The Father I Never Wanted is the Person I've Always Needed

Good job genious

“Hey Michelle let me call you later.” She smiled at me after hanging up her phone and placing it on the counter. “Oh I don’t mind what would you like?” she quickly wiped her eyes before walking over to the fig.

I sat down on one of the stools “I really don’t care I’m just starved.”

“How about a grilled cheese sandwich?”

“That sounds really good.” I smiled at her trying to make things between us less awkward. I watched her as she got everything ready and started cooking. Without those bug glasses she is really pretty, her hazel eyes were different then mine but still beautiful. “You know Valary you are really pretty, though I think you should really throw away those glasses you had on early.”

“Thanks.” She laughed handing me my plate. “Would you like some chips?”

I shook my head taking a bight out of my sandwich. “Thank you. But I really don’t eat that much.”

She smiled “I can see that, that’s one thing you don’t get from your father.” I noticed she use the word father this time and not dad. She must have noticed my uncomfortable change in the conversation because her smile went away.

“You know he’s really not that bad of a guy. He was young when he was with your mother.”

“Please I really don’t want to be the bitch kid but I really don’t like to talk about either of them.”

She nodded her head and turned her back to me. “Well your dad uh, I mean father should be getting here shortly. I took that as my time to head back up to my room. I placed my plated in the sink and started for my room but stopped in the doorway I didn’t turn around when I spoke. “Hey Valary I’m truly sorry for making you cry its not your fault my fathers a dick.” I didn’t give her a chance to reply I bolted up the stares and into my room, shutting the door behind me. I had a feeling that I wasn’t going to be able to hide from him for long but I really don’t want to see him. I decided to take a shower and was happy to see that I had everything I needed already so I wouldn’t have to leave hell if I got a mini frig in here I wouldn’t have to leave at all. The shower helped my nerves a little, I changed into my black shorts and a greed tank and sat down on by bed to brush my hair.

I jumped when I heard a knock on my door, But didn’t move. “Hey Sophia can I come in?” I sighed at the sound of Valary’s voice

“Sure.” She opened the door and smiled “So do you like your room?”

I nodded looking around “Yeah I could live in here and never leave.” she frowned at the sound of that.

“Well do you have a dress you could where?”

I laughed at that. “I don’t have any dresses grandma didn’t like the ones I did and I didn’t like the ones she did.” I shivered at the thought of those long flowered dresses

“Well I might have something that will fit you.” She disappeared and then returned with a pink dress

“Try this on for me will you?”

I stared at her for a long minute “Why?”

She smiled nervously “Well we are going to meet your father and the rest of the group at the restraint.”

“I’m not hungry.” I knew what he was trying to do, and I wasn’t going to have it.

“Please Sophia just don’t make this hard your father is trying hard to do what he thinks is right and I’m stuck in the middle of this so if I got to get down on my knees and beg you to come with me then I will.” I raised my eyebrows at her little rampage.

“Fine I’ll go but I’m telling you this now, its not going to be pleasant.”

After we were both dressed and ready to go Valary led me to her car “Now I know that this is going to be very awkward its going to be like that for all of us even your- well Matt”

I snorted “Right.” We didn’t talk anymore after that and the ride to the restraint was a lot shorter then I would have liked. Valary practically had to pull me out of the car. “Come on everyone’s inside waiting for us.”

I crossed my arms and stopped at the door. “I don’t want to go in there I don’t want to meet anyone especially that lowlife piece of shit.”

Valary sighed in frustration. “If you don’t go in there I’m just going to call one of them and have them help me drag your little stubborn ass in there.”

I glared at her “Fine after you. And just so you know I don’t like you anymore.” I seen the look of hurt cross her face but she didn’t say anything she led me inside I watched her look around until her eyes landed on something or should I say someone. I saw the way her eyes light up. She grabbed a hold of my hand and pulled me across the room until I was standing in-front of a table with nine pears of eyes staring at me until finally one of them said “Holly fucking shit matt she looks just fucking like you.”

I rolled my eyes and glared at Johnny yeah I knew who they were I’ve listened to their music I wanted to know who my dad was and boy was I shocked when I looked up his name. “Good job genius.”

Everyone at the table laughed but Johnny who slightly glared back at me. I could feel his eyes one me but I didn’t look at him I sat in the empty seat between Brian and Zackystaring glared at the table.

“Well I hope you didn’t give Valary to much trouble today.” his voice come from a cross the table I took a deep breath before looking up at him he was sitting with his arm around Valary who was staring at me worriedly

“I realized she cant help who she love though I think something wrong with her head.” he didn’t seem affected by my comment. He just ignored me and kept talking like I didn’t speck at all which really pissed me off.

“I would have picked you up myself but I had to work but I hope you got settled in okay, I was hoping you and Val would get to know each other a little bit.”

“Yeah I know more about her then I do you and my mother put together isn’t that funny?” I laughed humorless not taking my eyes off of him I could feel everyone staring at me but I couldn’t help it I had something I wanted to say and I was going to say it. “Here’s the deal Matt you think that after sixteen years of not giving one fuck about me that your suddenly going to come into my life and think that I’m just going to be okay with that? well your wrong. You don’t know what it was like to be me to know that your parents couldn’t have cared less about you and don’t even try and tell me you did. You don’t know how many birthdays I set waiting for you until on my tenth birthday I gave up on that.” I stood from my set. “I gave up on you along time ago you’re a little late to play daddy.” I turned and strolled out of the restraint and out into the night. I pulled the cigarettes from my bag a popped it into my mouth lighting it. I inhaled deeply and sighed.

“Don’t you think you’re a little young to smoke?”
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