Status: finished! suquel will be out soon enough(:

To Go Outside Is to Take a Chance

Chapter Nine.

JUSTINS POINT OF VIEW-*_*_*-*_*_-*_*
I shook Aaliyah awake at 7am.
I wanted to drive her to school this morning.
I knew this wasn't a great idea,but she was my twin sister. I wanted us to be able to do stuff together.
Just because i became famous isn't an excuse.
I mean,she could easily become famous too.

And,i have a feeling she wants to get more serious in the music business.
I know this becuase Andy told me she took Music and has been doing extra music classes.
I was pretty worried about Aaliyah lately. I knew she had a crush on Andy,and even though he was now a good friend of mine,i knew he wasn't good for her. He was recently acting all touchy-touchy-feeley-feeley lately. And now our dad shows up. I also wonder about my moms relationship with my dad now too [my stepdad]. Lately he's been out more,and going on week long 'uncalled for' business trips. My mom's been acting different too.
I just want Aaliyah to have a good life.
Maybe meet some other guy instead of Andy,another girl-friend.
Not to mention shes back to school. I mean, Aaliyahs got amazing grades,she could skip highschool altogether if she wanted. What i mean is, Aaliyah is more...lets just say she hates sluts and drama queens. Aaliyah is more with the emo/scene group.
Im not saying anything about my sister or Andy,though.

After Aaliyah got dressed,which i noticed,was another crazy outfit.
I sighed. I had no problem driving my sister to school,yet i had a problem with the fact of what she was wearing?! I'm messed up...
She followed me and i jumped into the driver side,her in the passengers seat.
We took the Mercedes-Benz SLR McLaren. [AN::i know random,right?!::]

We didn't pick Andy up because he said he was already at school.
We were 2 minutes from the school,and so far,no one has noticed us.
I could see Aaliyah was like a zombie,through the corner of my eye.
She was so tired i felt sorry for her that she had to go to school.
I parked near the back,turned off the engine,then turned towards my sister.
"I'll be here after school to pick you up. Or text me whenever to pick you up if you don't feel like going to school.Mom won't find out." i told her.
"Pick me up here at 1st lunch.I'll be ready" she said,excited for leaving school early and getting to hang with me.
"Cool. I want you to meet someone,Usher will be there"i said,smirking.
"Ughh and you let me where this?!"she said,pretending to be iritated.
"Yepp,now get out and be here hour and 30 minutes!" [[each class is 40minutes,and theres 3 classes till first lunch.and theres 10 mins till school starts]]
She jumped out,bag in hand,and ran towards the main doors.
People walking in late started noticing me,and startet taking pictures,while i just smiled,and turned on the radio.
I revved up the engine,and drove away to my destination- Grace Pollers house.

Sometimes,i hated myself.
I know what your thinking,Justin Bieber hates himself?!
I could just imagine that on the front headlines on magazines,maybe even a newspaper.
I hated myself for being with Grace Poller when i was.
Like now.
You see,i'm a 16 year old boy.And,Grace was very willing to fulfil my needs.
She was willing to keep it a secret,and so when i needed it,i stopped by at Graces house and we headed upstairs for a bit.

I was nearly there when i slammed down on the breaks.
♠ ♠ ♠
Kinda short... :/
I know something that gonna happen..that you dont know!!