The Father I Never Wanted is the Person I've Always Needed


“Come on Sophia you know you wanna sing with me.” I laughed at Valary’s face, Matt though since he was inviting a lot of bands here tonight that we should all do karaoke, Val has been trying to get me to go up there all night but I really didn’t like to sing in front of anyone. “Please, please PLEASE

I sighed “Ugh fine, just know that I’m going to hate every minute of it.” she giggled pulling my arms threw the crowd of people until we were on the stage. All eyes turned to us. “Its time for the birthday girl to sing with her favorite person ever.” I smiled at Val she was close. She turned to me “What do you want to sing?”

I smiled “how about You found me by the fray?”

“I like that song, sounds good to me.” I smiled glancing at all the faces that were staring at us. I noticed that Matt and the guys were standing right in-front of the stage, with the girls by their sides.

When the music started I stood by the second mic Val winked at she began to sing the first part of the song

I found god
On the corner of first and Amistad
Where the west was all but won
All alone, smoking his last cigarette
I Said where you been, he said ask anything
Where were you?
When everything was falling apart
All my days were spent by the telephone
It never rang
And all I needed was a call
That never came
To the corner of first and Amistad

I smiled when she pushed my arm, I was shocked at how clear my voice came out.

Lost and insecure
You found me, you found me
Lying on the floor
Surrounded, surrounded
Why’d you have to wait?
Where were you? Where were you?
Just a little late
You found me, you found me

Valary stepped back away from her mic I glared at her she smiled mouthing ‘you can do it’ I took a deep breath

In the end everyone ends up alone
Losing her, the only one who’s ever known
Who I am, who I’m not, who I want to be
No way to know how long she will be next to me

I didn’t dare look at anyone in the crowd my eyes stayed on the stage in-front of me. Val joined in again on the course

Lost and insecure
You found me, you found me
Lying on the floor
Surrounded, surrounded
Why’d you have to wait?
Where were you, where were you?
Just a little late
You found me, you found me

Early morning, City breaks
I’ve been calling for years and years and years and years
And you never left me no messages
You never send me no letters
You got some kind of nerve, taking all I want

Lost and insecure
You found me, you found me
Lying on the floor
Where were you where were you

Lost and insecure
You found me, you found me
Lying on the floor
Surrounded, surrounded
Why’d you have to wait?
Where were you, where were you?
Just a little late
You found me, you found me

I glance up for that last few words, my eyes locked with Matt’s this had always been the song that reminded me of the father that left me but back then I never thought he would really want to find me but he did and I was extremely happy about that.

Why’d you have to wait?
To find me, to find me

Valary pulled me into her arms as soon as the song was over. “You have such a beautiful voice. Just like you father.” I smiled squeezing her tightly. “Thanks.” I could hear the screams and the clapping going on around us. I pulled away from Val only to be pulled into a bone crushing hug and when my feet came off the ground I already knew the man behind the hug. “Damn girl you have a voice of an angel.”

I laughed a breathless laugh “I can’t breath Jimmy.” Only a few seconds later I was on my feet again. “And thank you.”

Michelle and the girls where next with the hugs, Brian, Johnny, and Jimmy weren’t far behind them. I Laughed when heard Jimmy talking about me how I was going to be famous one day and if they didn’t show me to the world someone else would and get all the credit.

I hadn’t noticed that Matt was standing right behind me until he spoke. “You were so good up there sweetie, though I had no doubt in my mind.” He smiled “I mean come on look at who your father is.” I laughed and hugged him. He looked shocked. “Wow, two hugs in one night.” I smiled not pulling away, I finally got the father that I never wanted but some how he turned into the person I’ve always needed and nothing in the world was going to take that away from me now. “Thank you so much for tonight, it was the best birthday party in my life.”

He smiled down at me “Yeah we sure do know how to throw a party huh?”

I nodded. “Yeah the party’s good but that’s not the best part. your here for the first time in my life, I’ve been waiting for this moment my whole life.” I was lightly angry when I was pulled away from Matt and over someone shoulder “ITS TIME FOR CAKE!” I giggled as Jimmy ran around the room. I glance up at Matt to see him staring at me his eyes were full of tears but he was quickly being pulled by the rest of the guys. “Put me down Jim-bo.”

“No can do little missy I got orders and your not aloud to see the cake until its all the way ready.” I sighed and let him run around with me watching as everyone laughed as we passed by. I waved when I seen Alex staring at me I was still shocked that he was at my party AND gave me his number. He waved back winking at me, I knew my face turned pink but jimmy had me out of there before he noticed, I hope.

Jimmy Finally came to a stop and I was on my feet again I turned around to be faced with the rest of the guys, dad put his arm around my shoulder “Happy birthday.” The cake beautiful. My faced burned when everyone in the room started to sing happy birthday. I knew my face was blood red. I blew out the candles and claps where heard all around the room. I stared at the cake for a minute it was perfect I just didn’t know how they got this done in one day. “What do you think?” Valary stood on the other side of Matt, the smile on her face could be seen anywhere. “I love it but its not enough for all these people.”

