Something's Got to Change

Something's Got to Change

“Look at that hook!”, I shouted, reaching for my bag. “That’s definitely going to be a tornado. Let’s go!”

Instantly my crew scrambled to follow my orders, seizing car keys and hopping into their vehicles. I hurried to my own car and climbed into the passenger side along-side my best friend and right hand man-or woman-Gracie Hartford.

“South?”, she asked before I could even open my mouth. She was always good at that.

I nodded. “Hit it.”

. . .

I held onto the handle above the passenger side door as the truck raced along the dirt road at eighty miles an hour, rattling over each pothole. “We need to get close enough to drop the probe!”, I yelled into the intercom. “Floor it, Gracie!”

“I’m going as fast as I fucking can!”, she shouted back.

“Well go faster!”

In front of us, the lackluster tornado fizzled out and spiraled back into the clouds. I slammed my fist on the dash. “Dammit!”

“Kylie, there will be other tornadoes.”, Gracie stated.

“Just drive us back to the hotel.”, I grumbled.

. . .

I forced the hotel key into the lock and pushed open the door, looking forward to a good night’s sleep after the day’s reward-less tornado chase. For once I was grateful I had a room to myself.

To my enormous surprise, the instant I stepped into the room, I was scooped into someone’s arms, hugged tightly against a tall, lanky body.

“Hello. Jimmy.”, I greeted my older brother in a muffled voice. “What are you doing here?”

“Well, we were in town, so we thought we’d stop and see you!”, he trilled happily.

“We?”, I asked curiously. “Who else is here?”

“Why, the rest of my band of course!”

“Your band?”, a deep voice asked, then Brian stepped out of the shadows. “I don’t think so, Revvie.” He smiled at me. “It’s nice to see you, Kylie.”, he added.

“You, too, Brian.”, I said.

“What about me?”, Zacky whined, pushing Brian out of the way. “Are you happy to see me?”

“Of course, Zack.”, I stated in a the tone a teacher would use to speak to a precocious toddler. “I’m happy to see you. And little Johnny.”

“And me?”

There it was, the voice that sent a tingle through my body, a shiver down my spine. The voice that I heard nearly every day during my teen years, the one that had made my head spin and my heart beat fast. But over the years, it had lost its sustenance.

Or so I thought.

“Are you happy to see me?”, he continued, and I turned to see none other than Matt Sanders lying on my hotel bed. “Well, Kylie, are you?”

“Yes.”, I said, quite a bit softer than I intended.

“So, can we stay with you?”, Jimmy pouted.

I shot him an ‘are-you-fucking-crazy’ look. “Why can’t you stay on the bus?”

“It smells bad.”, he complained.

“Fine.”, I sighed. “Two of you can sleep on the other bed, one of you can sleep on the couch, and I guess the other two will have to sleep on the floor.”

Everyone except Matt scurried to get the best sleeping spots. Zacky and Brian took the other bed, and Jimmy forced Johnny to sleep on the floor so he could have the couch. Matt simply removed his sunglasses and stretched out on the right side of the bed. My bed.

“You’re going to have to move.”, I told him. “And you better hurry, or you’ll be sleeping on the floor.”

He stared at me silently for a minute, almost as if he were studying me. “I’m not going anywhere.”, he said finally. “I’m perfectly comfortable right here.”

“Then where am I supposed to sleep?”, I questioned exasperatedly, growing tired of this. I just wanted to go to sleep.

Matt smoothed down the sheets next to him. “Right here.”, he answered with a grin.

“I’m not really sure-”, I started, but he cut me off.

“Relax.”, he said. “I’ll stick to my side of the bed, and you can stick to yours. I promise I’ll be a good little boy and keep my hands to myself.”

“Alright.”, I agreed. Truth was, I was just too tired to argue anymore.

Seconds after laying down under the covers, I felt the mattress shift as Matt sat up. Barely moving my head, I snuck a glance over at him. I bit down on my bottom lip as he slipped his shirt over his head, revealing his toned chest and chiseled abs. He happened to look back over at me and noticed me staring, which caused a grin to spread across his face.

“Like what you see?”, he asked with a chuckle.

Blushing furiously, I rolled over to face the wall and tried to go to sleep.

. . .

The first thing that met my sense the next morning was the scent of Axe cologne. I snuggled closer to the source of the smell, until my brain put two and two together and realized where the scent was coming from. I jolted awake and shot out of Matt’s arms so quickly I rolled over the side of the bed and fell to the floor with a loud thud.

“What the fuck was that?”, several voices asked at once.

“I think Kylie fell off of the bed.”, Matt answered groggily.

