The Father I Never Wanted is the Person I've Always Needed


I haven’t seen or heard from Matt since I told him about my birthday. Val said that he and the guys got called back into work and that he was going to meet us for dinner tonight for my birthday. It didn’t really bother me that he wasn’t here its nothing knew in my life.

“Sophia, why didn’t you tell us about your birthday?” All of the girls decided to come back to the house Val and wouldn’t let me go to my room because they said that I shouldn’t ‘be alone on my birthday.’

“It’s not important plus its not like it would have changed anything, Matt still would have had to work, your guys would have went shopping and I would have staid here.” I didn’t mention anything about my date tomorrow I was going to wait and talk to Val alone about that one, I didn’t want all the questions and the talking about it that I knew the girls would do.

“We wouldn’t have left you home alone, we would have made sure you would have come with us. You could have went shopping for you birthday presents.”

I smiled. “I’m seventeen that’s not really a big birthday so it really doesn’t matter.”

“Oh my god I just got the perfect idea.” Everyone turned to face Michelle.


“How about before we go to dinner we take her to get her hair and Nails done and buy her a cute outfit for dinner tonight?” All the girls gave their excited yes’s and practically pulled me into Val’s car. Within three hours my hair and nails were both done and they hand already bought the dress they wanted me to wear tonight but wouldn’t let me see until we got back to Michelle and Brian’s house because she I guess she had the best makeup of them all. I didn’t understand why everyone was getting dressed up for dinner.
“Sophia, stop fidgeting or you’re going to make me mess up on your makeup.” I sighed angry. “Just tell my why you’re doing all of this?”

“A girl should look good on her birthday don’t you think?”

“Maybe but it doesn’t have to be all out like your going I mean its just going to be us and the guys right?”

She nodded. “Right.” I glanced in the mirror to see all the girls standing in their outfits they look beautiful. “You girls look great.”

“Wait till you put your dress on, your going to out do us all.” the wasn’t even possible to me, they all looked wonderful in their dresses.

“Okay I’m done with your makeup girls blindfold her but don’t mess up her hair or makeup or ill have to kill you all.”

Valary laughed. “Yeah, right.” They put the blindfold on me just enough so I couldn’t see anything and started to undress me. “I don’t like this at all.”

“Don’t worry Hun, it’s only us girls in here you have nothing to worry about.” I still didn’t like it, I didn’t even let my grandma see me change and now I had these girls changing me.

“Oh my gad I didn’t know you had a tattoo !” Valary almost yelled.

I laughed nervously. “Uh, yeah I never told anyone about it, only my friends knew cause they were there when I got it.” I actually kind of forgot about it.

“Its really cute I bet it hurt.” I could feel them pulling the dress on me.

“Yeah it did but it was worth it I’d get another one if I wasn’t worried about my grandma.” I heard the girls laughing.

“Just like your father.” I fought back the words that were fighting to come out of my lips, I knew that I couldn’t deny that I was like my father on this one.

“Aright are you ready to see yourself?” I nodded eagerly. Michelle was the first person I seen when the blindfold was removed from my eyes. “Wow, you get ready fast.”

She laughed. “We’re not here to talk about me.” she turned me around so that I was facing the body length mirror on her wall. I stared at myself shocked, I really did look beautiful. “What do you think about the

“I love it.” I turned and hugged each one of the girls.

“Here are your shoes."

“Oh my god I love these.” Val slid them on my feet for me before standing up to face me.

“Sophia you look so beautiful.”I smiled pulling her into a hug. “Thanks Val.”

“Anytime, now we need to go we are already late we were supposed to be there at eight its eight thirty.” I was pushed out the door and over to Valary’s car but the other girls didn’t ride with us this time.

“Wow, their all in a rush.” I laughed lightly as Michelle speed down the road before we could even think about getting into the car.

“Yeah, their Michelle is weird.” I laughed getting in the car.

“So, what restraint are we going this time?”

“I’m not it’s a surprise, you’ll have to wait and see.”

