asked,getting excited.
"Yeah! i'll ask my mom." she replied.
"Look at all the people looking!" she continued.
"Yeah...i hate how im related to Justin.."i trailed off.
"You guys fighting?" she asked.
"Yup. and i think me and Andy are too. I really don't know.."
I parked my car [btw i got my licence!] in a free space in the middle of the car park and me and Alexa got out.
I saw Andy,frustrated walking quickley my way.
"Lexa you go ahead,i'll find you before Chem."i told her,then we parted.
Andy came up to me,standing high,furious.
"What?" i asked him.
"You know what!!" he yelled.
"No, i dont know what!Now,tell me what your fuming about or i'm leaving!"i yelled at him.
"You told everyone about me recording a song with Justin,now people won't leave me alone!" he yelled.
I gasped."Dude,i wouldn't stuke that low.." i said.
"So,it wasn't you?" he asked.
"Nope." i replied.
"Sorry for lashing out on you hun"he said,then grabbed me for a hug,kissed me on the cheek,then ran towards his History class.
I guess we weren't fighting anymore.
Which,is,of course,a good thing.

I've managed to avoid my brother all day after school,but now it was dinner time. A family dinner,as my father just came back from his business trip.
I was dressed in the same outfit as i wore to school.
Did i mention i got detention,then never showed?I got caught by one of the teachers who knew i had detention,so i said 'My brother,Justin, has a very important conference,and i'm needed there',then sped off. xD
"Sit down Aaliyah" said my father.
"We have something to tell you and your brother"said my mom.
"O-kayyy....?" i asked,pulling out my usual seat.
"Well,as you've noticed there is an extra place setting.We have a guest." said my mother.
Then,the door swung open.
♠ ♠ ♠
sorry its not too long :(
But i'm busy!!!
Comment,sub,and read!
Okay im thinking of puttin 2 new characters in soon. 1 is already kinda planned out,but i need another character,a girl. Please comment me or this story and let me know if you have ideas.It can be based on you! Thanks!