“Wait a second.”, Jimmy mumbled, stumbling to the foot of Matt and mine’s bed. “Shadz, did you sleep in a bed with my sister?”

“Yea, but don’t worry. I kept my hands to myself like a good little boy.” Matt grinned wickedly to himself, although I’m pretty sure he wasn’t supposed to be the sole recipient of that devious grin.

Jimmy raised his eyebrow at Matt suspiciously before walking into the bathroom. Seconds later, the shower started.

“Are you just going to sit on the floor all day?”

I peeked cautiously over the side of the bed and found Matt’s face inches from mine. I jumped back, leaning into the wall, and he stared at me strangely.

“What is your deal?”, he asked. “Do I have the plague or something?”

I shook my head wildly and picked myself up off the floor. “I just...I was... nightmare.”, I said quickly.

Matt laughed, a loud, full laugh, and my heart began to beat a little faster. “Must’ve been a pretty scary nightmare.”, he mused. “Next time, why don’t you let me help you? Because if you’re in my arms, nothing is going to scare you.”

Being in your arms is what caused this in the first place.

“I’ve got to get ready.”, I stated, ignoring him despite my overwhelming urge to take him up on his offer.

Zacky shot out of the bed, stumbling over an outstretched Johnny laying on the floor. “Ooh, are you going stormchasing today?”, he asked excitedly. “Can I come?”

“No, I’m not.”, I replied. “The storms are all fizzled out.”

“Then what are you getting ready for?” Matt stretched out on our bed, and I couldn’t help but notice the fact that he was shirtless.

“I...nothing.”, I mumbled, letting my hair fall to cover my burning cheeks. I could feel Matt’s obvious smile branding my skin.

“Exactly.”, Matt said. “Now go get ready. You’re coming with us.”

. . .

“Fuck.”, I said to myself. I was trying to check the radar on my laptop, but my computer was being annoyingly slow. Frustrated, I mashed several random keys before giving up.

“Hey, Kylie.”

At the sound of Matt’s voice, my breath caught a little in my lungs. Matt took a seat next to me, so close our bodies touched from shoulder to hip.

“So, what are you doing?”, he asked casually.

“Well, I’m trying to check the radar, but my computer is being an asshole.” I slammed on my computer for emphasis.

“You’re not plugged in.”, Matt said simply. He reached over me and seized the cord and plugged it into my computer.

My face burned as I logged on the check the radar. “Wow, I feel like such an idiot.”

Matt simply smiled. He turned his attention to my computer screen. “So, how can you tell when there’s going to be a tornado?”

“These ‘blobs’ will start hooking, which indicates rotation in the storm cell.”, I explained. “But you don’t care, do you?”

Matt shook his head, laughing. “No, I don’t. But I couldn’t think of another excuse to come over here. And I wanted to talk to you.”

“I-I think I’m going to get something to drink.”, I stuttered.

“I’ll get it.”, Matt offered, standing up. He reappeared several minutes later with a bottle of Jack Daniels in his hand.

He handed it to me. “Here.”

I opened the bottle and drank from it, the amber-colored liquid stinging the back of my throat. Soon enough, four empty Jack Daniels bottles lay next to me, and I clutched a fifth in my hand.

I leaned heavily on Matt, who at this point was still completely sober. He looped his arm around my waist, hand resting on my thigh, and I laid my head on his shoulder.

“Matt, can I ask you a question?”, I felt him nod and I continued. “When was the last time you had sex?”

He stiffened a little, then chuckled. “Actually, I slept with a groupie right before we came to see you. What about you?”

I sighed dejectedly. “You know, I can’t really remember.”, I said. “Guys aren’t really interested in me. I’m pathetic.”

“Guys not interested in you?”, Matt questioned incredulously. “That’s crazy.”

Suddenly, I yawned, stretching my arms above my head. “I’m tired.”, I stated. “I think I’m going to bed.” I stood up and instantly fell back down, too drunk to stay on my feet.

“Here, let me help you.” Matt gripped my waist and carefully helped me upstairs and into my bed. He pulled the comforter up around my neck and started walking away.

“Wait.”, I called as he reached the door. “Come back. At least let me give you something for being such a gentleman.”

I gripped the sides of his face and pulled him down until our lips gently touched. I pulled away and awaited his response, which was to kiss me back, harder and fuller.

Pushing all conscious thought from my head, I laced my arms around Matt’s tattooed neck and dragged him down on top of me. For a short second, he acted like he was going to object to my actions. But then he smoothly shifted modes, becoming the seductive man he portrayed to the public.