“I hate surprises!”

She laughed rolling her eyes at me. “Well, that’s to bad cause your getting them.” I noted that she said them. It didn’t take long for us to get to a place called Bunny’s bar. I looked at her weirdly “Your bringing me to a bar? Yet I get yelled at for being drunk what the fuck?”

She didn’t comment just ushered me out of the car. “Come on, everyone’s waiting on you.”

“There are a lot of cars here.” she smiled nodding her head. I noticed that she got behind me when we got to the door, which I thought was strange. I stopped with my handle on the door noticing how dark it was inside.

“Come on go inside.” She pushed me lightly on the back. opening the door, I walked into a pich black bar I was worried that someone was going to come up and kill me or something but my thoughts went quiet when the lights flipped on.


I stared at all of the faces in-front of me. It was like a party for famous people or something, I glanced around the room seeing faces from my favorite bands and movie stars. Standing in the middle of all of them was Matt and the band. Valary placed her arm around my shoulder smiling. “He felt so bad about not knowing about your birthday that he took the hole day into putting this together for you but it wasn’t easy, he had a lot of help from your Grandparents.” I almost cried when I realized how much trouble he went threw to do this for me. I Couldn’t deny how much him doing this for me made me realize just how much he did care. I would have started crying right there if I wasn’t worried about Michelle yelling at me for messing up my makeup.

“Don’t just stand there.” She pushed me forward. “Go!”

I walked threw all of my favorite people thanking them as they all wished me a happy birthday but at the moment I only had one thing I needed to do.

Matt smile grew when I got to him and the guys and all the things I wanted to say disappeared from my head. so I did something I knew would say it all. I rapped my arms around him as tightly as I could and whispered the words I never thought I would ever be able to say to my dad. “I love you.” Matt’s grip on me tightened for just a moment until he pulled me at arms length. “I love you too sweetie.” Looking up into his eye’s I could see how happy he was. “You look so beautiful.”

I smiled “Thanks.”

“Hey I want some love over here to little missy.” I laughed as Jimmy held his arms out for me and from there I was passed around the whole group until I was in Matt’s arms once again. I’ve never seen him this happy before in my life and to tell the truth I’ve never been this happy either.

“Sophia, I want you to have fun tonight so i want you to go out there and in joy yourself I’ll find you later when it’s time for cake.” With that he pushed me into the crowed of my favorite famous people.

“Wow, when I found out the a7x was having a party for Matt’s daughter I never thought you would be this beautiful.” I knew that voice from anywhere, turning I seen the whole group of All Time Low standing behind me.

I smiled at Alex seeing as he was the one that spoke. “Uh, thanks. Never thought I’d have All Time Low at my party.”

“Your dad pulled a lot of strings for you tonight.”

“I noticed.”

“But we’re happy to be one of your favorite bands you’ll have to come hang out with us sometime.” He pulled out a piece of paper with his name and number on it. “This is my cell give me a call sometime.” I blushed thanking him.
I noticed Fall Out Boy, My Chemical Romance, panic at the disco and I almost laugh when I seen the jonas brothers stand by them looking uncomfortable I decided I would say hi to them but I stopped dead in my tacks when I seen the whole cast of Twilight standing in the middle of a bunch of people. That was my favorite movie EVER but I like the books more. Robert noticed me staring and smiled. He pulled away from the group to walk over to me. “Hello, Sophia you father has told us a lot about you, seems you’re a really big fan of twilight.”

I nodded suddenly losing my voice, the case seem to fallow him over to me. Taylor smiled at me “Happy birthday.”

“Thanks all of you for coming.” I blushed when Taylor put his arm around me. “I got to ask team Edward or team Jacob.”

I laughed “Sorry but I’m team Edward all the way.” The group laughed at Taylor face. I smiled when I seen Matt looking at me. This was going to be the best birthday of my life.
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HAHA had to put twilight in there. I watched Eclipse last night and freakin loved it. lol