The Father I Never Wanted is the Person I've Always Needed

just another day.

I woke up with Brian's arms around me I didn't want to open my eyes for the fear that he might already be awake. Last night was though in the end we decided to not go any feather then making out on his bed it was still going to be strange.

I was happy that we didn't go through with it i don't think i would have been able to go home to day to face my father or Val if we had. I felt wrong for doing anything because of Michelle and of course of obvious reason but at the same time it felt right.

Brian's phone started to ring and i was glad then that i hadn't moved. I felt his arms unfold from around me and his weight lift of the bed.

"What michelle i'm not in the mood to fight with you this morning." his voice faded from the room. i could still hear him in the hall.

"No your the one that fuck up not me, i'm not going to feel bad anymore." He sounded angry.

"Yes last night did change things between us.......We'll talk about it when you get back goodbye.... yeah i love you too."

Hearing him tell her he loved her made things from me even more worse. Was he just using me for a little fun while she was away? Though i was the one the kept it going, i knew now that might have been very stupid of me.

His arms where around me again as if he hadn't ever moved. He kissed my check as he pulled me to him. i turned my body and cuddled into him, still acting like i was asleep. i thought that maybe he would go back to sleep but to my surprise he kissed my lips so soft that i almost didn't feel it. "Sophia." i didn't move, i didn't want for him to know that i was awake. but the second time i slowly opened my eyes to find his face only inches from mine.

"Its already twelve thirty." He kissed me again this time with more force.

"Brian." i said pulling away. i sat up and looked down at him. "What are we going to do? i mean its clear that no one can know about this but.."

"We will just have to see how everything plays out. I did not plan for any of this to happen when i got you last night i thought we was just going to watch a movie have some laughs and go to bed i didn't ever think any of this would have happened."

"I didn't either but it did and there's nothing we can do about it." i stood up without looking at him and went down stairs i really hated the having to put that dress on again but its the only thing i had and i couldn't go home like this.

Once i was changed i got my phone to find that i had thirty six missed calls and seventeen voicemails all from the same person. Dylan.

I sighed and started to play them,

'Sophia please it wasn't what it looked like. I know we had plans and i didn't mean to hurt you but i had to go with her if you would just answer me.'

"Damn it Soph i really need to talk to you don't be like this to me please call me back.'

i hung up after the fourth one, they all sounded the same just begging me to believe that nothing happened and he didn't want to hurt me well its to late for that and what happened last night changed everything.

"Who was that?" Brian come down dressed in a black beater and shirts i couldn't keep my eyes off of him and he noticed. "Like what you see?"

i rolled my eyes ignoring his last comment. "It was Dylan he left me like fifteen voicemails last night." His eyes went from playful to angry.

"Did you call him back?"

"No i didn't. I don't forgive people easy and he isn't any different from anyone else."

"Good, are you ready to go?" He had his keys in his hands holding them up for me.

"Yep got all my things." I started for the door but he pulled me to him. His lips were on mine and it was like last night all over again. some how i had got him onto the couch and i was sitting on him, his hands where up my dress holding tightly to my ass. "Damn it Sophia we're going to be late and your father is going to be pissed." i ran my hand up his shirt, while sucking on his neck. "Baby we really got to go." i sighed pulling away.

"Fine." i kissed him one last time before standing up. He kissed my check before heading for the door he held it open but i stopped mid step trying very hard not to laugh. "What?"

"Um all i can say is I'm sorry." i giggled as i walked to the car, i hope Johnny wont notice that wasn't there last night because if he does we're both dead. Brian had a big hicky on the side of his neck and from the look on his face he had seen it in the mirror.

I stared out the window as not to laugh at him. "I can not believe you did that, no one that i have ever dated has ever given me a hicky and here you come and put the biggest one you could on my neck. How am i going to explain this to the guys?" he glance at me. "Are you laughing at me?"

"I'm sorry but I didn't mean to do it." i leaned over and kissed his check it was going to be the last contact we was going to have like that as for as i knew

"I'll think of something." He winked at me. It didn't take long for us to be at my house and i was happy to find that my fathers car wasn't in the driveway. "I'm just dropping you off I'm Meeting the rest of the guys to talk about the tour." He glanced around before kissing my check. "I'll text you later okay."

i nodded shutting the car door behind me. Val was standing in the door way when I got onto the porch. "How was your night? did you and Brian have fun?"

"Yeah we had a blast. i'm going to take a shower I'll be in my room."


"Sophia come down here we want to talk to you." Matt's voice come from down stairs part of me thought that they might have found out about me and Brian's 'fun' last night but the other part prayed that they didn't.

"Whats up pops?" Matt stared at me strangely for a moment before shacking his head. Val just laughed.

"we need to talk to you about something very important." Val pulled me beside her on the couch.

"Okay so the bad is going on tour next month and we didn't know what to do about school and stuff val said she would stay home with you..."

"No i wanna come to." Matt smiled

"I was hoping you would say that so what do you think about home schooling you? Val said she could do it while we;re on the bus and you get to see us do our shows at night?"

"I love it, i think its going to be awesome. maybe i should start packing.:

they both laughed. "Brian said you guys had fun last night, he said whenever you wanted to come over you could to get out of the house. I'm glad you like the guys they really love you already." i smiled hoping that i could get just one of them to love me.

Matt went off to do whatever it is that guys do and Val staid sitting beside me "Tell me about the movies your father said that Dylan was there with another girl?'

Damn Brian and his big mouth. "Yeah i really don't care though i mean if he's going to do that to me on our first date i really don't want to try for the second."

Val laughed pulling me into a hug. "Don't worry their will be other guys that come along."

"Oh i know."