I knew this was moving too fast. But I was drunk and I didn’t care. Right now, sleeping with Matt was exactly what I wanted to do. So I let Matt catch me on fire, filling me with his heat, while I moaned his name in his ear.

. . .

The next morning I awoke with a headache. I slowly opened my eyes and looked around the room, scaring the shit out of myself when I found myself in a strange bed. But then I remembered I was staying at a hotel and instantly calmed down.

I sat up, pushing the thick comforter to the foot of the bed. Right away, I began to shiver. I glanced down at my body and noticed I was naked. I sprang back under the covers, scared to remember why my clothes were strewn across my hotel room.

Thinking, I ran my hand absentmindedly along the floor, my arm hanging over the side of the bed. My fingertips brushed against something soft and I grabbed onto it and pulled it up onto the bed.

It was Matt’s shirt. Suddenly the wheels in my head began to turn. I had woken up with a hangover, I had no clothes on, and I had found Matt’s shirt beside my bed. Beer, Matt’s shirt, and the scent of his cologne on the sheets and my skin... then it hit me.

I slept with Matt.

I knew it was true as soon as the thought formed in my mind. It brought tears to my eyes. I slept with one of my brother’s best friends in a hotel room, and I had been too drunk to remember any of it. And the worst thing was, I think I was falling in love with him.

Several days later

“Oh God.”, I mumbled to myself. “I don’t feel too good right now.”

“Kylie, do you want to-”, Gracie started, approaching me. She stopped when she caught sight of my face. Instantly she shifted from my assistant to my best friend. “Kylie, are you okay? You look a little green.”

I didn’t answer her, I could already feel the bile in my throat. I pushed past her violently and raced for a bathroom, kneeling in front of the toilet. I spit my vomit into the bowl and reached for a tissue to wipe my mouth.

Gracie was right behind me. She knelt down next to me and placed her hand on my shoulder comfortingly. “Kylie, what’s the matter?”

I slumped against the bathtub dejectedly. “Gracie.”, I mumbled. “I did something really, really, really stupid.”

“What? What did you do?”

I stared at my lap shamefully. “I-I slept with Matt.”

“Matt?”, she asked. “You mean your brother’s friend? The really hot frontman?”

I nodded, feeling hot, fresh tears forming in my eyes. “I got drunk and fucked him. And I-I...I think I might be...pregnant.”

“Pregnant?” Gracie’s hand flew to her mouth. “Kylie, are you sure?”

“I think so.”, I mumbled. “But I want to take a test to make sure.”

“Come on.”, Gracie said, tugging me to my feet. “I’m driving.”

. . .

“You ready?”, Gracie asked.

I swallowed hard. “As ready as I’ll ever be.” The timer went off loudly and I picked up the pregnancy test. There, clearly printed in the box, was the word ‘pregnant’.

“Well, what does it say?” Gracie tried to peek over my shoulder at the test, but I hid it under my arm.

“Gracie, I’m pregnant. I’m carrying Matt’s child.”

The first thing out of her mouth was, “Are you going to tell him?”

I sighed. “Yes. But I think I should tell Jimmy first.”

“Oh my God. Jimmy.”, Gracie breathed. “How do you think he’s going to take it?”

“My guess is not very well.” I tossed the pregnancy test into the trash. “Alright, I’m going to go get this over with.”

“Do you want me to come with you?”, Gracie asked.

“No, I-I need to do this myself.”

I went off in search of my brother, finally finding him in my hotel room, watching television with the guys. When I saw Matt sitting beside him, my heart stopped. There was no way I could face him right now.

“Jimmy.”, I said softly.

Despite how quietly I spoke, Jimmy’s head turned towards the sound of my voice. He smiled at me widely. “Kylie!”, he shouted. “Come watch tv with us!”

“Actually, I need to talk to you. Alone. It’s important.”

Jimmy sprang off of the bed and strolled over to me, a worried look plastered on his face. “What’s wrong, Kylie?”

I glanced over his shoulder at Matt before focusing on Jimmy’s face. I knew that if I told Jimmy with Matt in the room, things definitely wouldn’t turn out well. “Here isn’t the best place.”, I said.

“Okay.” Jimmy seized my hand and pushed me out into the hall. “We’re all alone. Now what did you want to tell me?”

“Jimmy, I-” I stopped, swallowing hard, trying to force the words out of my mouth. “I’m pregnant.”

Jimmy took a staggering step back from me. “You’re what?”, he asked, his voice filled with shock. “You’re pregnant? D-Do you know who the father is?”

This was the question I’d been dreading. The one I’d been hoping he wouldn’t ask. I slowly nodded head, silently praying he would accept this as an answer.

