The Father I Never Wanted is the Person I've Always Needed

what's it to you?

I sighed staring out the window of the bus I was one. I was on my way to live with a father that never wanted me. I’ve been living with my grandparents all my life and now he decides sixteen years later that he wants to be apart of my life.


Sophia dear could you come in here for a moment before you leave.” Grandma yelled from down stairs.

“Yeah, just let me finish getting ready mama.” Grandma has been the only mom I’ve known since I was born after my mother had me she dropped me off here and took of with her boyfriend and never looked back and my father well he didn’t want me from the moment I was made he had only been with my mother a couple months when I happened and I guess he bolted as soon as he found out.

I finished putting on my makeup and threw my brown hair back into a ponytail. I grabbed my bag and headed down the stares.

When I got to the kitchen my grandparents were talking quietly to themselves they hadn’t even noticed I walked into the room. My papa look very angry while my grandma had a look of understanding and a mix of sadness. “Is something wrong?”

I placed my bag on the beside the chair and sat down so that I was facing my grandma. She looked at me like she was about to cry but I could tell she was holding it back. “baby you know that we only want the best for you right?” I nodded “You know that we wouldn’t do anything if we didn’t think it was the best for you?”

“Grandma please you’ve got me worried what’s going on?”

“I got a call last week, from your father.”

I stared at her in shock. “My father?”

“Yes and he made if very clear that he wanted to be apart of your life.”

“WHAT?” I took a deep breath. “You mean to tell me that sixteen years of my life has went by and now he wants to ‘be apart of my life?”

She stood and walked over to me “Sweetie I know this is going to be hard for you but I can’t keep it from you any longer.” She took a deep breath. “He has bought you a ticket and he wants you to come and live with him. I know what your going to say but he is your father and I can’t keep you from him.”

I stared at her, “this man thought he was going to take me away from my family now that he wants to be a father. Fuck that I’m not going anywhere my family is here my friends are here and I’m not changing my life for him.” I stood up grabbing my bag and took off out of the house. I knew they wouldn’t fallow me.


I walked into the front door, I almost screamed when I seen all of my things packed up my grandma stood in the doorway of the living room “Your leaving in a few hours and I didn’t like it either baby but you know that you’ll always have us all you have to do is call me.” I knew then that I wasn’t going win this battle but let me tell you the war has just began.
End of flashback

I sighed when the bus came to a stop my heart pounded like it has never pounded before I made sure that I was the last person to get off from the bus and when I didn’t see anyone that looked like me I sat down placing all of my bags down beside me. grandma was going to send everything else later.

I sat there for what seemed like forever before a girl walked over to me she had blonde hair and a pare of those bug eye looking glasses on. “Hey there you must be Sophia.”

I stared at her for a moment “Yeah and what’s it to you?”

It took her a moment to answer “I’m Valary um, your dad sent me to pick you up.”

That caused my heart to flutter and my stomach to go into knots “lets get one thing cleaner now he might be my father since he’s part of the reason I’m alive but he will never be my dad, a dad is someone that cares for you and is there your whole life and Matt is not that person for me.” I stood up and grabbed my bag “Now if you don’t mind I would like to get to were ever the fuck it is your taking me so that I can start this life of hell that has been planned out for me.” I seen the look of shock the crossed her face but she didn’t say anything else she just led me threw the station and to her car and let me say wow, it was a silver Mazda 2010.

“Are you hungry? I know you’ve been on the bus for about three hours.” She popped her trunk and I placed my bags in it.

“No.” she sighed.

The car ride was a very quiet one but she would glance at me every couple seconds until we finally pulled into a driveway. The house was wow

"Um, your father isn’t home he had to work, that’s why he didn’t pick you up himself.”

“Like I care.” The look on her face made me feel bad but I had a plan and I was going to stick to it. I grabbed my bags and followed behind her, it only took her a moment to unlock the door. “If you give me a moment I’ll show you around the house.”

I sighed frustrated “That’s okay I only need to know where my room is.”

She looked a little disappointed. “it’s the third door on the right upstairs. If you change you mind just let me know.”

“Thanks.” It didn’t take long for me to find my room was perfect and I even had my own bathroom

Its like they’ve known me my whole life that thought made me laugh, because we all know that’s not the case. It only took me a little bet to put my things away and Valary was right I was starving. I picked my head out of my room before walking into the hall. When I got to the bottom of the stairs I could hear her voice coming from a room by the stairs and it sounded like she was crying. “I know Michelle I just thought it was going to be different.” I heard her sigh “Yes she looks just like him only a girl version of him and let me tell you she has his attitude too, she's just like him when he was her age.”

“The girl is beautiful I just wish we would have gotten off to a better start, I told Matt it was going to be hard on her if he did this but his stubborn ass just wouldn’t listen to me.” I took that as the time to make myself known I didn’t like her talking about me though I know is isn’t talking bad but I hate that she thinks I’m like my father. I turned into the room her voice was coming from that turned out to be the kitchen

“Hey uh Valary I would like to take you up on some food, if you don’t mind I mean.” She quickly turned around to face me and it showed that she was indeed crying, at that very moment I vowed to myself not to take my angry out about my father onto her.
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