The Father I Never Wanted is the Person I've Always Needed

welcome to the new world.

"I'm going to take a shower." Brian kissed my head before leaving the room. once i heard the shower on I began to look around his room. He had so much stuff that it wasn't even funny. I noticed a box sticking out from under the bed i pulled it out and opened it there was invelopes inside all with his name but it didn't say who they were from. i opened the one on top.

She's beautiful isn't she now its time for you to get into her heart. remember i'm always watching. don't forget that.

I was confused so i opened a few more.

Matt did just as i told him to now its your turn. take her and break her or the next thing that comes out will be bitter sweet.

Sophia has something i want and your going to get it or your little secrets going to get out

I couldn't believe what i was reading i was confused and angry there were some telling him to wait for the call for something there was things in here about all of them. i heard the shower turn off and i quickly pushed the box under the bed but took some of them with me.

I quickly ran out of the house i knew it wouldn't take me long to get home if i ran the whole way i needed to find what Matt was hiding from me.

I heard Brian's foot steps and i tried not to let the door slam behind me as i left but it did. I ran as fast as i could but some how Matt's car was still in the drive way before i got him.

Him and Val were both standing in the living room they hadn't heard me come in. "She needs to know whats going on its time."

"What do you want me to say. I'm sorry Sophia the only reason i brought you here was because someone found out i had a daughter and was going to us that against me to end the band, oh and i forgot to tell you that the whole time you've been here has just been to save my own ass. If she finds out what happened the night she was brought here was because they said they was going to kill my wife and her unborn baby." I felt the tears in my eyes it was all a lie all because someone wanted to play with my father they had to being me into this.

"Val if she finds out its going to make it heard for me to do what i have to do. I have to let this all fall into place or that fucker is going to do something stupid and hurt the people i love most and i can't let that happen. This person wants her here for a reason."

"She is a seventeen year old girl, she is your daughter and you going to let this fucker mess with her life. they already took her grandparents out of her life, she will never seen them again. do you really think that it was an accident the cop said it seemed weird how it happened. and your still doing what they say."

Matt sighed. "If they want me to fuck up her life then thats what i'm going to have to do to make you safe again. I threw the party like they said i paid the guy to fuck with her and now i'm letting Brian do whatever he has to do to keep this band together."

I step out into the living room Valary's eyes grew big. "Fuck you, fuck you both."

Matt didn't say anything he just stared at me with a blank look in his eyes. "How could you do this to me use me like this i'm you daughter." I felt the tears fall. "I'm you fucking daughter but you will let someone fuck with my life to keep you other child safe? go to hell."

I turned and ran as fast as i could out of the house i hid in the bushes when i seen Brian's car pull into the driveway i knew he couldn't see me and when Matt and Val ran outside i knew they coudln't either. "How the fuck did she find out?"

"I don't know but if we don't find her, something bad is going to happen." he pulled out his phone "I got a text on my way here it said 'couldn't keep the secret in the bag now she's dead."

I didn't know what i was going to do today everything was perfect and now i find out that everything in the last few weeks have been a lie.

"She's only seventeen we need to find her and go to the cops."

Matt was angry now. "We can't go to the cops or we're all going to fucking prison what don't you get you helped us too." Val's eyes filled with tears and her hand went to her stomach. her Blond hair feel in-front of her face.

"We still need to find her Matt, she had become my daughter too the last month and we can't just let her go like this. What if they find her? what if they hurt her?" her voice was filled with panic.

"Don't worry baby will get her back. i promise. Me and Brian will go looking for her you stay here and call us if you hear anything from her which i know isn't likely.

Brian's head was down when Matt got over to him. "She think i used her i know it and I know it was like that but things changed and it wasn't like that anymore."

I wanted to scream liar at him but i didn't i kept myself hidden. i didn't care at this point what happened to me i wasn't going to be found not by them i hated them with as much hatred as i could feel.

I watched them get in the car and pull away. Val stood on the stairs crying. I knew it wasn't best for me to do but i had to let her know that i wasn't angry with her as much she was doing what she had to for her child i was Matt's child.