“Well, who is it?”

I took a deep breath and looked up at his face. “Matt.”, I said simply.

“Matt?” He pointed at the closed door, gesturing inside the hotel room. “Matt as in Shadz?”

I nodded again, tears beginning to puddle in the corners of my eyes.

“Kylie, have you lost your fucking mind?”, Jimmy screamed. “Shadz? You’re having a baby with Shadz? Have you told him yet?”

“He doesn’t know.”, I whispered. “Jimmy, I’m scared. Because...I think I’m falling in love with him. And-and ever since he slept with me, he won’t even look at me, and it’s breaking my heart.”

“Kylie, you can’t be serious.”, Jimmy said flatly. “You’re falling in love with him? You’re crazy.”

“Could you just...tell him to come out here?”

“Fine. But you’d better tell him about the baby, or I will.” Jimmy slammed the door behind him as he re-entered the hotel room, and seconds later he pushed Matt out the door.

“Here.”, he snapped before closing the door again.

I couldn’t bring myself to look at Matt’s face. I could sense his eyes on me, a million questions coursing through his head.

“So, um, Jimmy said you wanted to talk to me?”

Taking one solid breath, I said bluntly, “Matt, I’m pregnant.” I looked up at his face, expecting to see shock or fear, but instead I found a hint of anger.

“So what are you trying to say?”

“Matt, you’re the father.”

“No I’m not.”, he growled. “It could be anyone. Probably Zacky or Brian.”

“See, I knew it!”, I shouted, surprising myself. “I knew you’d try and pull the ‘slut’ card. Well I’ve got news for you! I’m not a slut. I only slept with you! And now I’m pregnant, with your baby, and I’m scared, and...”

I slipped to the floor, tears falling down my cheeks. After several minutes, I heard Matt step back into the hotel room. And I just sat there and cried, because my hear was breaking into a million pieces.

Several days later

“Alright, guys. Get ready to head out!”, I called to my crew. As they collected all the equipment, I went to say goodbye to Jimmy.

He wrapped his arms around me and hugged me tightly against his body. I wrapped my arms around his middle and buried my face in his chest.

“Kylie, everything is going to be fine.”, he said.

“What am I going to do?”, I asked. “Matt-”

“Forget about him.”, Jimmy whispered. “He doesn’t deserve you or your baby. He’s not good enough for my baby sister.”

Suddenly we were interrupted by the sound of approaching footsteps.

“Hey, Jimmy, where’s-” Matt’s sentence fell flat when he caught sight of me. “Oh, there you are. Um, c-can I talk to you?”

I asked Jimmy to go check on my crew so that he’d leave. Then I faced Matt, conjuring a steely look on my face.

“What do you want?”, I snapped.

“Kylie, I’m sorry.”

This wasn’t what I had been expecting to hear. After Matt’s actions a few days ago, I’d barely been expecting him to even talk to me, let alone apologize. But here he was, doing exactly that.

“Sorry for what?” I already knew, I just wanted to hear him say it. I wanted to hear the words come out of his mouth, proof that he really meant it.

“Kylie, you know-”, he started.

“No, Matt. I want to hear you say it.”

He sighed and rubbed his face. “I’m sorry for...for hurting you. I was just a little shocked, you know? But I had a talk with Jimmy and I thought about everything that happened and...and I accept it. I accept that I took advantage of you when you were drunk, and I accept that I’m the father of your baby. I’m just not sure if I’m ready yet.”

“And you think I am?”, I shouted. “Matt, I don’t want to have a baby now. But you know what? I am. I can’t change that.”

“Well maybe there’s something I can fix.”, Matt said. “This wasn’t exactly how I planned to do this , but here it goes.” He stopped and cleared his throat. “Kylie Sullivan, will you marry me?” His voice was full of nerves. Matt was nervous? But that would mean...

“You really mean that.”, I said in awe. “You’re not just asking me because you got me pregnant?”

“No.”, he stated simply. “When I went over to talk to you that night, I wanted to get to know you better. So I could ask you out. I really wasn’t expecting to sleep with you that night.” Here, he stopped and grinned devilishly. “So yes. My question and my motives are sincere. So what do you say? Will you marry me?”

Without a second thought, I screamed, “Yes!”, and plunged into Matt’s arms.

He wrapped his arms around my waist and held me close, our lips brushing together in soft, light kisses.

“I love you, Matt.” The words fell from my mouth before I could stop them, but I didn’t regret them. Because as soon as I saw the look on Matt’s face, I knew he felt the same way.

“I love you, too, Kylie.”, he breathed, a cementing promise.

I guess some things really do change...