She laughed “We got more.” Should have known.

“Let’s eat cake!” I laughed as everyone in the room screamed, Michelle and the girls were on the other side of the room now handing out cake. Matt was still stand at my side when I glanced up to talk to him I was shocked to see that he was already staring at me with that same look on his face as before. “What’s wrong?”

He laughed lightly. “Nothings wrong, I’m just so glad that you’re here with me.”

Val cut between us handing me a plate with a piece of cake on it. “You get the first peace, cause its your birthday so go sit down and eat we’ll be over their in a minute.” I nodded and walked over to the empty table that she pointed at.

“Don’t you look beautiful tonight?” I turned around slightly and almost screamed with happiness. “Dylan? What are you doing here?” I jumped up and hugged him.

“Valary, is that her name? anyways she called me about an hour ago and told me about you party she seen that my number was from here and thought that you would want me here.”

I smiled. “I’m glad you came. Here set down you can share my cake with me.” he pulled his chair closer to mine I grabbed two forks from in the middle of the table and handed one to him.

“I didn’t know you knew all these famous people.” I laughed at his face.

“I don’t my dad does.” I moaned when I took the first bight of my cake the chocolate was so good. Dylan laughed. “Didn’t think I’d here that come out of your mouth until at least the third date.” I blushed smacking his arm.

“Shut up.” he laughed. It was defiantly the best birthday ever now. Dylan and I sat there and talked for what seemed like forever until the group came over. I wanted to laugh at the look the guys were giving him or should I say the arm that was wrapped around my chair. Dylan didn’t even notice, he was staring at me. Valary smiled “So it was a good idea to call him then?”

I nodded. “It was a great idea.” I glared at the guys “Stop that.” Dylan turned away from me and froze the guys where still staring at him like they wanted to kill him. Dylan slowly started to move his hand from around me but I grabbed it. “Dylan this is Brian and his girlfriend Michelle, Jimmy and his girlfriend Leana, Johnny and his girlfriend Lacey, Zacky and his girlfriend Gena, and last Matt my dad and is girlfriend Valary. Guys this is my friend Dylan.” The girls all waved hi and smiled the guys just kept glaring. I was shocked when Matt smiled and put his hand out for Dylan to take I stared at him curiously I didn’t know if he was trying to pull something or not.

“Don’t worry bout them their just protective of my daughter.” Dylan took his hand and smiled slightly.

“Yeah, its cool I understand, she’s something special.” I felt the blush on my cheeks and I heard the girls giggles.

“Yeah she sure is.” I laughed when all the glares turned to Matt. “Guys really lighten up this is my birthday party stop glaring at my favorite men.” I winked at Dylan causing him to laugh.

The rest of the night went perfect I mostly hung out with my family, when I first came here I never thought I would think of them as my family but within a couple weeks they have changed my whole life and their isn’t a thing I can do about it though I really don’t want to. I noticed Alex staring at me and Dylan a few time and every time he seen me looking he would smile and wink at me. “You family’s going to hate me even more when they find out I’m taking you out tomorrow night.”

I giggled rapping my arms around his shoulders tighter, it was a slow song and everyone was dancing. “Their just have to get over it.”

I felt him tighten his around my waist pulling me closer to him. “I think even your dad is going to hate me then I don’t know, they might kill me over you.”

I smiled “They wouldn’t dare, they wouldn’t come out of that alive themselves. I’d kill them all.”

“Well that’s hope that’s true because I don’t think I could take all five of them…” I laughed shacking my head at him. “I don’t think you could either.” Dylan smiled and kissed the top of my head making my heart skip a beat.

“I can’t wait for tomorrow night.” I felt him running his hands up and down by back. “I have it all planned out for us already.”

“Really, What do you got plan out?” He picked me up in his arms spinning me around, I giggled. “I cant tell you that. It’s a surprise.”

I rolled my eyes still laughing. “Of course it is.” I glanced behind Dylan to see Matt standing there he smiled “Do you think I could cut in?”

Dylan nodded smiling at me. “I have to head home I told my mom I wouldn’t be gone long.”

“Okay I’ll see you tomorrow then.” I hugged him tightly for a second before pulling. He waved before disappearing into the crowd. “He seems like I nice boy.. though I do think he was dancing just a little to close to you.”

I laughed “You’re my dad of course your going to think that.” Matt laughed with me. “Yeah I guess that’s true, so are you having fun tonight?”

I stared at me “Hell yeah.” He shook his head laughing. “I’m glad you. we have come along way since you come here and I’m so happy that I can finally call my self your dad.”

I hugged him. “Me to dad.”
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SORRY its been so long i haven't had time to update