I stood slowly and walked over to her she had her head in her knee's "Its not good for the baby if your upset." Her head shot up and she pulled me into a hug. "I need to call you Dad"

"If you call Matt i will run. I only come out to tell you not to worry about me i'm going to go somewhere no one will ever find me but first i had to tell you that you were the best mom i could have asked for here and i don't want you to hate yourself its not your fault its theirs and i hate them both for it."

Val started to cry again i kissed her head "Goodbye Val i wish you better luck with you baby then my mother had with me, and please don't tell them what way i run i don't want to be found not by any of them." and with that i was off running as fast as i could, i knew i had no where to go but i did have three hundred dollars i could buy a ticket and go to the place i have never wanted to go in my life but at this moment i had only one person that could help me stay lost.

It didn't take me long to get someone to give me a ride to the airport, i told the older women that my father beat me and that i need to go find my grandmother and she took me strait there. I bought a one way ticket and had one hundred dollars left. The plan would be taking off in one hour and i was worried that they might find me here. That hour passed by very slow and i was the first person in line when they called my plane i glanced back at the life i knew what going to end tragic and i turned to my life of running.



"Mom you need to get up you have to be at the bar in an hour and i have to leave now." She ground knocking over all the bottles sitting by her bed.

"Alright i'm up just go." She turned right back over, i just sighed. Walking out of the door locking it behind me. IT has been one month since i've talked to anyone there and it hasn't been the best month. my mother didn't even know who i was when i knocked on her door step but she let me in with open arms anyways. My feels for her hadn't changed at all they've just got worse but until i could go on my own i was stuck here. I got a job at the library down the road they work me enough to keep me away i don't get a lot of money but my mother thinks i'm just going to help out without pay so i've been saving up all my money so that i can move out as soon as possible.

When i first got here my mother got a strange call and they said that it was an officer but i knew it wasn't it was Matt my mom lied of course say that she hadn't spoke to me in over a year and went off on him for even calling.

"Sophia its good to see you! How are thing at home?" I sighed Mrs. Waugh was a nice women but she was into people stuff way to much.

"Things are great at home."

"Didn't you say that you wanted to move out?" I hadn't said that to her. "The only reason is i know someone with an appartment for rent and I told them that you where a good kid and that you had been having some trouble in your life and you wanted to get away from home as soon as you could. She said it would be okay with her."

I smiled for the first time in a month i smiled a real smile. "How much is rent."

"She said that everything was included and it would be six hundred dollars a month but she wouldn't kick you out for being late."

"When can i move in?"

She smiled "Now, i figured you would jump on the chance to get on it. go home and get your things and then go to this address you can us my car. all have Ran being be there after work to get it."


I had everything in the back of the car. Finally i got a break from this hell of a life. I had been sitting outside of the appartment building for about fifteen minutes i didn't know why i was so scared to go inside but i was.

i sucked it up and got out walking up to the door. i knocked twice and stepped back. The women that answered was very beautiful she had Very light blond hair, she kind of reminded me of Val i had to take a second look.

"Hello you must be Sophia."

I nodded. "Yes thats me."

"Well come in side, i left everything here there is a couch t.v. fig everything you need will be here. Mrs. waugh talks very highly of you."

I smiled. "So its okay for me to move in tonight?"

"Yes the sooner the better." she walked over too the door. "I'm in the one to your left so if you ever need anything or need someone to talk to i'm always a knock away."

"Thank you so much." The living room was bigger than i that it would be. It had to chocolate brown couch's facing each other with a t.v. on the wall it was a light brown color on the walls. Off of the living room was the kitchen it was nice side with a table set for two. the bathroom was the first door down the hall it was nice it only had a glass shower but i could live with that. the first bedroom was cute it had a bed and a side table in it it was a light blue.

The last door was another bedroom much bigger with A huge bed and a t.v. on the wall there was a desk and it was a dark brown color i couldn't understand how someone could just let some one live here and pay very little on it. plus i didn't have to pay for anything else but that.

I went outside and grabbed my things from the car. i was happy to see that my life was finally going up again.
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