The Father I Never Wanted is the Person I've Always Needed

broken plans are the start of something new.

I woke up with the feeling that I was floating. the night before just kept playing over and over again Matt had to bring me home and carry me to my room i guess i feel asleep on the floor after a couple hours of dancing with the girls and the guys it was so much fun.

I haven't talked to Dylan all day, i've tried to text him about tonight but its been three hours and still i haven't got an answer. Very time Valary walked by me she would give me a sad look and say 'don't worry Sophia I'm sure he's just held up and can't text you back just give him a little more time and then call him."

Then at seven thirty i did call him and it rang once and went to voicemail. the anger that i felt couldn't be explained.

I was sitting outside in my dress with my hair already done from the girls earilier they thought it would be nice to have a girls day for my first date here. I could feel their eyes on me everytime they walked past the door till finally someone came out i didn't even bother to look back.

"Sophia, may i ask you on a date?" I glance up to see Brian standing beside me with flowers in his hands."

I couldn't help but to laugh. "I don't think that would be good because for one you've got a girlfriend and for two... well i guess i don't have a two."

"Michelle had to go out of town about an hour ago for work she'll be gone for about a month." he winked at me making me smile.

"You guys really don't have to worry about me this isn't the first time that a guy has stood me up and let me tell you even i know its not going to be my last."

He looked kind of angry pulling me up so that i was standing right in front of him. "If I have anything to do with it I can promise that this will be your last time."

He placed the flowers into my hand "Now go get your shoes on i got a dinner and a movie set up for you and me. and i told your dad and Val that you was just going to crash at my place because we was going to be late and they need a little alone time."

"Eww you could have just stopped with staying at your house i don't need to know that shit grows."

When i walked inside everyone was standing around the door. Val and Matt were both blushing while everyone else was laughing at them.

"You guys have turned into the parents now hahahaha."

I laughed "No shit stupid, i am their kid duh." Matt and Val stared at me with a kind of shocked look on their faces.


Val smiled at me "You said their kid."

i rolled my eyes "Come on Val you know your like a mother to me." She pulled me into a hug that almost made me stop breathing.

"I know but you've never said it like that before."

I pulled away from her rolling my eyes "Your a dork." i put on the black wheels that Val picked out for me turned to find Matt standing behind me.

"I just want you to know that you look so beautiful tonight, and to tell you that this Dylan kid is done. No one does this to my little girl and gets away with it."

"Thanks, but you don't have to worry about me i can take care of it on my own. I hope you and Val have fun while I'm away." i laughed at the look on his face and ran into Brian' s open arms that were waiting for me by the door.

"You ready to go baby?" I smiled nodding my head. i knew there was a reason i liked Brian he was so sweet and yes very cute. i was happy to be on a pretend date with him. He took my mind right off of Dylan the whole dinner he had me laughing.

"Really i have never seen your dad fall like that before but when she came into the room he lost his footing and feel right at her feet." Brian had his arm rapped around me because i forgot my jacket and he didn't have one and i was freezing.

"Wow, i knew you was a boyfriend stilling whore but i didn't think you liked them that old, i knew that your was nothing but a slut." i turned around to see Dylan's ex-girlfriend she was standing alone at the front of the movies waiting for someone.

Brain looked down at me with a wtf look on his face. i walked out from under his arm and closer to her. "Bitch i thought the black eye i gave you the last time we chatted would make your think better then to think to ever talk to me again must i show you again?"

"Well i figured since Dylan was my date tonight and not your that might change the way you look at me." the smirk on her face made me take another step closer to her.

"Hey i found your bag it was- Sophia?" Dylan stood a few feet away from us with a look of shock on his face. "what are you doing here?"

"How the fuck are you going to do this to her-" i put my hand up to shut Brian up i didn't need him.

"I could ask you the same thing don't you think? i thought we had plans tonight but you ignore me all day then i find you out with the walking STD? you know what fuck you i don't really care." i turned around to walking into Brian's arms. I could hear him yelling for me but i pulled Brian's back to the car.

"Care if we just watch a movie at your house?"

Brian didn't speek he just shook his head. the drive home was very quiet until finally he spoke. "You don't act your age at all. You seem so much older. Any normal teenager would have been sitting there fighting and you just walked away. even i couldn't do that."

"No one is worth me being hurt over i've learned that the hard way . I liked Dylan he was nice but i wasn't in love with him so its not like we was really dating anyways i don't like the drama i'm not going to fight over a guy with a slutty girl come on now."

Brian just smiled at me "Your to beautiful for him anyways."

"Thanks, that means a lot to me." i smiled at Brian i've never seen him this way before but he was really a sweet guy and super cute....
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COMMENT! sorry for so long.